Supreme Martial God Technique

Chapter 83 Body of the Holy Spirit

"Brother Wu Yun, what happened to you?"

Bai Ling was shocked when she saw Wu Yun suddenly faint. Fortunately, although she did not have the exquisite medical skills of her grandfather, she had learned a lot.

After checking, she was shocked to find that Wu Yun's internal organs had shifted again and cracks appeared.

Although it was not as serious as last time, it was not light.

Using all her strength, she carried Wu Yun out of the inn. This place had been destroyed beyond recognition by the Thunder Inducing Art and could not stay there any longer.

She changed to another inn and waited for two days.

She tried all kinds of ways and boiled a lot of soups and medicines, but it didn't work at all. Wu Yun was still in a coma.

Bai Ling regretted that she did not inherit her grandfather's peerless medical skills.

"If my grandfather was here, he would definitely be able to cure Brother Wu Yun."

After waiting for another day, Wu Yun's face became more and more pale, and Bai Ling was very worried.

She absolutely could not watch Wu Yun die like this, so she gritted her teeth and made the final decision.

She took out a dagger, cut her wrist, and blood immediately flowed out.

Strangely, Bai Ling's blood was filled with a fragrant aroma.

Dropping the blood into Wu Yun's mouth, strangely enough, Bai Ling's blood fell on Wu Yun's lips, but it didn't leave any trace, and miraculously disappeared into Wu Yun's body.

At the same time, Wu Yun's complexion gradually improved, and his pale face gradually turned rosy.

But Bai Ling became weaker and weaker, and finally couldn't hold on, and her eyes went black and she passed out.

A few hours later, Wu Yun slowly opened his eyes, and the Supreme Martial God Technique in his body was slowly running on its own, and the displaced and ruptured internal organs in his body were miraculously healed again.

"Bai Ling, what's wrong with you?"

After waking up, Wu Yun saw Bai Ling fainted beside the bed at first sight.

Regardless of the slight pain in his body, he got up and helped Bai Ling up.

After checking, he found that Bai Ling was extremely weak and had a weak breath. Looking at her wrist, he found that there was a crack on it, and a fresh fragrance came to his nose.

Although Wu Yun was puzzled, he didn't have time to look closely. He quickly helped Bai Ling onto the bed, and then used his newly recovered spiritual energy to transfer it into Bai Ling's body.

After a stick of incense, Bai Ling finally woke up weakly. Seeing that Wu Yun was transferring spiritual energy to heal her, she quickly pushed Wu Yun away and said, "No, you just recovered, don't worry about me."

Seeing Bai Ling wake up, Wu Yun stopped, but he was fine. Except for being unable to repair the broken internal organs, the Supreme Martial God Technique could solve any problem.

"You saved me? What's going on?"

Wu Yun looked at the scar on Bai Ling's wrist and asked.

Bai Ling subconsciously hid her wrist behind her and said, "Brother Wu Yun, you should heal first, and other things will be discussed after you recover."

Wu Yun was full of doubts, but he nodded.

The most urgent task is to restore the cultivation first.

Take out the Fiery Flame Grass from the storage ring. Although the Fiery Flame Grass is not a healing medicine, it is an immortal medicine after all, and the spiritual energy refined from it has some healing effect.

Swallowing the Fiery Flame Grass into the stomach, a hot medicinal effect instantly melted.

The real fire of the main body felt the hot medicinal power at the first time and began to swallow it voraciously.

After a day and a night, the powerful medicinal effect of the Fiery Flame Grass was completely swallowed by the real fire of the main body, and the remaining part of the medicinal effect was refined into spiritual energy by the Supreme Martial God Technique to heal the wounds of the five internal organs, and the excess part sank into the dantian.

Wu Yun was surprised to find that after swallowing the Fiery Flame Grass, the real fire of the main body had more than doubled in size, and the deep purple color was brighter, and the temperature increased several times.

Although it has not reached the power of forming an elixir, Wu Yun is very satisfied with this result.

The injuries in the body have all recovered, and the cultivation has also returned to its peak state.

Opening his eyes, he saw Bai Ling resting on the side, and the wound on her wrist had gradually healed.

Although he was full of doubts, he couldn't bear to disturb Bai Ling's rest. Seeing Bai Ling's pale face, Wu Yun felt very distressed.

He entered into meditation and practiced until late at night, but he didn't hear Bai Ling waking up.

He couldn't help feeling confused. Looking back, he was shocked to find that Bai Ling was nowhere to be found.

"Bai Ling."

Anxious Wu Yun turned the small Luoyun Town upside down, but there was no sign of Bai Ling.

Suddenly, he heard a series of painful struggles from an open space outside the town.

"Bai Ling, it's Bai Ling's voice."

Wu Yun exclaimed, worried that Bai Ling would be captured by the Blood Thorn Mercenary Group again, and hurried over.

When he arrived, he found that there was no one else here except Bai Ling.

At this time, Bai Ling was struggling painfully on the ground, curled up, as if enduring great pain.

What shocked Wu Yun the most was that Bai Ling was actually emitting a faint green light all over her body at this time.

"Bai Ling, what's wrong with you?"

Wu Yun hurried forward.

"No, don't, don't touch me."

Bai Ling was in great pain at this moment, and her beautiful face was twisted in pain.

She was soaked with sweat and didn't allow Wu Yun to come forward.

Wu Yun stood there, his face suddenly changed, and the scent of Bai Ling's blood before came to his mind. Then he thought of Bai Ling's current situation and exclaimed: "Could it be the body of the Holy Spirit?"

He remembered that he had seen the introduction of the body of the Holy Spirit in the Supreme Martial God Technique.

Human beings are the spirits of all things, but because of their own depravity, they have abolished most of their spirituality.

Some people are born with spiritual energy and special constitutions. They have the ability to absorb spiritual energy at birth. This is the body of the Holy Spirit.

But the body of the Holy Spirit has a great flaw, that is, on the full moon night of each month, it will be attacked by the spiritual energy it absorbs, and it will be in great pain.

If you want to relieve it, you must use external force to stop it from absorbing spiritual energy.

Thinking of this, Wu Yun frowned and did not continue to touch Bai Ling. He knew that no matter what he did at this moment, it would only increase Bai Ling's pain.

It must be that Bai Ling's grandfather, who was a master of medicine, used some method to isolate Bai Ling from the outside world, so that Bai Ling would not suffer the pain of the full moon night.

It's a pity that the old man's master medical skills had not been passed on before, but he had died.

Looking at Bai Ling on the ground in pain, Wu Yun's heart was like a knife, but he was powerless.

Two hours later, Bai Ling's pain slowly dissipated, and she lay on the ground weakly, motionless.

Wu Yun hurriedly carried her back to the inn.

The next day, Bai Ling finally woke up.

Through questioning, Wu Yun learned that Bai Ling was indeed the only Holy Spirit body among the hundreds of millions of people. Just as Wu Yun guessed, it was her grandfather who had been treating her in the past to avoid pain.

Originally, she could have delayed for a month or two, but this time, in order to save Wu Yun, she took the initiative to cut her wrist and used the spiritual source of the Holy Spirit body in her body to heal Wu Yun.

This move also connected Bai Ling with the outside world again, which would accelerate her pain.

Wu Yun shook his head in regret, "Silly girl, why are you so good to me? If it weren't for me, your grandfather would not have died at all."

Bai Ling shook her head and said, "Brother Wu Yun, I don't blame you. You are the best person I have ever seen besides my grandfather."

It has happened, and there is no point in saying more. Now Wu Yun must try every means to cure Bai Ling and must not let her suffer every full moon night.

Moreover, if there is no way to treat her, I am afraid that Bai Ling will not live for more than a few years.

Supreme Martial God Jue

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