Supreme Rebirth

Chapter 1107: Capturing Qinglong Island

Chapter 1107 Capture of Qinglong Island

At this time, on the Black Crow Island, several deputy island owners gathered together, one by one looking dull and angry.

"How can this be the case, the group of stink girls in Baihua Palace ate the bear heart leopard and dared to take black hands against our Black Crow Island."

A deputy island owner said with a murderous look.

Another deputy island owner nodded again and again and agreed: "This matter can never be counted out. Otherwise, we really think that our black crow island is bullied. In this way, we immediately ordered soldiers and killed them. The Baihua Palace is full of doors. "

At this time, another deputy island owner raised his hand and said, "You all, this time the Baihua Palace is acting, it's uncharacteristically, there must be a conspiracy, we can find out, and it's not too late to act."

Several deputy island owners argued endlessly with each other. Some advocated killing the Baihua Palace immediately, and some advocated tolerating this tone for a while, and after probing clearly, they started to argue with each other.

"Okay, stop talking."

At this time, a deputy island owner spoke directly.

When the deputy islander made a noise, everyone else shut up and looked at the deputy islander.

This deputy island owner, called Leng Yuntao, is the strongest person on the Black Crow Island besides the island owner. Similarly, he has the most power. During the retreat of the island owner, he is in charge of everything on the Black Crow Island. Business.

This time, the Baihua Palace has beheaded and killed the two deputy island owners and several elders of Heiyao Island. This incident has shaken the essence of Heiyao Island, and absolutely nothing that can't be done has never happened.

When several deputy island owners saw Leng Yuntao making a speech, they no longer spoke one by one, but wanted to see what Leng Yuntao had to say.

"People, Baihua Palace deceives me so much. This matter must not be left alone. However, we must also figure out why Baihua Palace behaves abnormally and dares to take action on Hei Crow Island. Baihua Palace dares to take the initiative. We are relying on it if we don't understand the situation.

"The brothers' hatred will not be reported?"

A grumpy deputy islander shouted loudly after listening to Leng Yuntao's words.

Leng Yuntao said: "I didn't say no to report, but said that after checking the situation, I started, and this time, once and for all, I will completely destroy the Baihua Palace.

"Well, what do you say?"

Several deputy island owners felt that Leng Yuntao's words made some sense and stopped arguing and agreed with Leng Yuntao's suggestion.

Leng Yuntao said: "Now, everyone immediately sends out a good hand to inquire about the news, and comprehensively inquires about all aspects of the Baihua Palace.

Leng Yuntao's voice had just fallen, and suddenly a disciple broke in and said, "Report to the deputy island owner that something is bad."

Leng Yuntao and others sank, and said, "Hurry up and say, what happened?"

The disciple of Black Crow Island said: "Deputy island owner Qilong, Qinglong Island fell and was attacked by Baihua Palace."

"What, is there such a thing, Baihua Palace is so deceiving!"

After hearing the news, several deputy island owners almost stood up, and looked ugly and scary.

Leng Yuntao heard the news, and his face was extremely ugly. They were still discussing here about the details of the Baihua Palace. However, Baihua Palace had no worries and frequently shot, and even occupied Qinglong Island.

After getting this news, even Leng Yuntao couldn't hold his breath.

"Cold Island Master, this can't be tolerated, I demand to take someone to recapture Qinglong Island immediately."

Exclaimed a deputy islander.

Leng Yuntao's face was gloomy and he said, "Since this is the case, then you should bring more people, and you must take back Qinglong Island."

The deputy island owner nodded, and then took many of his men, murderous, and killed at Qinglong Island.

On Qinglong Island, it was already a smoke at this time, but all the black crow island disciples who dared to resist were beheaded and killed, and those surrendered black crow island disciples were captive and captured as captives. These people may be able Left a life, but eternal life can only be a slave to the Baihua Palace.

This time the action plan came from the hands of Chen Lei.

Chen Lei knew that it would be impossible to swallow Heya Island in one bite. He could only use various methods to gradually weaken Heya Island, and finally he took Heya Island in one fell swoop.

Chen Lei spent some time on Qinglong Island. He can know the defense, prohibition, etc. of Qinglong Island well. Therefore, Chen Lei led the team to attack Qinglong Island with great success. It was beyond the expectations of Qinglong Island guards. .

After winning Qinglong Island, Chen Lei had expected that Black Crow Island would not be reconciled, he would definitely send someone to retake Qinglong Island, and he was already ready for battle.

Ships of warships broke through the clouds and appeared over Qinglong Island. This time, there were two deputy island leaders leading a total of 50,000 troops.

At this time, a huge battle boat was suspended in mid-air, and a deputy island owner stood on the bow of the boat and looked at Qinglong Island.

This Qinglong Island can be said to be one of the largest sources of wealth on Hei Ya Island. It must not be lost. Its importance is second only to Hei Ya Island.

At this time, the deputy island owner looked down and found that a thick fog had risen on Qinglong Island. With his eyes, he could not see through the thick fog.

The deputy island owner understood that it must be someone who had opened the protective ban on Qinglong Island.

"Well, how easy is it for you to control the defense of Qinglong Island?"

The vice-lord of Black Crow Island snorted, and then led the battleship to lower the clouds and landed on an island near Qinglong Island. On this island, several handprints were made in succession, a huge passage , Actually floated on the island.


The deputy island leader led his men and rushed to Qinglong Island through this channel.

This is a secret passage to Qinglong Island. This secret passage is only known to a few deputy island owners. The others are not clear at all, so that if one day, Qinglong Island is captured, they can enter Qinglong unexpectedly. Island, recapture Qinglong Island.

Leaded by two deputy island leaders, the army on Hei Ya Island, sneaked to Qinglong Island through this secret passage, and wanted to surprise these enemies who occupied Qinglong Island.

Soon, the two deputy island owners and his army all infiltrated into Qinglong Island. As long as they suddenly broke out, they would definitely cause huge losses to the other party and regain control of Qinglong Island in one fell swoop.

At this point, the two deputy island masters already showed a triumphant smile on their faces. Baihua Palace and their Black Crow Island are still too tender. This time, if they can regain Qinglong Island, they must let Baihua Palace The little girls know the power of Black Crow Island.

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