Supreme Rebirth

Chapter 1102: A catch

Chapter One Thousand and Two Captured

Chen Lei saw this group of war clan masters rushing, sneered, and said, "This is not a place for you to scatter the wild."

After that, at the foot of Chen Lei, a mysterious array was formed. At the same time, the entire Yunhuang City's formation was illuminated, and the countless rays of formation gathered into a beam of light, directly blessing Chen Lei.

At this time, Chen Lei, like wearing a bright battle armor, was bathed in bright white light.

At this time, Chen Lei used the power of the entire Yunhuang City to form a battlefield like a **** of war. When he raised his hand, a huge lightsaber appeared in his hand.


Chen Lei swept across the sword, and a dazzling sword light rose instantly, spurting out, and beheaded at the masters of these war clan who flew over him.

Most of these war clan masters are the Emperor Wudi's six-story powerhouse, and there are also several Emperor Wudi seven-story powerhouses, which can be said to be strong.

However, Chen Lei, the sword light, was too fast. The six-seventh and seventh-story powerful emperors of Wudi had not yet responded, and they were swept away by this sword.

Suddenly, a large expanse of blood rain fell in the void, and some of the Warrior's strong men were directly cut off and fell to the ground. Blood instantly stained the ground red.

There are also some War Clan strong men who have regressed and avoided the fate of being cut by the waist. However, they also left a deep wound on their bodies. Even if the treasure armor at the bottom of the pressure box is destroyed, they still have not been able to. Block this sword.

This sword, full of dozens of war clan's strong beasts, everyone was wounded, looking at Chen Lei, full of fear.

This sword was so powerful that it immediately deterred everyone around it.

No one ever imagined that Chen Lei could use such a powerful force to play such a forceful attack.

In fact, some powerful men know that Chen Lei can use the power of the large array to exert a combat power far beyond that of the seven-tier Emperor Wudi.

However, no matter whether it is a war clan or a celestial clan, they do not know all of this. Therefore, they do not know whether to live or die, and dare to call the battlefield under the cloudless city.

Qin Yulong was pale at this moment. At this time, Chen Lei's combat effectiveness was far beyond his imagination.

The warriors who had escaped their lives were scared by the power of Chen Lei's sword at this time, and looked at Chen Lei with great fear, but no one dared to take the initiative anymore.

Chen Lei looked at Qin Yulong and said, "Qin Yulong, since you are here today, then don't leave, just stay."

After speaking, Chen Lei raised his hand and turned into a giant palm, grabbed directly to Qin Yulong.

Seeing Chen Lei's huge palm grabbing at him, Qin Yulong was suddenly shocked, and quickly shouted, "Protect me."

Several strong men next to Qin Yulong were helpless, one after another raised their bodies and flung towards the giant palm in the air.

"Bang, bang!"

There is no surprise that this giant palm directly slaps a few masters who came over to the ground, and then this giant palm Yu Wei is unabated and shoots towards Qin Yulong.

Qin Yulong only felt that the void had turned into steel. The infinite pressure made him almost out of breath. The huge fear directly covered his heart, and there was a feeling of death.


Qin Yulong yelled, and suddenly took out a sharp sword, the sword was soaring, and he slashed severely to the huge palm in the air.


With a crisp sound, this sharp magic knife was directly cut on the giant palm, but it was the giant palm that directly smashed the magic knife, and a huge force directly acted on Qin Yulong. On the body, he shot him heavily on the ground, his whole body was broken, and a blood spurted out.


Chen Lei gave a frivolous gesture. This transparent giant palm directly turned into a huge cage, trapping Qin Yulong in the cage.

After trapping Qin Yulong, Chen Lei looked at Cangling Rattan, He Pianran, Zi Jiuyou and others.

At this moment, no matter it is Cangling Rattan, Crane Pingran, or Zi Jiuyou, each one's face is extremely pale. Who can think that under the cloudless city, Chen Lei will have such great power.

The few of them ran to the barren city in the wild and called for battle. They wanted to capture Chen Lei's red fire and red lotus, and to conquer Chen Lei's good fortune. This was no different from suicide.

Chen Lei was not polite to these people either, and directly attacked the power of the formation.

Whether it is Cangling Rattan, or He Pianran, Zi Jiuyou, or other strong men, there is only one thought at this time, that is to escape.

When they saw Chen Lei attacking, all of them got up and fled in all directions.

However, since Chen Lei decided to take action, how could he allow these people to escape.

I saw Chen Lei lifting his hands, one by one, the chain of laws and gods, traversing the void, criss-crossing, and directly turned into a huge Tian Luodi net, all these people are enveloped in the giant net.

"Break me!"

The Cangling vine roared and released its own martial spirit directly, but it is an ancient vine, which is green and dripping, and the vine is stretched straight, like a green spear, and goes through the net of Tian Luo Di, wanting to break The gap escaped.


He Pianran angrily, and the same sword was cut out, and cut to the heavenly net.

As for Zi Jiuyou, I used Jiuyou's finger directly and pointed it out. I also wanted to break this huge sky net.

The other powerful men who were shrouded in giant nets also shot, using the strongest means to break this giant net.

Unfortunately, the end result is futile. Everyone's attacks, such as ants shaking trees, the huge net can be said to be motionless. Even if all attacks hit the huge net, there is no effect.

And when Chen Lei was moved, this huge net was shrinking and getting smaller and smaller and smaller. Finally, a huge net covering the sky was reduced to tens of feet in size. It was this time that the net was caught. All enemies.

These people are menacing, but at this moment, Chen Lei is caught.

Chen Lei looked at the enemies he had captured, and looked around, figuring out how to deal with them.

"Chen Lei, you better let us go, otherwise, you will be in great trouble."

At this moment, a strong man looked at Chen Lei and threatened.

This strong man is a true strongman of the Yasha clan. This time, he also brought more than a dozen people and wanted to confuse the fish.

"To this day, you dare to threaten me, you are really trying to die."

Chen Lei Leng hummed. Suddenly, a ray of light shot from the Tianluo Di net, directly hit the Yasha clan strongman, and immediately struck it into a broken body, and the gods disappeared.


Seeing this scene, the other powerful men captured were all trembling, and never dared to threaten one again, for fear of angering Chen Lei, and then causing the killing.

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