Supreme Rebirth

Chapter 833: Pleading

Chapter 833 Pleading

At this time, Chen Lei, like the supreme demon, was mixed with evil spirits.

However, in the eyes of She Jun, Chen Lei is her savior. If Chen Lei did not appear in time, she would not dare imagine.

"Miss, are you okay!"

Zhuer quickly ran towards the chief of Jun County and said to the chief of Jun County.

With the help of Zhu'er, the Zhu County Master stood up.

At this time, Chen Lei also came over and came to the Jun County Master, saying, "The Jun County Master was frightened."

The chief of She County sighed and exhaled, saying, "Fortunately, you came in time, Chen Lei. This time, I don't know how to thank you."

Chen Lei waved his hand and said, "The lord, you've just seen these words. If you didn't save my life, then I'd be frozen to death in the Jiu Ming River."

She Jun said: "Last time, didn't you also save my life, we have already leveled."

Chen Lei said: "The last time I didn't make a shot, you wouldn't be in danger."

Last time there was Rong Zhe, those men in black could hardly pose any threat to the county master.

She Jun said: "This time, let's consider whether we have evened it out."

Chen Lei heard the words of the Master of Jun County and knew that he was a stubborn man. He nodded, "Okay, it's even."

At this time, Zhuer took out a few elixir from the storage ring and let it be served by the master of Jun County.

Master Zhuo Jing waited for the medicine to dissolve, while Chen Lei gathered several loot of the men in black at this time.

"Sir, do you know any of these people?"

Chen Lei arranged the bodies in a row and asked the master of She County.

The master of Jun County nodded, and his stunning face turned cold.

"These are my brothers."

In the face of Chen Lei, there was nothing to hide from the county master. Since her second brother had already torn his face, she didn't need to worry about anything.

Chen Lei sighed and didn't say anything. Although it was in the middle region, it was the same everywhere. He was born in a big family and dynasty. For power, status, treasures, affection, etc., he could leave it alone.

Chen Lei saw too much of this situation in his previous life, and was very calm.

At this time, the chief of Jun County looked at Chen Lei, and suddenly gave a ritual, saying, "Chen Gongzi, I have a merciless invitation, and please don't quit."

When Chen Lei saw him so solemnly, he couldn't help but say, "The lord, what's the matter, you can just say it, why do you have to do this gift?"

Marvel: "Gong Chen, I want to ask you to make my offering, protect me for a while, and to participate in the battle for the election on my behalf, please don't refuse."

After listening to his words, Chen Lei said, "Shi Jun, this matter is of great importance, and I have many things to do. May I think about it?"

It is not difficult for Chen Lei to become the enshrinement of the She Jun master and protect the She Jun master for a period of time. However, to represent the She Jun master and participate in the battle for the election, Chen Lei did not dare to agree.

In the chat before the election, Chen Lei heard some news and knew something about the battle for the election.

In fact, the battle for this election was actually the selection of geniuses from various countries to prepare for the tens of thousands of people's conferences in the next few decades.

This matter can be said to be the most important event of the Tang Dynasty in the past century.

At the race meeting, the ranking of disciples of various races at the conference will directly affect the speaking power of various races in some matters, and the competition can be said to be extremely fierce.

The Baofu Kingdom belongs to the sphere of influence of the human race and represents the strength of the human race. Of course, there are other powerful countries besides Baofu Kingdom, which are stronger than Baofu Kingdom.

This time, the reason why Bao Fuguo attaches so much importance to the battle for natural selection is that it wants to achieve a good result in the race of thousands of peoples decades later and seek the blessing of the Tang Dynasty.

As for the specifics of Baofu, the geniuses conveyed by the states, counties, families, prince's palaces, and county kings' palaces have been given great attention. If they achieve good results, they will be rewarded for their skills.

Fengwang, Fengdi, various natural treasures, etc. are all possible.

The She Jun master was not interested in the battle of the selection, because her interest was not in this regard.

However, in the unexpected circumstances, her father accidentally killed the bandits during a bandit attack.

And the death of her father, the huge county king's palace, immediately lost its backbone. The four brothers fought for the king of the county, and they were incapable of dealing with each other. Even her little girl who was unwilling to covet power, was also affected by innocence Come in.

After this time, I also can see that if you want to be able to protect yourself from being bullied, then you must have a powerful force.

And powerful forces, in addition to themselves, also need to rely on external forces.

Therefore, I just thought of Chen Lei.

The strength of Chen Lei, she is a hundred rest assured, once participating in the battle of the election, she will be able to rank among the top spears.

I don't want Chen Lei to take the first place, as long as she can enter the top ten, then she will be valued by the emperor of Baofu Kingdom, and the king of sub-seals will not matter. In this way, she can not let herself be controlled.

The Lord of Jun County thought so, but when he saw that Chen Lei didn't immediately agree, he couldn't help but feel a little bit embarrassed, and he was too aggressive. After only a few days of understanding with Chen Lei, he made such an impolite request and it is no wonder It will be difficult.

Moreover, there are countless forces like Chen Lei who want to invite, how can Chen Lei treat themselves?

For a while, the master of Jun County looked at Chen Lei and could not help but start to suffer.

Chen Lei didn't think as much as the Lord of Jun County. He did n’t agree to this matter, but he did n’t want to waste his energy on the battle of the election. He could n’t find Nie Qianran and others. That was his biggest concern.

In the end, Chen Lei confessed directly to the Lord of She County and expressed his concerns.

The chief of Jun County said: "Chen Lei, I'm not pouring cold water on you. This area is too big. To find some of your companions, you need luck. If you are alone, you have to find it for ten or one hundred years. With clues, you might as well think of a way to get them to come to you. "

If he did, let Chen Lei's eyes suddenly light up. Indeed, the size of the middle region was far from what he could imagine. Even if he used it to find people all his life, he might not be able to find one.

But it would be different if they were asked to find themselves.

Chen Lei is also a clever person, who knows at a glance, and said to the master of Jun County, "Do you mean the battle of heaven?"

The chief of Jun County nodded and said, "Yes, the battle of election today will be the biggest event in Central China in recent decades. The states, counties, villages, and villages will set up a reflection point of the battle of election. Through the matrix method, broadcast in the entire mid-field. If you can make a name for yourself in the battle for the choice, then your name will spread throughout the mid-field. If then, your companions only need to watch If it comes to you, I will definitely come to you. "

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