Supreme Rebirth

Chapter 1162: Admire

Chapter 1162

However, at this moment, Huo Queer had a thin anger on her face, drummed her cheeks, and stared, staring fiercely at the fire.

Today, Huo Litian, as the emperor of fire, has already cultivated a touch of imperialism, that is, Huo Queer dare to be so casual in front of Huo Litian.

Huo Litian glanced at Huo Queer and said, "Eleven sister, I have said this matter many times. This is a matter set by my father, and I have no right to cancel it. Moreover, many of today's contestants recruit relatives. Geniuses have gathered in the capital of the emperor. If I announced the cancellation, wouldn't I have teased the world's talents? Do you know how serious the consequences would be? I can't afford it. "

Huo Queer shook her head and said delicately, "I don't care, I won't marry anyway, I will marry you and marry."

Looking at the firebird playing with a small temper, Huo Litian petted a smile and said, "Eleven girl, stop playing with a temper, you know, this is absolutely impossible, but I can guarantee that in After this contest, no one will persecute you, and you will still be free. "

After listening to Huo Litian's words, Huo Queer opened her eyes and said, "Four brother, what you said is true. What good way do you have?"

Huo Litian pointed at Chen Lei and said, "This is your brother Chen Lei. I am going to let him also participate in the contest to recruit relatives. I'm sure he can definitely win the first place. At that time, the contest was also held. Others No one will say anything, and he will not go against the will of the Father, and by then no one will force you. "

Huo Queer glanced at Chen Lei and said, "Four brother, is this your idea?"

Huo Litian said, "Okay, how about it?"

Huo Queer said: "Four brother, you are too casual, you know, this is related to my life-long happiness, so you trust your friend, what if he loses in the contest?"

Huo Litian waved his hand and said, "He won't lose."

Huo Queer said: "No, I want to try his strength, otherwise, I won't be relieved."

Huo Litian looked at Chen Lei and said, "Brother Chen, you can play with my little girl. After a few tricks, you can rest assured. What do you think?"

Chen Lei smiled and said, "Well, let's take a few steps."

Huo Queer saw that Chen Lei said so easily and casually, as if he had won the game, and suddenly he couldn't beat one place. If he really thought that he was right for a while, he must go all out to give Chen Lei an embarrassment.

Soon, under the command of the fire from the sky, a ring tower rose,

Huo Queer boarded the ring platform for the first time, stood on the ring platform, looked at Chen Lei, and said, "Chen Lei, come on."

Huo Litian said under the ring: "Brother Chen, my sister is spoiled, and has a somewhat unmanned temper. Brother Chen, this time, don't have to show mercy, it is best to give her a big setback, let her know that there is a sky outside, Someone, lest you go out later and plant a bigger follower. "

Chen Lei glanced at Huo Litian and said, "No problem, but how do I feel like you're digging for me?"

Huo Litian waved his hand and said, "Brother Chen, you laughed, how dare I dig a hole for you."

Chen Lei smiled, and jumped onto the ring.

At this time, Huo Queer saw Chen Lei ascend to the ring, and immediately gave a coquettish bang, directly destroying his martial spirit, which was actually a very rare Suzaku martial spirit.

Of course, if it is the true Suzaku Wuhun, then the strength of Huoqueer may not even be sure to win.

But in fact, this Suzaku Wuhun only has a trace of Suzaku blood, not the true Suzaku Wuhun.

However, even this is amazing enough. At least Huo Queer's ability to perform any fire-based martial arts and magical powers is several times higher than that of ordinary people.

Huo Queer was annoyed by Chen Lei's arrogant tone, and was struggling to give Chen Lei a hard lesson. Therefore, as soon as Chen Lei came to power, he was attacked by Huo Queer.

I only saw the Suzaku Wuhun behind the fire bird, raising a layer of red flames, like a bathing fire, with wings flapping suddenly. Suddenly, all the plumes of fire turned into rockets, thousands of them, each All of them sent out the terrible heat, and flung towards Chen Lei fiercely.

Chen Lei stood in place, not moving, seeing the flaming fire feathers flying, suddenly raised a palm, palmed out for a scratch, and for a moment, his palm seemed to have an endless suction, The sky full of fire feathers all rushed into the palm of Chen Lei, and was tightly bound by Chen Lei within ten meters of the circle.

The fire feathers in the sky all poured into within ten meters of the control of Chen Lei's palm. At this time, the fire feathers in Chen Lei's palm were all turned into the source of the fire path, clusters of jumping flames.

Under the control of Chen Lei, these flames slowly transformed into a lifelike Suzaku, the feathers are clearly visible, and the gods are in good shape.

Suddenly, this Suzaku uttered a long trembling voice, rushed out of the palm of Chen Lei, brought the fire and rain, and dragged the bright and beautiful feathers, and flew towards the fire bird.

The fire bird felt immediately, as if a real **** beast, Suzaku, rushed at her. The coercion made her feel tremendous pressure. She was almost out of breath, and her heart suddenly lost her heart.


Huo Queer screamed and sat down directly on the ground. It was the Suzaku demon that rushed to her. The coercion was too powerful.


In the end, this Suzaku **** beast directly crashed into the Suzaku martial spirit behind the fire bird. For a moment, the fire bird felt the countless feelings about the Suzaku **** beast coming into her mind. Her repair Because in a vacuum, it actually increased a layer.

The reason why Chen Lei was able to have such a deep understanding of the Suzaku **** beast is naturally because of that Suzaku forging bones. Chen Lei incorporated the true essence of a Suzaku **** beast into the attack and broke into the martial spirit of the fire bird, but It saves Suzaku for decades of hard work.

At this point, Suzaku was surprised, and only admired Chen Lei.

Just now, Suzaku could be convinced that if Chen Lei had bad intentions, she would be able to give her a uniform.

However, in the end, the seemingly powerful move actually completed her, which greatly improved her strength. Such a means, I do n’t know how to describe it, anyway, Suzaku has never heard of this. s method.

"how about it?"

Chen Lei stood on the ring and asked Suzaku.

"I served."

Suzaku also knows what to do. He didn't continue to fight hard. He really convinced Chen Lei's strength, knowing that Chen Lei's strength is really unbelievable.

In this way, Suzakuer was completely relieved. If Chen Lei was able to overpower the heroes in the contest, then she naturally did not need to marry those masters who did not know or even hate her.

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