Supreme Rebirth

Chapter 1122: Chaos

Chapter 112: Chaos

"Ha ha!"

One of them sneered and said, "What you found first, what evidence do you have that this Nirvana flame was discovered first, and I said that I discovered it first."

"Yes, this Nirvana Flame was obviously the first I discovered."

The other person said yin and yang strangely, which led to bursts of laughter from the crowd. Obviously, these people were not going to tell any truth, they just wanted to grab this nirvana flame.

Those who first discovered the Nirvana Flame also understood that in the face of such a treasure, no one was unmoved and no one was jealous. It was impossible to persuade them to give up the Nirvana Flame.

"In this case, it depends on who is clever."

This person rose with a powerful and powerful breath, and a martial spirit emerged from behind, turning into a giant ape that stood out from the sky, exuding an extremely vicious breath.

This person's martial spirit is actually an extremely rare Vajra martial spirit. This martial spirit can greatly enhance the strength and defense of the warrior. At this time, the Vajra martial spirit directly emits a golden light, and this person Enveloping him, let him glow with golden light all over his body, like a god.

However, even if this is the case, it is impossible to scare off some of the martials who besieged him. These martial arts have also destroyed their own martial spirits. These martial spirits are without exception all martial spirits that can enhance physical strength.

The physical strength of these people, with the blessing of the Wu soul, can indeed reach a relatively strong height. However, the Nirvana Flame can only improve the strength of the body. Even if they get the Nirvana Flame, the benefits are actually Access is also limited.

However, for these warriors, such benefits are enough for them to desperately.

Suddenly, the crowds fought into a group. The strong man who possessed the Vajra Soul was really good, but after hundreds of strokes, he was directly knocked alive by several others.

The strong man who possessed the ape ’s martial spirit was lucky. The first time he discovered a nirvana flame, but it was unfortunate. He was too careless and was found to be the source of disaster. .

After killing the strong man who possessed the Vajra Soul, a few other warriors also started a chaotic battle. We must know that they came from different princes for this nirvana. Torch fire, absolutely merciless between shots, killing frequently.

In an instant, two people were killed in the chaos. At this time, three people were still attacking each other, and the nirvana flame was surrounded by these three people.

At this time, these three people can be said that all kinds of killers 锏 are unpredictably cast out, that is, they want to kill the other party in the first time, so as to obtain the Nirvana flame.

However, these three men are similar in strength, and each has their own killer, leaving them all seriously wounded, and wanting to gain Nirvana's flame alone is impossible.

At this time, another strong man came from afar, and when he saw this nirvana flame, his eyes showed strange light.

This strong man looked very strange, with fiery red hair and small eyes emitting cold light. After seeing this Nirvana flame, he did not hesitate to attack the three strong men.


This monster powerhouse is as fast as lightning and has made a circle around the three powerhouses. Three more steaming hearts are still on his hands.

The three strong men who appeared in the beginning, looked at their hearts in astonishment, and found that their heart was picked off by the red-haired strong man in an instant.

"A bunch of waste, and also want to compete for Nirvana flames, it is really beyond their power."

The demon power was standing in the air, Sen Leng said. At the same time, he exerted a little force. The three hearts on his hands suddenly exploded into three blood mists.

The three strong men were greatly affected by this, and their looks changed greatly. Yuanshen rushed out of the skull, merged with Wuhun, and turned into three huge and incomparable figures. In the past, even the Nirvana flame was temporarily abandoned.

The monster sneer sneered, not even the Wu soul was disturbed, the whole person exuded a faint light, directly greeted the three giant Wu souls, and instantly burst the three giant Wu souls.

And Chen Lei took the opportunity to rush through and took that nirvana flame into his hands.

After seeing this scene after killing the three martial spirits, the monster was a sneer, and said, "It's so funny. Someone dared to grab my fire scared treasure. For you I admire my guts. "

Chen Lei faintly looked at the demon stranger and said, "This Nirvana Flame is a thing without a subject. Why is it yours?"

Huo Jinghong said: "I see, it's mine, but what's the use of arguing with a dead person, boy, let's take it."

After speaking, Huo Jinghong turned into a red light, and beheaded to Chen Lei.


Chen Lei waved his hand, directly blocking the palm that Huo Jinghong drew into his heart, and directly opened this palm.

At the same time, Chen Lei also felt tingling from the palm of his hand. The strength of this fire and shock is really powerful and terrible.

Huo Jinghong, however, was even more ugly. At this time, his palms and bones were sore and cracked. Under the collision of pure body, he was completely defeated.

You know, Huo Jinghong can be said to have a chance against the sky. He is also a royal disciple of the Fire Country, but he is not the prince of the fire emperor, but the son of a grandfather.

Although he was not qualified to fight for the throne of the Fire Country this time, as long as he helped one of the princes to win the throne, then he could become a county king of the Fire Country and the same extreme minister.

Therefore, this time, he directly assisted the third prince Huo Shengtian. In his opinion, the three princes are most likely to stand out in this big test.

Huo Jinghong himself had a chance to get a fire pear when he was young. After eating this fire pear, his physical strength has increased incredibly. Among the many royal children in the fire kingdom, he came purely with physical power. Well, he can be ranked in the top three.

However, such a strength, purely physical collision, was completely defeated by the hands of an unknown warrior such as Chen Lei.

"Who are you? Get your name."

At this moment, Huo Jinghong finally attached importance to Chen Lei and said to Chen Lei.

Chen Lei said: "For a dead person, there is no need to know my name."

After listening to Chen Lei's words, Huo Jinghong laughed angrily and said, "Henshiko has never been so despised. In this case, then, don't blame Benshizi for his merciless action."

After finishing speaking, a huge martial spirit rose up behind Huijinghong, a three-legged Jinwu martial spirit, slowly flapping his wings, exuding shocking pressure.

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