Supreme Rebirth

Chapter 878: Break through

Chapter 878 Breakout

Once these people have scruples, they will hesitate a bit more between shots, their power will be greatly reduced, and Chen Lei's pressure will be suddenly weakened.

At this time, facing Chen Lei, there are eight strong ancestors at the peak of Wu Zu.

Previously, these strong men, regardless of their injuries, were not afraid of death, had no regrets about their shots, opened their eyes, and were extremely powerful, making it difficult for Chen Lei to cope.

But at this time, Chen Lei had an extinct soul-hunting needle in his hands, and immediately let these people cast a mouse jealousy, and no one dared to launch a reckless attack on Chen Lei.

They all know that Chen Lei's body is like electricity, and his strength is overbearing, especially his explosive power. He can burst out a powerful power in an instant and can kill any one of them. They can't stop it.

At this time, Chen Lei, holding an extinct soul-hunting needle, looked like a thorn in the eyes of these people, and could not start at all.

At this time, eight masters surrounded Chen Leituan with caution and caution, but no one dared to take the lead, and were afraid of being attacked by Chen Lei.

You should know that once you are stabbed by the extinct soul-chasing needle, it disappears immediately, which is not a joke.

In the face of these eight masters, Chen Lei was unable to catch them. It was unrealistic to kill them all.

Indeed this time, the layout of these people was really too thorough, and now the soul power in Chen Lei's body is running low, which is not enough to support him to kill them all.

Thinking of this, Chen Lei was also interested.

These people are deliberately trying to besiege him, but how easy is he to be besieged. As long as he finds a place to restore the heyday, then Chen Lei has the confidence to kill the eight Wuzu peak strong .

Thinking of this, Chen Lei decided to leave and wait until he recovered before moving on.

After making a decision, Chen Lei decided to break through.

At this point, he had only one final blow left, which he could only use to break through.

Once a decision was made, Chen Lei immediately acted, the lightning struck emptily, and instantly swept towards a surrounding flaw.

Protected by the shield supported by the thunder goddess lotus, the gravity, viscous air, and the cobwebs exuding the icy atmosphere were all ineffective against him and could not restrain his actions at all.

At this time, Chen Lei acted like electricity, moved like a rabbit, and broke out of the encirclement of these eight people in a blink of an eye.

The eight powerful men surrounding Chen Lei did not stop Chen Lei when they broke out, but avoided one by one. It turned out that they mistakenly thought that Chen Lei was desperate for them.

In the face of Chen Lei, who has an extinct soul hunting needle in his hand, none of these warriors are willing to fight desperately with Chen Lei.

And just for such a slight hesitation, Chen Lei had rushed out of their encirclement and reached the outermost.

The outermost area was sealed by a strong man with a white bone cage and martial spirit. The white bones like Tianzhu became a huge cage, and Chen Lei was trapped here. Within an area.

Chen Lei came to the boundary wall of the white bone cage, and an extra piece of brick was shot in his hands. One brick blasted away. The white bone cage was instantly cracked, exposing a large hole with a diameter of more than ten meters.

Chen Lei didn't stay in the slightest, the whole person turned into an electric light, escaped from this big hole, and appeared outside.

After escaping from the bone cage, Chen Lei was transported to the final soul force, destroying the lightning void step, and instantly fled away.

And these Wuzu-level strong men, only then reacted, chasing each other in the direction of Chen Lei, but where can they catch up.

After chasing for a few columns of incense, these soldiers completely lost Chen Lei's trace and breath.

Seeing that Chen Lei was chased and lost, these soldiers also stopped and stopped doing nothing.

"What next?"

At this time, the eight martial artists gathered together to discuss the subsequent matters.

The siege of Chen Lei was well planned, but who can think that Chen Lei also has an extinct soul hunting needle?

With such a big killer, the rest of the people are tied up, afraid to fight desperately with Chen Lei.

These eight people still value their own lives.

However, now that Chen Lei has fled, how do they explain to Hengwei Xiao Wang Ye? This is a problem.

"In any case, this Chen Lei must be beheaded, otherwise, none of us can afford the anger of Little Lord Wang."

A Wuzu peak strong said that this time, Hengwang's mansion can be said to have exhausted all his strength before sending them all to the magical heaven secret realm. If this is not enough, you can kill Chen Lei. They will also be punished extremely severely.

Although they say that as Wuzu peak-level strong men, it is certainly impossible to directly demand their lives, but it is entirely possible to transfer them to some dangerous areas.

For example, asking them to seek out some fierce bandits is just such an order that can make them sick for a lifetime.

You should know that although Bao Fuguo is relatively peaceful today, in some places, there are still powerful bandits entangled, and some bandits are not weaker than the regular army.

For example, the Black Skull Thief has thirteen leaders alone, and each of the thirteen leaders has a Emperor-level cultivation, which is fierce in the whole Baofu Kingdom.

And such a domineering black skeleton bandit can't even rank in the top ten bandits in the whole Baofu country.

The ten bandit bands are even more powerful. For example, one of them, the Gintama bandit group, ranks among the top three of the top ten bandit bandits in Baofu Kingdom, giving the entire Baofu country a headache. In the prefecture, Bao Fuguo sent troops to besiege several times, all beaten down.

In fact, the father of the Jun County Master was framed by the leader of the Gintama Bandit and died.

And every king's house has the task of capturing bandits. If they are dispatched to such an environment, the strong men at the peak of Wuzu don't feel that they can survive safely.

Therefore, they did not dare to disobey Xiao Wangye's order. For Chen Lei, it was absolutely impossible to let go.

"Anyway, we must find a way to kill Chen Lei."

In the end, a warrior clapped, and then he began to plan what methods could be used to achieve this.

Today, they already know that Chen Lei has an extinct soul-hunting needle in their hands, so what they have to do is to avoid this. They don't want to put their own lives in the task.

These soldiers, while discussing countermeasures, Chen Lei, already far away, searched for an area, pressed his figure, checked no one around him, and began to restore his strength.

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