Supreme Rebirth

Chapter 1178: Competition ends

Chapter 178 The Competition Ends

Prince Asahi's magical sacrifice effect has disappeared at this time, and he has even been defeated by the magical sacrifice art. His strength is several times weaker than usual.

At this time, Prince Xu had no ability to struggle in front of Chen Lei.

Therefore, Prince Asahi immediately decided to concede.

Once he concedes, Chen Lei has no excuses and can embarrass him.

However, Chen Lei didn't give him this opportunity at all. Chen Lei's mighty fist style made Prince Xu unable to say a word, and he watched Chen Lei punch with a punch, right in his heart.

Chen Lei's fist is extremely difficult to punch. After entering Prince Xu's body, he immediately destroyed Prince Asahi's Dan Tianhai. Not only that, Chen Lei's fist also contained a mystery of God's seal. The mystery of the seal of God directly messed up Prince Asahi ’s sea of ​​spirits and mess.

Prince Xu was blown high by Chen Lei's punch, and he spit out large blood in the air. Finally, he fell heavily to the ground.


Prince Xu fell to the ground, struggling to get up, but unfortunately, he just spit out a word, and fell into a coma again.

"Chen Lei wins."

With the coma of Prince Xu, the whole contest of recruiting relatives was completely and successfully concluded, and Chen Lei became the final winner.

At this moment, the entire country of fire was in jubilation, and countless people came to the streets to celebrate, and the little princess of her country finally had a best husband.

These people can see through the matrix method mapping, Chen Lei's strength is really the strongest and can be worthy of their little princess.

As for Huo Litian, he was naturally very satisfied, glanced at the little girl.

At this time, Huo Queer didn't feel much about Chen Lei, but she didn't hate it, but letting her marry Chen Lei couldn't do it yet.

After all, today's Huo Queer has no intention of marrying people. Now, this competition for recruiting relatives is only due to the order of the previous Emperor of Fire.

However, now that Chen Lei has won, according to the agreement of Huo Litian and Chen Lei, Chen Lei can only be regarded as a shield, and does not run counter to the will of the previous emperor of fire, it can be said that both are beautiful.

In fact, Huo Queer also knows that the development of this step is the most complete, otherwise, anyone else won the first place would be a huge trouble.

Chen Lei naturally knew this. He didn't want to cause trouble at this time. Now that he hasn't figured out the whereabouts of Nie Qianran and others, he is even more reluctant to provoke other women.

This time the shot was purely to help the fire get out of the way.

As for Huo Litian, he has his own ideas.

He was the first emperor of the fire, with a shallow foundation and needed someone to help him, and Chen Lei was the most suitable candidate.

However, the friendship between him and Chen Lei is not very strong. He wants Chen Lei to do fake dramas and become the appendage of the Fire Country. In this case, with such a layer of relationship, if he encounters anything in the future Difficult things, Chen Lei was also embarrassed to sit idly by.

However, Huo Litian also knows that this matter cannot be forced and needs to be taken slowly.

Later, Huo Litian announced that Chen Lei became the quasi-adherent horse of the Fire Country. As for the wedding period, the old fire emperor needs to go out of the customs before making a decision.

No one has any objection to this point. After all, the recruiting of the relatives was personally designated by the old fire emperor, and the choice of marriage period is also reasonable.

As for the retreat of the old fire emperor, there is nothing, anyway, Huo Queer and others are still young, even if they have been married for hundreds of years, it is not too late.

In this way, the contest of recruiting relatives came to an end.

And after completing this matter, Chen Lei also decided to resign to Huo Litian and head to Beihai to find the basalt method.

"Can't you stay longer?"

Huo Li innocently retained Chen Lei, and was unwilling to leave Chen Lei. He still had many things that needed Chen Lei's help.

However, Chen Lei was most afraid of trouble, and naturally knew that if he stayed, it would be troublesome, and he refused to agree.

Huo Litian saw that Chen Lei had decided, so he no longer persuaded, but just wanted to give Chen Lei a banquet before Chen Lei left.

This point, Chen Lei naturally agreed.

However, although Chen Lei said he was going to leave, it was not possible to leave immediately because Jing Jing is still in retreat and has not yet left the customs. Even if Chen Lei has to leave, she must wait for Jing Jing to leave with Bei Jing to Beihai .

At this time, in a huge house, Prince Asahi finally woke up.

"Ahem ..."

Even after taking the top elixir of Rising Sun, Prince Asahi was still very seriously injured, constantly coughing blood, and his face was extremely ugly.

"Chen Lei, I must kill you ..."

At this time, Prince Xu gritted his teeth and hated Chen Lei.

At this time, there were several strong men standing beside Prince Asahi, who were silent, and they clearly knew how Prince Asahi had been abolished.

However, even if Prince Xu is abolished, his identity is still there. These strong men are still extremely respectful to Prince Xu.

"Prince, what shall we do?"

A strong man asked Prince Asahi for his next move.

"Think of a way to get Huo Queer away. Huo Queer is a person named by God. Even if it is a robber, you must rob her back. At the same time, I don't want Chen Lei to live in this world."

Prince Xu said lightly.


A warrior from the rising sun nodded, signalling to understand what Prince Asahi meant.

"You go down."

Prince Asahi waved his hand and said tiredly.

The warriors of the Rising Sun nodded saluting, and then retreated.

"Master, what shall we do?"

After retreating, a warrior asked for directions from the head.

"Immediately make plans overnight, this time the task is Huo Queer and Chen Lei."

Said the leader Shen Sheng.

"Yes!" A warrior took the command, and then proceeded to study and formulate an action plan.

At this time, Chen Lei practiced in the courtyard.

At this time, Chen Lei was trying to find a way to combine the red fire red lotus and ice lotus in Wuhun, and find a way to integrate into his thunder gods.

Chen Lei used to obtain two soul species in the cold and fire caves of Yunhuangzhou, namely the ice lotus Wuhun and the red fire red lotus soul. These two kinds of souls are very important to Chen Lei ’s thief and the lotus soul Tonic, therefore, Chen Lei kept it on him and always wanted to find a chance to merge. Now, his soul seal has been opened halfway and the conditions for integration have been reached. Therefore, Chen Lei took advantage of these days in the country of fire. In time, he began to merge the two soul species of red fire red lotus and ice lotus.

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