Supreme Rebirth

Chapter 803: Fighting ape

Chapter 803 The Fighting Ape

The attack of the fierce ape also suffered setbacks.

The stickman of the fierce ape originally thought that he could smash Chen Lei directly into blood mist, but never thought that Chen Lei actually blocked his stick and made the ferocious ape feel extremely unexpected.

The fierce ape, who was the first genius of the extinct demonic ape family, just came out of the retreat. He originally planned to go to the ancestral court, but he did not expect that in the middle of it, he lost his way and fell into a space crack. .

The fierce ape walked along the cracks in the space, but at the end, they found that they couldn't get through.

The fierce ape does not say that it is a tendon, but it is also embarrassing. It is found that it is not accessible, not to turn around and walk back, but to be aroused fiercely, bombard this fissure in the space fiercely, and try to make a way out.

This crack in space was sealed by the powerful men of Xuanyu Hachiriku. The prohibition is also extremely difficult to imagine and difficult to entangle.

At the beginning, the fierce ape suffered a big loss and was injured by the restraint.

This is even more unbearable for the fierce ape, and it releases the soul eater that it carries.

With the help of the Spirit Eater, the fierce ape finally broke the restraint and appeared at the other end of the space crack.

The evil ape found that this area is actually the area where the human race is located. Once it appeared, it was surrounded by countless human races.

This makes the fierce ape immediately angry and happy. The anger is that someone dares to do something to him. The good thing is that in the eyes of the fierce ape, these peoples are the most delicious food. He has been in retreat for hundreds of years, and the birds have faded out of his mouth. I haven't tasted it for a long time, but now I am naturally very happy.

Therefore, the fierce ape will kill the war, treat these people as food, and devour several powerful ancestors.

The huge blood in Wuzu Peak's body makes the fierce ape feel extremely excited. The blood of these Wuzu Peak's peaks has greatly helped his strength.

At this time, the fierce ape couldn't bear it anymore, and naturally wanted to devour everyone.

However, he did not expect that there was actually a tribe of little people who resisted his full blow.

This caused the fierce ape to be extremely furious. Two fierce as fierce lights were shot in his eyes, and he shot fiercely at Chen Lei. He wanted to see how sacred Chen Lei was.

When the fierce ape looked around, he found the blood flowing in Chen Lei's body, exuding a breath of temptation, which made him want to swallow Chen Lei.


The fierce ape roared, and the black stick in his hand suddenly turned into a violent storm, and furiously pumped over towards Chen Lei.

The shadow of a stick is like a mountain, smashing the void into the air, smashing his head and covering his face, smashing hard at Chen Lei.

Chen Lei destroyed Tian Lei's sword fetus and fought fiercely with the fierce ape with exquisite swordsmanship.

Chen Lei also knew at this time that this fierce ape was extremely powerful and powerful. Therefore, he did not have the eagerness to build his merits, and he used the exquisite sword technique to introduce all of the fierce ape's ways like mountain clubs into the void.

"Bang bang bang!"

Countless stars exploded directly and turned into fragments of the sky, all of which were exploded by the stick strength of Chen Lei.

The fierce ape just felt like he was smashed into a ball of cotton. He was weak and weak, and it did not hurt Chen Lei at all.

The fierce ape was angry again, and two golden rays shot sharply in his eyes, and he shot fiercely at Chen Lei.

Chen Lei only felt a crisis rising from his heart, knowing that the two golden lights were absolutely unusual, and when he moved his mind, a layer of blue immortality turned into a blue giant clock, and the runes on the surface of the giant clock moved him. Guarded up.

This cyan giant bell is exactly the immortal bell mark cultivated by Chen Lei.

Although it is said that Chen Lei gave Jiu Tian Bi Luo Zhong to Bimanman, the most precious thing above Jiu Tian Bi Luo Zhong is the Qing Emperor's Asking Sutra and Xian Zhongjue.

And these two sets of exercises, Chen Lei have already firmly memorized, practice to the point where he entered the room.

At this time, Chen Lei directly destroyed Xian Zhongjue, and turned the power of the cyan true truth into a fairy cover to resist these two golden lights.

These two golden lights were extremely fast, and in a blink of an eye, they were shot on the fairy bell cover. For a moment, Chen Lei felt the endless power of golden consciousness like a sky knife, chopping in his mind.

These two golden lights actually cut off the power of consciousness.

However, this immortal bell cover is infinitely powerful, and it is best at defending such attacks. Although this attack made Chen Lei's consciousness shaken, he did not break through his consciousness's defense line.

What's more, even if there is no immortal bell cover, these two golden lights can hardly break through Chen Lei's sea of ​​spirits. You must know that his sea of ​​spirits is now integrated with Thunder Pond, and any soul attack is difficult for him Works.

After Chen Lei resisted the two golden lights of the fierce ape, the purple thunder light was shining on the thunder sword's tyre, and a thunderbolt Shenlian martial spirit emerged from behind. On top of Tianlei Sword Tire, there was endless thunder-strike power for Tianlei Sword Tire.

Suddenly, the thunder sword tires were reduced to thousands of feet in size, and there was a strong thunder-strike force on it, like a magic sword with a sky-strength.

At this time, Chen Lei, the whole body of Lei Hai appeared, like the Supreme Supreme who controlled the way of Thunder, exuding an invincible majestic majesty, his eyes flickered, his eyes fixed on the evil ape.


At this time, Chen Lei was almost integrated with spirit and spirit, destroying all the power in the body. At the same time, twenty-five times of critical strike runes were launched at the same time, which severely killed the fierce ape.

Facing this first-genius genius fierce ape, Chen Lei also used his real power for the first time, because he knew that only in this way was it possible to kill the fierce ape.


A clear sword light illuminates the entire universe. The peerless and sharp breath almost splits the entire universe into a sword of astonishment. In an instant, it cuts to the evil ape ahead. .

This fierce ape, as a first-generation genius, is naturally extremely sensitive to danger.

After Chen Lei cut off this potential blow, the light of the fierce ape's eyes exuded a horror of panic, but the next moment, the black light of his whole body exploded instantly, expanding thousands of miles outward in the blink of an eye, and the black light rolled in, There seemed to be faint light, countless runes rotated, and issued an extremely strong defense.

Subsequently, the hair of the fierce ape was erected like a spear forest, and even more, the fierce ape also ran out the black stick in his hand and grabbed it. Clenching, countless true powers poured into the black cudgel madly, the black cudgel exudes peerless fierce power, and turned into a huge mountain running between Chen Lei and the fierce ape, blocking Chen Lei's beheading Stunning sword light.

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