Supreme Rebirth

Chapter 1176: Defeat the enemy

Chapter 176 Defeating the Enemies

Prince Xu was ecstatic when he saw his shape. A long, narrow knife appeared in his hand, exuding a bitter coldness, turned into a stream of light, and beheaded to Chen Lei.


Chen Lei reached out his **** and directly caught the magic knife cut by Prince Xu, and suddenly the shadows disappeared, leaving only a magic knife that was cast as usual.

Prince Xu rose all his strength and wanted to pull out the sword in his hand. However, Chen Lei's **** seemed to have infinite power. No matter how hard Prince Prince Xu exerted, there was no way to pull out the sword in his hand.


Unable to do so, Prince Xu suddenly kicked out and kicked at Chen Lei's lower body.

Prince Xu's foot was quite sinister, and as if lightning, he went straight to the key point of Chen Lei.

At this time, Ni Shengying also affected his Tiange Wuhun, and beheaded to Chen Lei again.

Two masters besieged Chen Lei, and Chen Lei was in a desperate situation.

At this time, Chen Lei made a slight effort to take down the magic sword from Prince Xu, and then, with a long sword, Chen Lei splattered a snow-stained sword and cut it to Ni Shengying's Tian Ge Wu soul.

While waving his long knife, Chen Lei raised one foot to block the kick kicked by Prince Xu.


Chen Lei's foot directly pulled Prince Xu from a few kilometers. Prince Xu only felt that his foot bone was cracking and hurt his bone marrow. However, he suffered a great loss in this collision.

The sword that Chen Lei captured also repelled Ni Shengying's martial spirit, and even injured Ni Shengying's martial spirit again.

Prince Xu and Ni Shengying were both flushed at this time, but they still couldn't win Chen Lei, which made them both extremely annoyed.


In the end, Prince Xu and Ni Shengying both breathed wildly again. They exhibited mystery skills almost at the same time. Their strength has increased by more than ten times. The huge coercion made the first true dragon and Hua Feiyu who fought fiercely. , Both stopped for a while, looked at Chen Lei and others with astonishment.

At this moment, Prince Xu and Ni Shengying had a strong breath, the immense coercion came down like the **** of war, and the eyes were extremely sharp, bringing two rays of rainbow-like light, rushing towards Chen Lei.

Seeing this, Chen Lei snorted, and directly used his strongest means, the crit runes directly destroyed, and then, daringly greeted the two.

"Booming ..."

In the air, a thunderous sound rang out, and two huge divine lights soared into the sky, filling the entire platform, so that the warriors watching the battle around could not help closing their eyes.

It's really that the light of the encounter this time is too hot to make people look straight.

Later, I heard two loud sounds coming, and then I could see that Prince Xu and Ni Shengying flew upside down in blood, hitting the light curtain of Yantai fiercely. Two thick bloodstains were left on it, and they slowly slipped onto the platform, the breath was weak.

And Chen Lei's arms also shot dense blood mist and flesh flesh. Obviously, the full-force attack launched by Ni Shengying and Prince Xu assaulting the mystery was not so easy.

The first true dragon and Hua Feiyu were stunned and looked at Chen Lei. They did not expect that Chen Lei would be so fierce, and they alone defeated Ni Shengying and Prince Xu.

However, at this time, Chen Lei should also be the weakest time. Thinking of this, the first true dragon and Hua Feiyu coincided with each other and launched an attack on Chen Lei. They wanted to eliminate Chen Lei.

As long as Chen Lei is eliminated, this final winner must be one of them.

The first Zhenlong and Hua Feiyu's attack was equally powerful and the endless squalls wrapped Chen Lei directly. The two martial spirits attacked Chen Lei together to kill Chen Lei.

At this moment, suddenly beside Chen Lei, a dense light of thunder and lightning appeared. A huge **** lotus was rooted in the sea of ​​thunder. The **** lotus was like a giant umbrella supporting the sky, and surrounded by a series of dragon-shaped lightning. Terrible.

This is Chen Lei's martial spirit.

At this step, Chen Lei also had to use his martial spirit. Although the martial spirit is not yet complete, the thief Shenlian martial spirit is extremely special. It can be said that the defense was ignored, and two thunder lights directly hit the first flew over Yi Zhenlong and Hua Feiyu.

The first true dragon and Hua Feiyu were instantly stiff, and then they stayed in the air.

The first Zhenlong and Hua Feiyu were stiff for a short time, less than a thousandth of a second.

However, it was such a fleeting flaw that was caught by Chen Lei accurately, and two punches were fiercely blown into the chests of the first true dragon and Hua Feiyu.

Chen Lei's two punches did not take the slightest hold, and used all his strength.

The first true dragon and Hua Feiyu both wore protective armors, but this protective armor was smashed in the face of Chen Lei's strong fist, and then two mighty His fist punched directly into the bodies of the first true dragon and Hua Feiyu, shattered their internal organs, and broke several of their ribs.

"Plop, plop!"

After the two loud noises, the first true dragon and Hua Feiyu also lost their fighting power and landed on the ring.

At this time, only Chen Lei was able to stand on the platform.

Hua Feiyu and the first true dragon looked at each other with a bitter smile. No one thought that Chen Lei was so deep hidden, that the thief of the thief and the lotus soul was so strong that they were defeated in this game.

Just when the referee announced that Chen Lei had won, all of a sudden, a figure like an electric charge rushed to Chen Lei, and a punch hit Chen Lei's heart.

"Boom!" Chen Lei flew heavily, and then hit the light curtain of Yantai, which suddenly shook violently, and there was almost the danger of rupture.

Chen Lei only felt that a violent force invaded his body, destroying his vitality madly.

Chen Lei quickly destroyed Qinglong's rejuvenation strategy, and for a while, suppressed this strength in the body.

This force that invaded Chen Lei's body was very strange. Even Chen Lei could not be expelled from this body in a short time, and could only be temporarily suppressed. When he had time later, he would think of a way to completely remove it.

At this time, Chen Lei looked at the person who attacked him, not others, but Prince Xu. At this time, Prince Xu's eyes were cold and violent, as if changing a person.

God of Sacrifice!

Seeing the appearance of Prince Xu, Chen Lei immediately realized that Prince Xu had performed the technique of **** sacrifice, and Prince Xu had performed the technique of **** sacrifice. It became extremely dangerous, and Chen Lei had to pay attention. Strength and before, sentenced to two people.

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