Supreme Rebirth

Chapter 863: Sky Fantasy

Chapter 863 Fantasy Land

The county chief knew that Chen Lei had a reason. If he could continue to win in the battle for the election, then it would be natural and safe. But once Chen Lei failed, then Luofu would immediately kill Chen Lei. One day The losers in the election battle disappear silently and will not attract anyone's attention.

However, thinking of Chen Lei's strength, the Jun County Master was very relieved. With Chen Lei's strength, he was fully qualified to ask the final battle of Ding Bao Fu Guo's selection.

Later, the chief of Jun County let Chen Lei take a break, because there are still ten fierce battles to be fought today. Chen Lei did not rest overnight, even if the strength is overbearing, but he can't take any care.

Chen Lei nodded and went back to rest.

At this time, the entire Luohou House was depressed, and the atmosphere was dignified. It seemed that the air was frozen.

Luo Xuan's little son Luo Xuan did not return overnight.

This is a big thing. You have to know that no matter how the little boy Luo behaved in the past, he would definitely return to the house during the curfew, but now, all night, little boy Luo disappeared.

Throughout Luohou Mansion, almost all the people were dispatched. They went to find the places where Luo Xiaogong liked to go on a weekdays, and found all of them. No Luo Xiaogong's trace was found.

"Say, where did my brother go?"

Luo Shiyuan's eldest son, Luo Shiyuan, was magnificent, and he stood on his throne, staring coldly at the couple of brothers kneeling below, tortured in a deep voice.

These brothers are all Luo Xuan's fox friends and dog friends. At this moment, in front of the Supreme Majesty of Luohou House, they shivered one after another, telling them everything they knew.

"What, to seduce Chen Lei from Jun Wang?"

These sons knew Luo Xuan's plan, but what they didn't know was that Luo Xuan's action would be so fast. It was just the idea that he had already started the action before he planned it well.

Luo Shiyuan heard the words of these boys and brothers, and was even more angry.

This younger brother is an unbearable master. If he is provoked by others, he will definitely get back a thousand times.

Such a character will hit a nail sooner or later.

However, Luo Shiyuan felt that with his own care, his younger brother should not encounter any major problems.

After all, Luo Xuan is clear about who can provoke and who cannot provoke him in the entire Baofu Kingdom.

But this time, my little brother is probably too careless.

In these days, Luo Shiyuan has studied Chen Lei carefully and came to a conclusion that it is unfathomable.

Through these days, Luo Shiyuan knows Chen Lei's performance in the battle for natural selection. Chen Lei is definitely a terrible guy.

Although it is said that Chen Lei does not have the power of the true spirit and the spirit, and relies on the power of the flesh alone, he has won consecutive battles.

His younger brother, went to lure Chen Lei, such a terrible strongman, and, without any careful plan, was purely an act of seeking death.

Thinking of this, Luo Shiyuan felt that his younger brother's fate was worrying.

"Master, Chen Lei has already gone to the arena."

At this time, one of his men came in and reported to Luo Shiyuan.

Hearing this news, the corner of Luo Shiyuan's eyes could not help but twitch slightly. Obviously, his speculation is likely to be correct.

However, he prefers his speculation to be wrong, because the conclusion of this speculation is too cruel.

"Send someone immediately to search for the whereabouts of Seventh Brother."

Luo Shiyuan's eyes were cold and he gave an order. Suddenly, all the forces in Luohou House started to act.

Chen Lei didn't know the actions of Luohoufu. Even if he did, he didn't care. Luohoufu was destined to confront a force. There was not much difference between early and late.

At this time, Chen Lei has already entered the arena again.

And this time, it can be said that everyone has to be more aggressive than in the previous two games.

However, this level of strong still can not force Chen Lei's true strength, Chen Lei wins again, and then advances to the next level.

After three rounds of competition, the warriors who have participated in Baofu Junior High School have been brushed down by nearly 70%, and the remaining 30% will go to the finals to decide who can finally represent Baofu Guo and participate Peoples Congress.

Throughout the entire selection of Baofu Kingdom, tens of thousands of people were able to come to Baofu Kingdom to participate in the final selection.

Each of these tens of thousands of people has a record of 30 games in a row, and they are all outstanding leaders selected from various places.

The tens of thousands selected in the end, together with the secretly cultivated strongmen of the imperial family, families, and ancestors, totaled more than 100,000.

These 100,000 people are the strong ones selected by Bao Fu Country through layers, and the candidates who represent Bao Fu Country and participate in the National Conference will be selected from these 100,000 people.

Bao Fuguo has only ten places to participate in the Wanzu Conference. That is to say, only ten of these 100,000 people can eventually qualify for the Wanzu Conference.

After the list of 100,000 people was finalized, the emperor of Baofu Kingdom also announced the final way of the finals, which is to perform in the fantasy world.

"What, the final contest is actually held in the magical secret territory."

After knowing this decision, the master of Jun County couldn't help but frown slightly.

"What's wrong, is there any problem?"

When Chen Lei saw the chief of Jun County had some remarks about the fantasy world, he asked quickly.

Chen Lei is not at all clear about this fantasy world.

"This magical mysterious territory can be said to be the most mysterious secret realm in Baofu. So far, the limit of the secret realm has not even been explored by the powerful people in Baofu Country."

The She County Master said to Chen Lei, but the She County Master was only a half-knowledge about the magical secret realm, and had never been in person, so she could not tell too detailed information about the magical secret realm.

In the end, the Lord of Jun County had to spend a large amount of spirit stones to inquire about the information about the magical secret realm, and finally, he barely learned some news about the magical secret realm.

Regarding this mysterious world, it is actually a wonderful space where only the soul can enter, and the flesh cannot enter.

After entering the fantasy world, the stronger the spirit, the stronger the strength, and the weaker the spirit, the weaker the strength.

Chen Lei ’s cultivation is all on the flesh. Today, the power of the spirit and soul is much weaker than others. Moreover, even if Chen Lei ’s spirit is not sealed, his cultivation is only on the second floor of Wu Shengjing. I am afraid that everyone has reached the peak of Wu Zu. The power of the soul is countless times higher than that of Chen Leiqiang. In this way, Chen Lei has no advantage in the fantasy world.

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