Supreme Pupillary Master: Peerless Eldest Miss

Chapter 6681: Hitomi Hitomi's counterattack!

This man, like the man who died before, was the messenger of the arbitrators of the shrine.

Under normal circumstances, the shrine arbitrators will not speak easily.

However, Luo Qingtong ordered the arbitrators of the divine palace to speak again and again.

Also, killed one of their companions!

The faces of the crowd were cold, and they looked at Luo Qingtong.

These people, in the shrine arbitration, act as referees.

The shrine arbitrator is naturally an important candidate for the final ruling.

But their judgment is also crucial.

Therefore, at this meeting, when their eyes looked maliciously at Luo Qingtong, even the elders and others were squeezing a cold sweat.

Elder Si felt that he had never experienced such a dangerous scene in his entire life.

Tan Ming, it's really too capable of messing up!

Even if he knew Luo Qingtong's "great achievements" in the lower realm, the elder Secretary still felt that Luo Qingtong's ability to be a demon was simply unparalleled.

This person, wherever he really goes, he is cruel!

It is simply a levelless weapon for demon!

The Secretary has a headache.

He would have completely become a spectator.

I don't know. I thought it was a grievance between Luo Qingtong and Elder Tan. Are they just here to watch the ceremony?

Damn it!

Their wealth and lives are all in the hands of Luo Qingtong, and I only hope that she will be able to linger a little, don't let them jump up and down like this!

The elder Si and others, the heart is not fulfilled.

But Patriarch Feng and others were already stunned.

"Jun'er, this...Tan Xiaoyou, is that the usual style?!"

Patriarch Feng swallowed fiercely.

I always feel that the lives of people waiting for me are like a kite in the sky, floating around in Luo Qingtong's hands. I don't know when the kite line is broken!


Isn't it terrible? !

Everyone looked at Luo Qingtong's performance in the temple arbitration, and they only felt that it was impossible for him to wait for someone to be killed by the temple arbitration in the next second!

But it seems to feel that Luo Qingtong's style is so cool!

No one can be so arrogant in the shrine arbitration, right?

The faces of the crowd were weird, and they looked at Luo Qingtong's gaze and didn't know what she was thinking about.

If it weren't for them, this would be the client, not the spectator, I'm afraid they would all yell "happy"!

It's really a good show!

Patriarch Feng and the others were holding the tragic lives of their own and others, and they couldn't help but sighed in the hearts of themselves and others.

Of course, no one dared to say a word in the scene, all was quiet as a chicken.

In comparison, talking freely, even the somewhat arrogant Luo Qingtong, is simply an anomaly!

And when everyone was quiet like a chicken, but actually in the atmosphere of crazy eating melons, Luo Qingtong's complexion was faint, looking at the man who was talking, his eyes were surprised and said: "Oh."

"So, sirs, do you think Elder Tan panicked?"

"This is to remind him!"

"The end of a lie!"

At this point, Luo Qingtong's words didn't wait for Elder Tan to refute, and he said in a deep voice: "What Elder Tan and others said, colluding with the Yuan Beast, trying to subvert our Xuantian Temple plan, is true!"

"But this matter was done by Elder Tan and others!"

At the end of Luo Qingtong's words, in an instant, Elder Tan burst into laughter.

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