Supreme Rebirth

Chapter 1148: Looting treasure house

Chapter 148 The Treasury

Chen Lei suddenly felt a huge crisis coming, and was trying to avoid it. Suddenly, within his physical body, there was a burst of red light, which was integrated with the chain of these red laws.

These chains of red laws circled around Chen Leifei, but did not fall on Chen Lei, but flew back again.

There was a layer of cold sweat on Chen Lei's forehead. The prohibition on the gate of the treasure house of this temple just now was too powerful. He could not help but be afraid of his rash behavior.

If it is really fallen into the body by the chain of the crimson god-like chain, I am afraid that even if he does not die, his strength will be sealed for more than half.

Fortunately, he refined ten Yan spirits. The power of the Yan spirits is the same as the source of the ban on the treasure house. Therefore, the ban on the door of the treasure house is by default Chen Lei, who is not destroyed Kill Chen Lei.

Not only that, the ban on the door of the treasure house also automatically opened, and the treasure house of the temple appeared in front of Chen Lei.

Without further ado, Chen Lei flashed into the treasure house of the temple.

Entering the treasure house of the temple, Chen Lei was suddenly dazzled by endless treasures. The treasure treasures of this temple treasure house, even with Chen Lei's vision, felt a great shock. Every treasure here was It is a rare treasure.

Chen Lei was red like a white rabbit that had fallen into a carrot pile.

"It can't be done in vain, all taken away."

Chen Lei thought this way and acted like this, every piece of treasure, all flew into his storage ring.

Today, Chen Lei has been able to use God's knowledge, and his original storage ring has also been able to use.

His original storage ring was fused with a truncated stone, and the space is far beyond that of ordinary storage rings. Therefore, all the treasures in the entire treasure house were evacuated by Chen Lei, even placed Shelves on which treasures have been placed have not been overlooked.

You know, the shelves in the Yan Temple Treasury are all made from the extremely scarce Yan Crystal God Iron.

In this way, Chen Lei took all the treasures of the Yan Temple to the table. As for whether there is a Suzaku forging bones in this treasure house, Chen Lei now has no time to look carefully. When he is in a safe place, he will not search slowly. late.

After doing all this, Chen Lei quickly left here. Knowing that the theft of the Yanshen Treasury could definitely cause a major earthquake among the Yan clan and provoke the anger of countless strong men. It was better for him to leave early.

And shortly after Chen Lei's departure, a temple guard commanding exuberant breath arrived at the treasure house.

However, when the head of the temple guard saw the body of the temple guard in front of the treasure house, his look suddenly changed, he accelerated again, and landed in front of the temple treasure house.

When the leader came to the treasure house, he broke a secret and opened the treasure house.

However, seeing the scene inside the treasure house, the guard commander suddenly turned black and almost fainted.

Inside the treasure house, at this time, it was smooth and clean, spotless, and even a piece of dust could not be found, as if it had been washed once with water.

This guard leader can swear, this is definitely the cleanest day in the temple treasure house.

Within the entire treasure house, millions of years of accumulation and heritage of the Yan people have all been swept away.

This made the guard leader want to go mad. If this happened, do n’t say that he could n’t afford it. Even his entire family might be implicated, and the adult who was responsible for guarding the entire ancestral land of the Yan clan would be threatened. Condemn, fall from the high, fall into the abyss of hell.

The guard commanded the person to report the matter to the adult who was responsible for the entire ancestral land of the Yan clan for the first time. Then, he madly began to order his men to find the treasure robbers.

It can be said that this move by Chen Lei is a thousand times and ten thousand times more powerful than killing the horse honeycomb. It can be said that it offends the Yan clan to the death. The entire Yan clan and Chen Lei are absolutely endless.

However, Chen Lei didn't pay much attention to this, because the original human race and the Yan race were the deadly enemies. The war continued throughout the year. Even if he did not steal these treasures, the relationship between the human race and the Yan race would never be eased.

At this time, other people in the entire temple, such as the fourth prince, the second prince, and the second prince, obviously felt the increase in pressure.

At this time, the great prince Huo Yaotian and the elder Mist hurried through the halls one after another. The elders of the mist and the elder prince were extraordinary in strength. The general temple guards could not find him at all. The whereabouts of the temple, and once encountering it is inescapable, the two elders and the great prince can also kill these temple guards in the shortest time.

At this point, the great prince Huo Yaotian and Elder Wu were found again by a team of five temple guards.

"Fuck, how can there be so many temple guards, and one by one, it's crazy."

At this time, Elder Fog apparently felt that the temple guards who had rounded them up had increased, and the strength and cultivation of these temple guards had also been significantly enhanced, making him feel difficult to cope.

Elder Mist felt that the guarding of the temple today seemed to be more fierce as if it had been stimulated.

Although the mist elder is a fog of water, it is impossible to shrink back anyway, and greet the five temple guards with the great prince.

Others, such as the fourth prince, the second prince, and the third prince, also encountered obstacles one after another.

At this time, in front of the second emperor Huo Ditian, a team of five people guarded the temple, blocking his way.

Just now, the second prince broke through a blockade of the temple guards.

Seeing the temple guard blocking himself, the second prince couldn't help but feel bad for a long time. At last, he had to come up with a fire rune, a slight bounce. This fire rune suddenly turned into a raging sea of ​​fire, and flew towards the five temple guards. After a while, the five temple guards were burned directly to ashes.

"This kind of rune from the fire, but use one less one."

The second prince looked at the distressedly, there were no more than a dozen runaway fire charms in his hand, and there was a burst of heartache.

By coincidence, the two princes had been passed down by a strong man. In addition to a set of tricks from the fire god, the most important thing was the fire **** rune, but there were not many fire **** runes. There are only a few dozen in total. Over the past few years, the second prince has used nearly four-fifths. At this time, there are less than twenty left in the hand, and it can be said that one is less.

The three princes of the fire holy heaven also felt a great increase in pressure at this time. The fire prince of the fire holy heaven has been passed down by the fire holy. The fire holy is in the country of fire and is also a legend. Teacher, it can be said that the hole cards are also endless, so this can make the Sanyan tribe ancestors come and go freely.

On the contrary, the four princes were away from the sky, and their luck was not very good. However, when they met Chen Lei, they might be the four princes' best luck.

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