Supreme Rebirth

Chapter 852: Shot

Chapter 852 Shot

The Lord of Jun County heard Ye Mingchen's shameless expression, flushed with anger, and said, "You are too shameless, you immediately let me take the bamboo."

Ye Mingchen glanced at him for a moment, and said lightly, "When it comes to the meat at the mouth, how can it be put on, my little sister, even if you put it on, you have to wait until it makes me happy, and then I can return it to you. Go back and wait. Early tomorrow morning, I will send someone to take this little girl back to you to ensure that she will have a hair. "

The Lord of She County snorted and said, "No, let it go now."

Ye Mingchen listened, and slowly stood up and said, "Well, don't give shame to your face, but now I'm in the middle of the house. I'll do whatever I say, you really think someone will protect you, pet Are you there, you should wake up. "

芊芊 said: "Ye Mingchen, today, no matter what, I will take Zhuer away."

Ye Mingchen said: "Oh, it seems that this little girl is quite valuable in your eyes. Well, don't say that my second brother didn't give you a chance. I want to take this little girl away. Give me the ownership of that spirit valley, so I'll let you take this little girl away, how? "

He sneered and said, "You really have a good abacus. I won't pay in Linggu. People, I must take them away."

After Ye Mingchen heard such strong words, he could not help but hesitated because he had never heard such strong words from his sister's mouth.

Ye Mingchen glanced at him and said, "Sister, I don't know where you are so strong, dare to talk to me like this, it seems that you have not recognized the situation yet, do you think it is the same as when your father was alive, It ’s your father who decides everything, or do you think that your mother, who is a little bitch, can help you? ”

I heard Ye Mingchen's words, trembling with anger, but unfortunately, it was helpless to Ye Mingchen.

Ye Mingchen gave a sarcastical look at the master of Jun County, saying, "Now I have the final say in the Fuzhong, hurry up and see that you are my sister's. Tomorrow, I will leave a whole body for this little girl."

"You are shameless!"

The Jun County Master couldn't help it anymore, and slapped his palm toward Ye Mingchen.

Ye Mingchen raised his palm very disdainfully, and held his uncle's wrist in his hand. Gu Guangsen said coldly, "If you make any more noise, believe it or not, I will kill you."

The Lord of Jun County only felt that his wrist was pinched by an iron pliers, and he could not use the whole strength at all. Obviously, his second brother was far superior to her in terms of cultivation.

The master of Jun County struggled hard, but in any case, he couldn't escape Ye Mingchen's palm.

At this time, Chen Lei took a step forward, and splayed a finger on Ye Mingchen's finger, which suddenly spread throughout Ye Mingchen's whole body, he could no longer hold the Master of the Jun County's wrist, and unconsciously released it, and, He still took a few steps back from that strong shock.

"What a skill to bully a weak woman?"

Chen Lei looked faintly at Ye Mingchen and said.

Ye Mingchen looked at Chen Lei in amazement. Just now, he couldn't feel any kind of cultivation in Chen Lei. Therefore, it was considered that Chen Lei was just a wasteful man without any threat at all. This would be so unbridled.

"Boy, who are you, dare to live wild in my county's palace, don't you want to live?"

Ye Mingchen looked ugly and said slowly.

Chen Lei ignored the threat of Ye Mingchen and said calmly, "You don't need to know who I am. Now, let it go immediately. Otherwise, your end will be miserable."

Ye Mingchen looked at Chen Lei and said, "Are you threatening me?"

Chen Lei said: "You can understand it this way."

Ye Mingchen looked at Chen Lei with a look of an idiot, he laughed and said, "I really don't know if your brain is flooded. You dare to threaten me in the county palace. You really think this mansion is yours. Come whenever you want, leave if you want? "

Chen Lei did not answer Ye Mingchen's words, but looked directly at Ye Mingchen and spit out two words: "Release someone?"

Ye Mingchen seemed to be irritated by Chen Lei, scolding: "Let your mother!"

Then, his body regressed, while he regressed, two faint, almost invisible shadows, appeared out of thin air, directly from the left and right sides, to the key point of Chen Lei.

Each of these two figures is actually a strong ancestor of Wu Zu's eighth realm, and is proficient in the method of hidden assassination. This shot is as fast as a thunder and decisive.

She Jun's exclaimed exclaimed, she never thought that beside her second brother, there were still two masters who were proficient in assassinations. For a time, Chen Lei fell into a passive state.

Facing the sudden assassination of the two masters who are proficient in assassination, Chen Lei was not surprised. His hands were raised, and the two almost transparent daggers that assassinated him were caught at the same time.

The two daggers caught by Chen Lei seemed to take root in the air. No matter how the two killers struggled, there was no way to recover the two daggers.

The two masters were also extremely decisive. They gave up the daggers for the first time, and then their bodies were hidden in the void again, and they wanted to find a new fighter.


At the moment when these two masters were about to enter the void, the two daggers in the hand of Chen Lei shot like lightning, right in the center of the eyebrows of the two masters, directly piercing their souls and killing them.


The two masters fell directly from the air and fell on the snow-white carpet. The blood on his forehead instantly stained the snow-white carpet.

At this time, Ye Mingchen had just retreated to the bedside, and before he could stand still, he saw the two masters who were proficient in the assassination method die instantly.

Chen Lei killed these two masters who are proficient in assassination. It can be said that the speed is extremely fast, so that Ye Mingchen can't react.

Subsequently, Chen Lei's figure flickered, and she appeared next to Ye Mingchen.

When Ye Mingchen saw Chen Lei, he beheaded and killed two expert guards next to him, and knew that he was not Chen Lei's opponent. He immediately reached out and caught Zhu Er, who wanted to take Zhu Er as a hostage and let Chen Lei Rodent avoidance device.

However, his speed is too slow compared to Chen Lei. When his hand reached halfway, Chen Lei had already appeared beside him, and he patted it with a strong force. She trembled and walked away dozens of steps away, and threw herself down on the carpet.

At this time, Ye Mingchen felt only a huge force wandering back and forth in his body, making him unable to lift the slightest amount of strength, let alone the use of half-strength martial arts. The huge force shattered, and my heart was frightened.

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