Supreme Rebirth

Chapter 1133: Sting again

Chapter 1131

Chu Lao then got up and left, and within a short time, someone sent Chen Lei a piece of information with all the detailed information about the magic fog.

After receiving this piece of information, Chen Lei said goodbye to the four princes and returned to his courtyard.

"Sangong, are you okay?"

Jing Jing had also learned the news of Chen Lei's assassination. When she saw Chen Lei coming back, she asked with concern.

Chen Lei shook his head and showed a consoling smile, saying, "I'm fine, you don't know my strength, how could they be my opponent."

Jing Jing nodded and let go.

"You go to rest first, I will sleep later." Chen Lei said to Jing Jing.

Jing Jing nodded and went into the bedroom, while Chen Lei was sitting in the living room and opened the information about the magic mist sent by Chu Laoren.

The more he looked, the more frowning Chen Lei frowned.

After seeing the detailed information above, Chen Lei felt that this magic mist organization could be called a huge dark empire.

This magic mist is a killer organization. So far no one knows where its old nest is. Every killer is extremely mysterious. Moreover, even if it is desperate, it is necessary to complete the task. It can be said that every A killer is crazy.

Chen Lei has personally been instructed in this regard, remembering the killer's self-destructive look without hesitation, Chen Lei had a chill at this time.

In addition to these, according to the information in the information, this magic mist organization is not limited to human races, but among the various races, there are fallen powerhouses who join the magic mist organization. Therefore, the magic mist Its power is extremely huge, and it can be called one of the top ten underground organizations in the Central Region.

The behavior style of the magic mist is also very headache, endless, as long as it is stained by the magic mist, you can say that unless you die, you don't want to throw it away for life.

After studying the information of Mowu carefully, Chen Lei couldn't help feeling a headache for a while. It was definitely not a good thing to be caught by such a behemoth.

However, his enemies are everywhere in the world, who asked him to kill him, and he couldn't be sure for a while.

However, no matter who wants to kill him, then, he knows that the only thing he can do is to resist, and he must not stand still.

"Is it the Magic Mist, I want to see, what do you guys have to do?"

Although Chen Lei was frightened, he was not completely frightened, but Chen Lei knew that in the face of the threat of the magic fog, his cultivation should be improved as soon as possible.

While studying Leiwu's intelligence, Chen Lei, in the Great Royal Prince Huo Yaotian Mansion, had a blushing complexion, listening to the report of the Elder Fog.

"What, actually failed. Is Chen Lei so strong? The four gold medal killers in the magic mist cannot join in killing them?"

It is the great prince who asked the Mist Killer to deal with Chen Lei.

After losing in Suzaku's mystery, the eldest prince and Chen Lei had enemies. Chen Lei died one day, and his heart was disturbed.

However, in Suzaku's secret realm, the great prince had already learned the power of Chen Lei. Today, there is no force in his government that can directly kill Chen Lei. He can only use the power of the magic mist to deal with Chen Lei.

And his elder Mist is exactly the person who can get on the line with the magic mist, so the prince directly ordered the mist elder, let him contact the person of the magic mist to assassinate Chen Lei.

At this time, Elder Wu said to the great prince, "His Highness, please be angry. Although this time failed, the magic fog will not give up. As long as the magic fog takes the task, then it will be completed and the day will not be completed. Assassinations last more than one day, even if Chen Lei is so powerful, he lives in the assassinations every day. This kind of taste is probably uncomfortable. "

The prince listened, his eyes brightened, yes, as long as the magic mist took over this task, it was an endless situation, this time the assassination was not successful, and the next time, until the assassination was successful, and there was no need for the employer at all Another fee.

This is the terrible part of Devil Mist. If you kill him, it will be like killing a horse honeycomb. A steady stream of killers will come in, and you will be killed. In the end, you can only be killed by Devil Mist.

Thinking of this, the great prince was in a good mood. He wished that Chen Lei could defeat the assassination of Magic Mist a few times. In this way, the killer sent by Magic Mist would become stronger and stronger. One day, Chen Lei could be beheaded.

"Okay, it's so good. I don't know when Devil Mist will start next time?"

The great prince asked the elder Mist.

Elder Mist said: "The losses of the four gold medal killers have been reported. Presumably it will not be too long before news will come."

The prince nodded, and finally was able to breathe a sigh of relief, but he also had a dreadful feeling about this magic mist organization. The magic mist is really unfathomable. I really do n’t know how powerful it is, but now I have a headache. It should be Chen Lei, not him.

At this time, the four princes were away from the sky without rest. Chen Lei was stared at by the magic mist, which made him a little bit swayed. Being caught by the magic mist was a mortal situation. So, should he continue with Chen Lei? How about cooperation?

This is also a test for the four princes. The four princes continue to interrogate the pros and cons, as well as sleepless overnight.

On the second day, Chen Lei came to the four princes again, said to the four princes, and was ready to continue to the royal library.

"You are now being watched by Devil Mist, and still thinking about going to the Royal Library?" The fourth prince said to Chen Lei.

Chen Lei smiled and said, "You can't be afraid of the killer, so you won't live. Your Highness please rest assured, I won't make fun of my life, I have a sense of proportion."

When the four princes saw Chen Lei being so attached, he nodded and said, "Okay, then you should be careful."

Chen Lei arched his hands to the four princes, and then rushed to the royal library.

For several days, Chen Lei rushed directly to the Royal Library, where he looked through the ancient books and immersed himself in it.

On this day, Chen Lei encountered his assassination on his way back from the Royal Library.

Similarly, it is still a space array method, and Chen Lei is confined directly in a separate space. Then, he is still four killers and shoots at Chen Lei.

At this time, after a period of research, Chen Lei had already understood the mystery of the space array method of the magic mist. Once this space array method was formed, it was certainly impossible for him to escape. The killer also has no way to escape, unless one party dies completely.

This is why the last time when the four killers assassinated Chen Lei, they found that Chen Lei was too much stronger than the intelligence, but did not intend to escape. Instead, he tried to explode, and also caused Chen Lei to be severely damaged.

Although these killers are crazy and not afraid of death, they have never reached the point where they know that the enemy is extremely powerful and wait for nothing.

But at that time, they couldn't help themselves, there was no way to escape, and they had to work hard.

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