After all, to deal with those dark things, to deal with some rebellious and gloomy, such a person, which one does not need strong power?

It can be said that the people in the Eight Great Avenues, whoever come out, can hang and beat the people of the eight major factions.

For example, the elder secretary raised his head in front of Lou Luo and the others.

And the other party is just a shrine arbitrator.

Above them, there are leaders of various levels, as well as principals.

Under such circumstances, how can the people of the eight major factions compare with the people of the Eight Great Avenues? !

Therefore, in this competition for places in the underworld, the people of the Eight Great Ways did not put the people of the eight major factions in their eyes.

In their view, no matter which faction people are in control of the quota, they must be evenly divided.

And their people will definitely be able to get places.

To put it more bluntly, Lou Luo and others, because they had plans for Elder Tan and others, they deliberately colluded and disrupted the planning steps.

Otherwise, at first, according to the predictions of the people of the Eight Great Avenues, in the end, no matter who gets the place in the underworld, they will not be able to go around.

Of course, there is no bypass now.

Because, Elder Tan and others did not succeed!

When Si Rumeng's voice sounded, her voice solemnly said: "It is said that the underworld is related to the existence of a very powerful man."

"The other party, who almost killed the Dao of Heaven, was suppressed by it forever."

"And the underworld is where her soul is!"

"Most of her souls were left in the underworld to maintain the operation of the Three Realms."

"And because her power is still there, the shrine can't open the passage to the underworld, it can only be closed."

"And the two places of Demon Realm and Demon Realm can only figure it out slowly."

"But this is just a rumor, no one knows if it is true."

"But the Three Realms of the Demon and the Underworld are indeed our enemies."

"And the power of the demon world and the demon world is weakened."

"We were able to start from the Demon Realm and the Demon Realm to weaken each other's strength."

"But I don't know why, the people on the Eight Avenues have missed... Actually, I don't know whether it was a miss or some other reason."

"In short, the Demon Realm and the Demon Realm are now completely out of our control."

"So, we now have only one way to go in the underworld."

"However, from the news from the upper echelons of the shrine, they seem to want something."

This is what Si Rumeng said, and then he frowned and said, "This is only known to the people of Eight Avenues."

When Si Rumeng's words sounded, Luo Qingtong's brows wrinkled tightly.

The amount of information in the other party's words is huge!

Is the strong man who is utterly powerful, referring to her previous life?

This is the first time Luo Qingtong has clearly known news about her past life.

Before, no matter where she was in her previous life, or in the Xuantian Divine Palace, her words were vague.

At this time, I heard the news completely from the mouths of others.

"The strong man blocked the passage of the underworld, how can the people of the palace get in?"

At this point, Luo Qingtong's words were suddenly shocked, that is--

A king in the underworld? !

Someone opened the channel for the people of Xuantian Divine Palace?

But, what kind of person can open the passage of the underworld for the people in the Xuantian Divine Palace?

If there is such a method, why have the people of Xuantian Divine Palace never used it?

I like the Supreme Pupilist: Miss Peerless, please collect it: ( Supreme Pupilist: The literature of Miss Peerless is the fastest to update.

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