Supreme Rebirth

Chapter 869: Extinct Soul Chaser

Chapter 869 The Extinct Soul Hunting Needle

The giant soul beast shot two electric lights, like two unparalleled swords, and beheaded at Chen Lei.

Behind Chen Lei, an immortal tripod suddenly emerged, turning rapidly, and a loud noise made the two powerful attacks unmatched.


Chen Lei's body shook, and a spurt of blood spewed out.

Although it is only a state of spirits, in this fantasy realm, it is extremely real. Once injured, it will be displayed in the same way as the outside world.

Chen Lei's spirit was greatly traumatized. It can be said that if there was no blocking by Xian Ding, these two peerless gazes would most likely directly turn Chen Lei into nothingness and dissipate in this magical secret.

This huge soul beast is actually the king of soul beasts here, and the power of the soul has broken through to the realm of Wu Di.

Only with such an overbearing king of souls and beasts, could Chen Lei be severely wounded in one shot.

In fact, if it wasn't for Chen Lei's critical time, he would not stop the blow if he offered to stop.

At present, the only magical artifact in Chen Lei's hand is Xian Ding, Tian Lei's sword tire, and a semi-finished plate made of chaotic stone.

Among them, whether it is Xianding, Tianlei Sword Tire, or that slab, they are usually nurtured in the soul of Chen Lei, so they can be brought into the magical mystery.

In fact, as long as it is a magical weapon, it can be brought into the magical heaven.

This Xianding is unparalleled in defense and attack, but now Chen Lei is far from being able to exert the full power of this Xianding.

Even so, this Xianding's defensive power is comparable to the swallowing bowl.

When encountering the King of Soul Beasts, Chen Lei felt extremely dangerous at the first time. Therefore, he did not use his martial spirit to rob the Thunder God Lotus, because he knew that he couldn't prevent it. Xianding was used for a while.

At this point, Xian Ding was hit by two eyes and flew back to the land of Chen Lei's spirit. Chen Lei's spirit was greatly traumatized.

However, Chen Lei didn't dare to stay at all, transported his secret technique, broke through the void, and the lightning void step was destroyed by him to the extreme, and then disappeared into the sky in a blink of an eye.

This king of souls and beasts was extremely angry, but seemed to be fettered by something and couldn't stay away. He could only watch Chen Lei leave, roaring again and again, and losing his temper, destroying this area into a wolf.

After Chen Lei went away, he felt the horror coercion behind him gradually disappeared. Then he fell asleep, fell to the ground, only felt that the whole body was extremely weak, and the solid spirit was all broken.

It is really the King of Soul Beasts. His strength is too strong. If he strikes at will, it may bring him disaster.

Chen Lei looked at the soul-cultivating flower in his hand, knowing that it would lead to the soul-beast king. It must be because of this soul-cultivating flower. Is also extremely important.

At this time, Chen Lei's spirit was shocked and extremely weak, so he could just take this soul-cultivating flower.

However, when Chen Leigang wanted to take Yanghunhua, he suddenly felt a huge crisis. The whole person suddenly flickered, broke through the void, and left the place.


Several black awns suddenly shot out from the void, and shot at the position where Chen Lei was sitting. The position where Chen Lei was sitting just now appeared dense black holes on the ground. The black awns just now have a large penetrating power. Amazing.

If it weren't for Chen Lei's alertness, these black mangs just now could have punctured Chen Lei's body.

Chen Lei fell from the void, his face was extremely pale. Just now, he forced to use the lightning to step in the void to break through the void to let the spirits that were almost disintegrating worse.

After Chen Lei appeared, a gray-clad man stared at Chen Lei with a dark face, exuding a lot of murderous power.

The gray-clad man didn't seem to have the expression that humans should have in his eyes, but it was just a piece of wood, but deep in the bottom of his eyes, there was a strong killing.

When Chen Lei's heart moved, such people generally have the deceased people cultivated by the various ethnic groups.

Obviously, this gray-clad man should be a deceased person cultivated in a certain race or the like.

Chen Lei looked at the grey-clad man, and the grey-clad man didn't say a word. He suddenly moved and suddenly appeared again in front of Chen Lei, slamming it towards Chen Lei.

This powerful palm, lingering with the slightest breath of death, caused the speed of Chen Lei's spirit to collapse instantly.

Chen Lei didn't dare to slow down, and the thunderbolt Shenlian Wuhun emerged from behind, but at this time, even the thunderbolt Shenlian Wuhun was weakened a lot, the electric awns became less dense and the power was greatly reduced.

However, despite the great reduction in the power of the thief, the soul of the thief, but still very powerful, swept out an electric light, and met the hand of the gray man.


A shocking loud noise came, and the grey-clad man was shocked, countless black smoke rising, and a painful expression on his face.

However, in the end, the grey-clad man persisted and was not killed by the power radiated by the thief Shenlian.

Obviously, this grey-clad man is extremely powerful, otherwise, it would not be possible to resist the attack of the thief Shenlian Wuhun.

However, although the attack of the Wuhun soul of the thundering thief was blocked, the gray-clothed man was also uncomfortable and his breath dropped by more than half.

However, the gray man was extremely fierce. Although he was severely wounded, he was still frightened and slammed towards Chen Lei.

At the same time, in the hands of the gray-clad man, a long needle flashing with black black light suddenly appeared, exuding an extremely dangerous breath.

Chen Lei felt a moment of astonishment. The long needle with a black black light made him feel extremely uncomfortable. As if he was struck by this long needle, he would die completely. It is impossible for the outside world to be born again.

In the eyes of the gray-clad man, a cruel look flashed, and the black black light needles in his hands instantly turned into a Wumang, which was radiated to Chen Lei.

Chen Lei knew that his feelings would never go wrong, and he did not dare to bring this black jet needle close to him, regardless of the spirit that was about to disintegrate, and repeatedly attacked his body, breaking through the void to avoid.

However, this long black needle still has a ghost, and it also has the ability to shuttle the void, constantly breaking through the void, and chasing after Chen Lei, like a poisonous snake trying to choose someone, it feels extremely incomparable. Fear.

"Hmm ..."

At this time, the man in gray sent out a weird and weird laughter, and said, "Chen Lei, being able to die under this extinct soul-chasing needle is also your creation, and being killed by the extinct soul-chatting needle will If you die completely, the flesh outside will also be corrupted and completely dissipated between the heavens and the earth, and you deserve your fate. "

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