Supreme Rebirth

Chapter 1119: Compare

Chapter 111th Test

The strong man was tall and muscular like metal, giving a great sense of oppression. At this moment, he stood high and stared at Chen Lei with a bad face.

The others, however, looked like Chen Lei, either holding arms or reclining, all looking at Chen Lei.

Chen Lei looked at these people lightly. Obviously, these nine people have formed a relatively complete small circle during this period of time. For the last person he joined, he has a natural hostility, just like his own territory. Inside broke into a stranger, and wanted to use this method to drive him out, or let him surrender.

Chen Lei smiled slightly. He didn't want to cause any trouble, but he didn't want to let others provoke him. If this time he flinched, these people would probably get worse and solve the problem once.

"Okay, you tell me, how do you try?"

"The simplest thing is to come, than strength." The big man said loudly like a cow.

"Okay, compare, compare?"

Chen Lei agreed quickly.

The big man grinned and grinned, exposing his white teeth, and said, "Then the simplest and roughest way to pinch your wrist is to see if you can win me."

Chen Lei said, "No problem, come on."

Dahan looked around in the courtyard, and suddenly ran to a rockery, and moved a boulder directly to the center of the courtyard. Then, Chen Lei and Dahan stood on each side of the boulder and placed their elbows on the boulder. on.

At this time, the remaining eight people also slowly came around and looked at the test between the two.

"come on!"

The Han raised his head provocatively to Chen Lei and said loudly.

Chen Lei looked at the big man. Through the introduction of the four princes, he knew that the big man was called Niu Ming. Niu Ming's big hands with thick hair at this time were full of green tendons, and slowly opened, holding Chen Lei's palm fiercely.

At the moment holding Chen Lei's palm, Niu Ming's palm was very hard, and he wanted to crush Chen Lei's palm as soon as possible. In this case, he didn't have to compare and he won.

However, Niu Ming only felt that the palm of Chen Lei he was holding was as strong as a piece of gold, and he was extremely hard. He not only shattered Chen Lei's palm, but he felt pain in his palm and cracked his bones.

At this point, Niu Ming now faced Chen Lei, and was able to cultivate his physical body to such a degree of toughness that he should not be underestimated.

However, Niu Ming had absolute confidence in his own strength, and immediately roared suddenly, and suddenly wanted to overwhelm Chen Lei's palm to one side.

However, Niu Ming almost exerted his strength to suckle milk, but Chen Lei's palm was as rooted and immobile.

"Drive me!"

Niu Ming exhaled, and then pushed hard again, this time, even his elbow, because he was too hard, fell directly into the boulder, more than half a foot deep.

However, even so, Chen Lei's arms remained motionless.

Niu Ming's eyes were full of bloodshots. He did not expect that Chen Lei's figure didn't look too big, but his strength was so strong.

In the end, for the third time, Niu Ming couldn't shake Chen Lei.

At this step, Niu Ming finally knew how powerful Chen Lei's physical strength was, but he was not willing to fail in this way, but he roared, and a huge martial spirit appeared behind him. Soul is a black bull with a black hair all over his body. The black bull with a faint light radiates a black ray of light, submerged in the arm that Niu Ming and Chen Lei tried.

Suddenly, Niu Ming's arm was extremely dark, like black gold casting, and the muscles were consolidated several times at the same time.

In this case, Niu Ming went all out and suddenly made a force. The huge stone under his elbow suddenly turned into a pile of stone powder, but it was impossible to bear such a large gravity.

Niu Ming was destroying his arm with all his strength, and wanted to push down Chen Lei's wrist. However, even if he used the power of martial spirits to bless, Chen Lei's wrist, as if taking root in the void, remained motionless.

Chen Lei glanced at Niu Ming, who was swollen with blue tendons, and said softly, "But it's really disappointing."

Afterwards, Chen Lei made a sudden force and clicked it, pressing Niu Ming's wrist directly.

Niu Ming tried to resist, but the huge force that Chen Lei handed on, Pei Mo Neng Yu, Niu Ming did not have the slightest resistance, he was directly pressed down by Chen Lei. Not only that, Niu Ming was almost completely With this blow from Chen Lei, he fell heavily on the ground. Suddenly, the ground vibrated. With Niu Ming as the center, dense cracks cascaded and radiated in all directions.

Later, Chen Lei Song patted his palm, and said lightly, "It's just a matter of skill, and I want to stand in front of me, I can't help it."

Chen Lei's words immediately angered Niu Ming on the ground, and suddenly he slammed his fist at Chen Lei.

Chen Lei's eyes flickered, revealing a bit of evil spirit. The whole person was as fast as lightning, avoiding Niu Ming's fist directly, bullying near Niu Ming, a loud bang, and a punch hit Niu Ming's chest. His body flew hundreds of meters away and landed heavily in the center of the courtyard. He could no longer climb.

At this moment, Chen Lei's face was full of evil spirits and said, "This time, I just give you a lesson. If you don't know what to do anymore, you will be abolished."

Niu Ming at this time, after hearing Chen Lei ’s arrogant words, his eyes were filled with blood, but unfortunately, a huge force in his body was wandering at this time, there was no way to expel it. It can be said that now, let alone the hands, even climb It's very difficult to get up.

Among the other eight people, when they saw Chen Lei being so arrogant, there were several people who wanted to do it.

"Well, stop, this Chen brother is really a good hand. Everyone is a brother to each other. Why should you hurt your peace?"

At this time, a warrior said lightly, stopping everyone from doing it.

When others looked at this person, they showed a hint of awe and stopped shooting, and it was clear that this person's prestige was extremely high.

Chen Lei looked at the man, who was about two meters tall, with a long figure, blue complexion, narrow eyes, and a cold front like a knife.

Chen Lei knew that this person was called a horned owl, and from this person, Chen Lei could feel, his strength was unfathomable, and he was a rival.

Jiao Jiao spoke, and the others did not continue to look for things, but looking at Chen Lei's look was equally bad.

"Brother Chen, it is a destiny to meet. Everyone can work together under the Four Princes. This is also a rare opportunity. Why not sit down and have a drink?"

A faint smile on the face of the horned owl, said to Chen Lei.

"There is something going on next, and we won't accompany you."

Chen Lei arched his hands, and then turned away.

After Chen Lei's departure, the smile on the face of the horned owl was suddenly condensed, and his face was gloomy.

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