Supreme Rebirth

Chapter 830: Retreat

Chapter 830 Retreat

More than a dozen men did not dare to move half a step, for fear of being killed by Chen Lei who thought he was about to escape.

At this time, the intestines of the more than a dozen men were almost regretful.

They thought that this was a beautiful mission, and if it was done well, they would please Xiao Wang.

But who would have thought that Chen Lei was such a terrible opponent. Even the enshrined lord of Wu Zu was not Chen Lei's opponent. These little guards were Chen Lei's opponents.

"You guys, bring me a message to the followers. If you kill me again, this person is their role model."

Chen Lei pointed at the peak corpse of Wu Zu on the ground, and said senranly.

"have you understood?"

In the end, Chen Lei shouted loudly at these people.

Chen Lei shouted, awakened everyone, and said quickly: "I see, I understand, you son of Chen, rest assured, we will bring your words."

Chen Lei glanced at the guards and said coldly, "Okay, take your body with you, let's go, for the sake of your usefulness, let me kill you today."

After listening to Chen Lei's words, the guards suddenly felt a sense of escape, thanking Chen Lei for all his kindness, and then took the corpse dedicated to the peak of Wu Zu, leaving the scorpion as quickly as possible.

Chen Lei looked at the escaped guards, sneered, and turned away.

And these guards soon met the pursuit of the rear, after all, in the process of chasing Chen Lei, they were marked along the way, these people can accurately follow up.


A worshiper shouted when he saw the guards who had fled.

The guards stopped for a moment, seeing the devotion, and quickly walked over.

"Aren't you Shen Shen's guards? What happened?"

The demon called the guards over. Suddenly, his look changed and he saw the body on the back of a guard.

"Well, Shen Fangfu was killed. Who did it?"

The enshrined asked with an old face.

The guard did not dare to conceal and said, "Cao's oblation is under the hands of Chen Lei, and Shen's oblation died in the hands of Chen Lei.

After Cao Feng worshiped it, he couldn't believe it and asked, "What are you saying?"

Several guards said immediately: "Cao worships, we dare to swear to the sky, what we say is true. If there is a half word, the sky thunders."

After listening to the words of these guards, Cao Fengfang finally believed the words of these guards, but he couldn't figure out how Shen Shenfeng died in the hands of Chen Lei.

According to the information they received, Chen Lei was a guy who had no practice and only physical arrogance.

However, if the physical body is overbearing again, where can it be overbearing, can it be even more powerful with the soul of Wu Zujing?

Although Cao Fengfang believed the words of the guards, he still did not understand how Chen Lei did it.

"By the way, Cao worships, Chen Lei also asked me to bring you a word."

"What is it?"

Cao Feng asked with a somber expression.

"Chen Lei said that if we at the Hengwang Mansion continue to chase him down, Shen worship is an example."

"Arrogant child!"

Cao worshipped the anger after hearing the words of the guards.

However, after a moment, Cao worshipped and calmed down again.

He and Shen worship can be said to intersect, and he knows that the worship of Shen worship is second to none.

If he had a fair fight with Shen worship, he would not be the opponent of Shen worship.

However, Chen Lei was able to kill Shen Fen in a short period of time. Then, it is entirely possible to kill him in a short period of time.

As soon as he thought about it, Cao Fang worshipped suddenly and suddenly sobered up.

Between him and Chen Lei, there was nothing that could not be resolved, but he just wanted to please Xiao Wang by catching Chen Lei.

However, it is a good choice to please Xiao Wang Ye and his life, which is light and which is heavy.

He is not easy to cultivate now, how could he just put himself in danger just to please Xiao Wangye.

The thought of Cao Fengfang immediately retreated when he thought of it.

There are too many accidents on Chen Lei, it is simply uncontrollable, and it is too dangerous, so he can't commit himself to please Xiao Wang in order to please him.

"We withdraw!"

Cao worshipped his face a few times, and finally decided to give up chasing Chen Lei.

Cao Fengfeng left with his men, while the remaining guards under Shen Fengfeng continued to carry Shen's body to warn the followers.

After seeing Shen's corpse, some people directly gave up chasing and killing Chen Lei, because Chen Lei's combat power was so powerful that they had to choose carefully.

Of course, there are also some unbelievers. I feel that these guards have exaggerated Chen Lei's strength and continue to pursue it.

However, these strong men who continued to chase eventually died one by one in Chen Lei's hands, and their bodies were brought out by their guards.

In the end, there were four strong ancestors of Wuzu Peak, who died in the hands of Chen Lei, and the bodies of these four Wuzu peak strongmen were placed side by side by several guards, which was very shocking. .

After seeing the bodies of the four ancestors worshipped at the peak level, even the arrogant warriors also gave up their plans to hunt down Chen Lei.

As a joke, Chen Lei successively killed the enshrinment of four Wuzu peaks. This kind of combat power, I am afraid that few people can control Chen Lei in the entire Hengwang Mansion.

Of course, there must be masters who can kill Chen Lei in the palace, but these masters are definitely not them.

Frightened by the corpses of four ancestors at the peak of the ancestors, the martial artists who came to hunt down Chen Lei ’s Hengwang Mansion finally completely extinguished their plans to hunt down Chen Lei and went home one by one.

With the departure of these people, the chase behind Chen Lei was finally settled temporarily.

Chen Lei's figure appeared on the edge of the dense forest. He glanced at the strong men who had given up killing him, and sank into the dense forest without looking back.

After solving the chasing of the Hengwang Mansion, Chen Lei tried his best to destroy the speed and rushed towards the direction of the Jun County Master and others.

After dropping the chase, Chen Lei should also fulfill his promise to protect the county master.

Chen Lei was very fast. Soon after, he found traces left by the master of Jun County and others in the dense forest.

After finding the clues left by the Master of Jun County and others, Chen Lei's speed was faster. He took the footwork to the extreme. The whole person flew in the dense forest like a light smoke. Two days later, a figure appeared in In front of Chen Lei.

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