Supreme Rebirth

Chapter 813: Broken Road

Chapter 813 Broken Ancient Road

"Which one is Chen Lei?"

The ancestor of the alien extinct monster ape, looking through Chen Lei and others through the big void, asked arbitrarily.

Among the alien ancestral courts, several elders approached the void big cave and looked inward.

What means is this?

You know, the area where the mysterious and exotic ancestors are located is not strictly a world at all, but a small world with two different sides.

However, the ancestor of the extinct monster ape actually opened two worlds directly by virtue of the supernatural powers, and the coordinate positioning was so accurate.

Seems to be an understatement, but the power behind it that represents the sky is horrible.

In the alien ancestral court, several elders carefully observed through the black hole. Finally, among the crowd, Chen Lei's face was found.

"That one is Chen Lei."

In the alien ancestral court, an elder said, pointing to Chen Lei.

The ancestor of the annihilation demon ape took a deep look at Chen Lei, remembering that Chen Lei was firmly in his heart.

At this time, Chen Lei only felt as if someone was staring at him, but the consciousness spread out, but found nothing.

"Is it an illusion?"

Chen Lei, who was waiting to enter the ancient road outside the territory, had a sudden throbbing heart, which was obviously not a good sign.

However, there was no danger. He couldn't feel it. For a time, Chen Lei's heart seemed heavy.

"No matter what, here is at the very center of Xuanmeng College, surrounded by unparalleled defenses. What can be dangerous?"

Chen Lei secretly searched for a long time and could not find the source of the danger feeling. In the end, he could only comfort himself and felt that he was more attentive.

At this time, in the restricted area of ​​Xuanmeng College, several elders joined forces to open a ban. Suddenly, an ancient road outside the domain to the outside of the country appeared in front of everyone.

This ancient road outside the domain emits a little bit of starlight, as if it was constructed by starlight. One end is in the center of the restricted area of ​​Xuanyu College, and the other end is extended into the void. The end.

"Well, this is the ancient road outside the territory. You can set off. Remember, if you want to return to Xuanyu, you must follow this ancient road. Within a hundred years, this ancient road will always open. If you miss it, This time, then, it will take a hundred years before this ancient road can be opened again. "

An elder of Xuanmeng College urged an earnest cry, and then waved his hand to signal that everyone could set foot on the ancient road outside the territory.

All the people swarmed up, set foot on the ancient road outside the domain, and rushed to see the wonderful world outside the domain.

At this time, Chen Lei, along with Nie Qianran, Lei Yu, Bimanman, and Jing Jing, also set foot on the ancient road outside the territory, accompanied by Chen Lei and others, along with Xuetang, Xiong Da, Lion Two, and Lusan. .

As for Chen Lei ’s younger sister, Chen Yier, she stayed in the Xuanyuan continent, because Chen Lei ’s younger sister was still young and was reluctant to leave her parents. Moreover, Chen Lei felt that her younger sister had missed the ancient road outside this time And there is another chance.

Therefore, Chen Lei did not force the younger sister to go together.

Chen Lei and others acted together and set foot on the ancient road outside the territory.

After they and others set foot on the ancient road outside the realm, they felt as if they had come to a passage of time. Everything around them was like a shadow, rushing backwards.

"This ancient road outside the realm is really extraordinary."

Chen Lei used divine knowledge to investigate the composition of ancient roads outside the region, but that trace of divine power was swallowed up by the barriers of ancient roads outside the region in an instant, making Chen Lei afraid to let go of the gods.

When Chen Lei and others embarked on the ancient road outside the realm, among the alien ancestors, the ancestor of the extinct demon ape, in his hands, there was an extra black ball exuding an extremely powerful and evil atmosphere.

As soon as this black sphere appeared, the space where the alien ancestral home was crushed and cracked into a huge fissure, and the entire area where the alien ancestor was located almost shattered.

The elders in the exotic world were frightened one by one. They didn't know what the black sphere exuding from the world was.

The ancestral demon ancestor looked at the black ball in his hand reluctantly, and finally, his eyes became extremely firm. He shook his hands and hit the black ball directly into his broken In that huge big hole.

In a blink of an eye, this black ball turned into a black light, and in the next moment, it appeared on the ancient road outside the domain, hitting Chen Lei and others fiercely.

This black ball burst suddenly after hitting the ancient road outside the domain. Suddenly, countless black rays of light, like the same vines, bloomed, exuding the power of the world.

This black orb was amazingly powerful. At the moment of the explosion, the entire ancient road outside the area suddenly burst into pieces and was annihilated in mid-air.


With the sound of a deafening sound, the entire ancient road outside the territory was shattered in front of Xuanmeng College and other elders, and many of these warriors on the ancient road outside the domain did not even scream. Disappeared directly into the air.

"Ah, what happened?"

Several elders screamed in pain and quickly investigated the reason. The ancient road outside this domain has been opened for tens of thousands of years. No problem occurred this time. This time, it was directly blown up when it was opened. It's incredible.

All of a sudden, the elders issued orders to find the cause of the destruction of the ancient road outside the territory.

In the alien ancestral courtyard, the ancestor of the extinct monster ape raised his teeth and revealed a horrible smile. Under this attack, Chen Leiwan had no reason to survive.

As soon as the ancestor of the extinct monster ape waved, the huge hole suddenly disappeared, and then, the ancestor of the extinct monster ape suddenly fainted, and even the glory in his eyes faded.

"Father, are you okay?"

Several elders in the exotic ancestral courts greeted the ancestors one by one and looked at the situation of the ancestors. It is absolutely not optimistic.

"Anyway, although this time consumes a bit more, but it is worthwhile to be able to kill Chen Lei. My ancestor is going to fall asleep. Within a hundred years, there is no important thing to do to disturb my ancestor.

The ancestral demon ancestor gave a command, then disappeared out of thin air, and no one knew where he had gone.

Several elders of different races slandered in their hearts, and the ancestors of the extinct monster ape have disappeared without trace. Even if they want to disturb, they must find it.

Not to mention the thoughts of several elders in the alien ancestral family, Chen Lei and others at this time passed through countless worlds one by one, and finally, they fell from the air and fell into the unknown world.

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