Supreme Rebirth

Chapter 1199: Dark blue empire

Chapter 119: The Dark Blue Empire

This woman, wearing a long white dress, was tall and in a lotus-like style, came with elegance and came to Chen Lei.

"Little girl Li Feiyan, I have seen Eun-gung, thank you for your life-saving grace."

When the woman approached, Chen Lei felt a fragrant fragrance, and a gorgeous face appeared in front of Chen Lei.

Although this woman is amazing, Chen Lei has seen too many beautiful women, so she is also immune, and looks at Li Feiyan calmly, saying, "Miss doesn't have to be polite.

At this time, Jing Jing also flew to Chen Lei and stood side by side with Chen Lei.

"Who is this one?"

Li Feiyan looked at Jingjing and asked.

"This is Nei Jingjing." Chen Lei said.

Li Feiyan gave a gift and said, "I've met Jingjing girl."

Jing Jing nodded and said nothing.

Li Feiyan said, "Engong, I don't know if I can tell the surname and surname, so the little girl will remember it, and feel it day and night."

Chen Lei said: "My name is Chen Lei. It only happens to save you. You don't have to care too much."

Li Feiyan shook his head and said, "Gong Chen, it may be a trivial matter for you, but for me, it is a big thing. If you did n’t rescue me today, I would fall into the hands of these pirates. , I'm afraid you know exactly how miserable it is. "

Chen Lei nodded, Li Feiyan's words were true. If he really fell into the hands of these pirates, Li Feiyan would really die.

Li Feiyan went on to say: "Gong Chen, take the liberty to ask, where are you going?"

"We are going to the Dark Blue Empire."

Chen Lei did not hide his destination, and he also wanted to know something from Li Feiyan.

After listening to Chen Lei's words, Li Feiyan showed a hint of surprise, saying, "Gong Chen, you are going to the Deep Blue Empire. If this is the case, we can say that it is the way forward. Also, our Li family is also in the Deep Blue Empire. This time, It ’s the one who returns to my home province, why do n’t we go all the way, do you like it? ”

Chen Lei nodded and said, "Okay, I don't know if the girl knows the Deep Blue Empire, can you tell us a bit about it?"

Li Feiyan nodded and said, "Of course, no problem. I am still very familiar with the Deep Blue Empire. Chen Gongzi, Jingjing Girl, this is not the place to talk. How about we change places?"

Chen Lei and Jing Jing nodded. This is really not the place to speak. There is a pungent blood smell everywhere on the deck, and there are corpses all over the place. Although no one would mind this, but in such an environment It really affects mood.

Chen Lei and Jing Jing nodded, and Li Feiyan returned to the cabin.

The cabin that Li Feiyan lives in is extremely luxurious and luxuriously decorated. It can be seen that Li Feiyan's family strength is definitely very strong.

After several people sat down, the maid poured spirit tea on Chen Lei and Jing Jing, and then they continued to talk.

"Miss Li, can you give us a detailed introduction about the Deep Blue Empire, for which we are still a little unclear."

Chen Lei asked Li Feiyan directly what he was most concerned about.

Li Feiyan nodded and said, "Okay, I'll tell Chen Gongzi everything I know."

Subsequently, Li Feiyan began to introduce some details of the Deep Blue Empire to Chen Lei and others.

This dark blue empire can be said to be the absolute hegemon in this multi-million sea area. It is a huge empire established by the human race.

The emperor of the Dark Blue Empire should be a nine-story powerhouse of the Emperor Wudi. Of course, this is only a legend, because for thousands of years, the emperor of the Dark Blue Empire has never appeared.

The dark blue empire is now in charge of the administration of the prince and the great prince of the dark blue empire.

There are six emperors in the Dark Blue Empire. In addition to the grand prince as the prince-in-law, the other five princes all sit on one side and defend one side of the sea.

With Li Feiyan's euphemism, Chen Lei also knew something about the behemoth of the Deep Blue Empire.

This dark blue empire is definitely a super-class force. It can be said that its strength is not weaker than the Mid Tang Dynasty dynasty in the middle region.

The Central Region refers to the mainland and does not include the ocean. This dark blue empire can be called the first force of the human race in the sea, and the Middle Tang Dynasty is the first force on the land.

These two major ethnic forces, one sea and one land, jointly shelter the reproduction and inheritance of the peoples of Central China.

As a result, Chen Lei also had a new understanding of the importance of this dark blue empire. Without the dark blue empire, I am afraid that no one will have a foothold in this area of ​​the sea and will be completely annexed by all ethnic groups.

With the deterrence of the dark blue empire, the strong men of all races will be in awe of the human race and dare not go too far.

After listening to Li Feiyan's explanation, Chen Lei nodded. The Dark Blue Empire was more complicated than he imagined. This was a giant force.

The Deep Blue Empire, in addition to the royal family, has four gates, eight gods, twelve towns and other kings. These forces are also extremely powerful, and are the town pillars of the Deep Blue Empire.

In addition, there are several powerful sects around the Dark Blue Empire, such as Shaking the Sea Sect. Although this number of people is not as many as the Dark Blue Empire, its strength is not much weaker than the Dark Blue Empire. It is also a giant. The tyrannical gate.

There are five or six such ancestors as Shao Haizong, such as the Eight Deserted Sects, Bihai Palace, Yuan Jianzong, Tianyan Sect, and so on.

These gates are also human forces, together with the Dark Blue Empire, they guard the interests of the human race in this area and protect the human race.

Of course, these major gates and the Deep Blue Empire are also a relationship of competition and cooperation. When dealing with foreigners, they can work together, but there are also various intrigues between them. The relationship is also very complicated.

In addition to the human race, there are countless living creatures and strong people in this area, such as the sea race. The sea race here refers to the entire ethnic group living in the sea. It is only the races under the sea race. No less than 10 million. However, most of the ethnic people of the Hai people live deep in the ocean floor, while most of the human people live in the islands in the sea.

In addition to the sea clan, the forces of other ethnic groups are equally numerous, living and reproducing in this area of ​​the sea.

At this time, Chen Lei had a terrible headache and the complexity of the Beihai environment was far beyond what he had imagined. Originally, he felt that he could be as good as searching for the Suzaku forging bones, and could easily find the basaltic veins. The environment, he has no confidence in finding the basalt method.

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