Supreme Rebirth

Chapter 824: Feng Lin Mo Ru

Chapter 824 Feng Lin Mo Ru

Chen Lei stepped out of the lobby of Tongtianlou. Although his soul was sealed, his keen intuition made him realize that he was being followed.

Chen Lei sneered, these people regarded him as a fat sheep, purely hanging from the old life star, impatient and impatient.

Chen Lei intentionally walked out of the city, the speed was extremely fast, and after a while, he was out of the city.

This is the place where the state capital of Shengzhou is located. Naturally, it is extremely prosperous. Within the state capital, no one dares to make a random move.

However, once out of the city, there are not so many scruples, and the city guards in the state capital will not bother to deal with fighting outside the city.

Although Chen Lei came to Shengzhou City for the first time, in the lobby of Tongtianlou, he once saw a map of Shengzhou City. Therefore, he knew the terrain of Shengzhou City.

The city gate that Chen Lei chose to go out was the North City Gate, and beyond the North City Gate, thousands of miles away, there was a dangerous mountain called Devil Mountain.

This devil's mountain, densely packed with mountains, is scarcely crowded.

As soon as Chen Lei got out of the North City Gate, he hurried toward Mohu Mountain.

Although it is said that Chen Lei cannot use the power of power and consciousness, his physical power is comparable to that of Emperor Wu, step by step, using a footwork that can be destroyed by the physical body, and the speed is not slower than that of the ordinary Wuzu strongman. How much.

Chen Lei was afraid that these people would be lost behind him. He did not use all his strength at all, but only used 30% of the speed. Within half a column of incense time, he had already reached the edge of the devil tiger forest.

Chen Lei entered the Devil Tiger Forest without hesitation.

"Boss, do you want to chase?"

Among the predators, a martial saint-like powerhouse, when he saw Chen Lei dig into the devil's forest, he could not help asking.

In the rivers and lakes, there is an ancient admonition that every forest does not enter. This ancient admonition is an unbreakable truth.

"Chasing, a trickless wild boy who doesn't know where he comes from, what tricks can he play, so many of us here are afraid he will not succeed?"

One of the predators was the head of this small group, glanced at the darkened devil forest, and flashed a ruthless expression in his eyes.

This warrior saw the property of Chen Lei in his own eyes. If he took Chen Lei, then it would be a lot of windfall. For ten thousand steps, even if he did not swallow the windfall, return him. For the little prince, he will definitely get a huge reward.

Therefore, the temptation of Chen Lei's possessions to this warrior was irresistible, and he forgot the ancient saying of Feng Lin Mo Ru passed down from his ancestors.

The warriors of several other predators were also blinded by their desires. When they saw the boss instructed to enter the forest, they sent out the consciousness one by one, and chased quickly while alerting.

A few moments later, the warriors among the predators discovered Chen Lei's trail.

In fact, Chen Lei did not go far. When these predators found Chen Lei, they felt that Chen Lei was waiting for them on purpose.

The headed predator Wu Zhe saw Chen Lei not far away and waved his hand, and several people slowly surrounded him.

"Boy, you brought us here on purpose?"

At this point, the leader of the predator, even if stupid, also reacted, Chen Lei definitely came here intentionally.

Chen Lei glanced at the warrior and said lightly, "It's not too stupid, let's go, what do you want to do after me?"

The warrior had already spoken, and no longer concealed anything, and said, "Boy, hand over everything you have, and we rob."


Chen Lei glanced at the predator and said, "What if I don't pay?"

The warrior of this predator said, "Don't blame our cruelty."

Chen Lei said: "I would like to see, what are you capable of?"

The warrior among the predators saw that Chen Lei was unwilling to give in and lost his patience, and said, "Brothers, shoulder to shoulder, chop him into a meat sauce."

Having said that, the leader of this predator, the first to brutally kill Chen Lei in the past.

The warriors among the other predators swarmed up and attacked Chen Lei.

These people do not have the concept of fighting on their own. They do everything together and rely on more to win, even if Chen Lei is just a guy with little practice.

Chen Lei looked at these people and rushed over, one by one exuding strong vitality and light, the breath was extremely powerful.

However, Chen Lei was not afraid of these people. When he met this group of people, he rushed forward and waved the continuous shot. In a moment, the shadow of Chen Lei shrouded in a circle of thousands of kilometers. It is his palm print.

What Chen Lei destroyed was just a palm technique he had cultivated at the time, called Qingluan Dieshan Palm.

Previously, this set of power was good, but now it is displayed in Chen Lei's hands, the power is equally amazing.

Although there is no real power to bless, but Chen Lei's physical power is already incredible. With a single palm, there is no power.

Within the shadow of Chen Lei's palm, all the treasures in the hands of the predators were smashed by Chen Lei one by one, and their attack on Chen Lei could not even break Chen Lei's defense.

The clothes that Chen Lei is wearing today are also a rare treasure with extremely defensive power. It can be said that even Chen Lei's clothes have not been broken.

However, in turn, the power of Chen Lei ’s palm is powerful, but it is appalling. Among the predators, Chen Lei ’s palm is directly shocked by heart attacks, internal palpitations, bones, and even some fragile warriors. Chen Lei was photographed as flesh.

The strong among the dozen predators, who persisted for less than ten minutes, were all killed by Chen Lei.

For those guys who followed him maliciously and were about to rob, Chen Lei had no mercy, and Chen Lei also knew that if these guys were released, there would be a lot of trouble later, so Chen Lei directly killed all of them. Stay alive.

After killing the predator, Chen Lei temporarily put away the booty on these people, and later found a chance to find a way to open it.

Just after Chen Lei was busy, there were several malicious men who chased after him.

Chen Lei originally wanted to deliberately seduce these malicious men, so he did not hide at all, and even intentionally left a lot of clues. Anyone who cares will never lose it.

And these groups of people entered the dense forest with the same purpose. They wanted to bully Chen Lei as a raw face, want to rob and kill people.

However, these people do not know at all that the object they want to rob is actually a dragon, which is not what they can move at all.

There were five groups of guys chasing after Chen Lei who were hostile to him. However, in the end, none of these people were able to walk out of the woodland alive.

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