Supreme Rebirth

Chapter 881: Soul fruit

Chapter 881 Soul Fruit In Hand

At this time, Chen Lei could be said to be responding, and the followers gathered, and in the blink of an eye, behind Chen Lei, there were thousands of strong men, gathered together.

"kill him!"

At this time, the sixth prince, the nine prince and others suddenly changed their faces.

You know, the reason why they dare to speak up is because they know that these people are all scattered sand, not their opponents at all.

However, if these people are twisted into a rope, then their strength will increase tenfold, and it is impossible to make a false statement.

However, the six princes and nine princes all know that the warriors around them will be selfish one by one and will never come together.

But none of them thought that someone really picked this head and wanted to consolidate these scattered warriors into iron plates.

The nine princes, six princes and others immediately panicked and wanted to kill Chen Lei as soon as possible.

As long as Chen Lei was killed in the first place, then these people are still generally scattered, and there is no need to worry.

Several powerful attacks, at the same time locked Chen Lei, and then attacked Chen Lei fiercely.

Chen Lei knew that he could not retreat at this time. As long as he resisted this wave of attacks, he had a strong backing.

Therefore, Chen Lei directly destroyed the exercises, and a thunderbolt **** lotus soul appeared behind it, propelling a huge curtain of light, and firmly blocked these people's attacks.


Several attacking rays of light slammed on the light curtain supported by Jie Lei Shen Lian, so that the light curtain of Jie Lei Shen Lian shook again and again, and it may be destroyed at any time.

Chen Lei's entire face was pale, and his expression was faint, and his spirit was almost shattered.

However, in the end, Chen Lei gritted his teeth and persisted, and was not killed in the first instance.

After surviving this attack, Chen Lei yelled, "Everyone listen to my orders, attack!"

With the yelling of Chen Lei, Chen Lei himself raised his hand to send out an electric light, and beheaded the Emperor Nine and others.

The electric light emitted by Chen Lei is weak and poor, but it is a benchmark and a banner.

At this time, everyone was almost working together, their minds were blank, they just remembered to obey Chen Lei's command line.

At the same time as Chen Lei's electric light was emitted, thousands of strong men also destroyed their own exercises, turned them into a powerful light, and attacked forward.

"Hmm ..."

Suddenly, in the void, it was filled with the shrill sound of howling, and the sky was covered with various brilliance.

Thousands of people's attacks, united together, this great power made the faces of the nine emperors and others suddenly change.

These people are powerful, but if they can compete with thousands of warriors, it is definitely a joke.

The nine emperors and others wanted to escape one by one, but unfortunately, at this time, their position was covered by the endless rays of soul power, and there was no escape, but they had to take the blow.


In the end, the endless rays of light turned into an earth-shattering explosion that drowned all the nine and six princes.

This big bang lasted for almost half a column of incense, and then the sound gradually extinguished.

When the explosion subsided, everyone looked forward and found that the center of the explosion had become a huge pit that was thousands of feet deep. In the pit, there were several masks, faint like a fire in the wind, at any time. It may go out.

These masks are the nine princes, six princes, Nie Sheng and others.

There were dozens of powerful and powerful men in their party. However, after this big bang, fewer than ten survivors survived. It can be said that the losses were heavy.

At this time, the surviving nine princes, six princes, etc., can be said to hate Chen Lei in his bones, can't wait to peel Chen Lei's bones.

Without Chen Lei, how could these miscellaneous fish be their opponents and be completely killed by them.

But now, they have been hit hard.

At this time, suddenly, in the midst of the sky, there was a burst of scent of fragrant fragrance. Seven Shenhuas rose from the night, and a strong wave of soul power spread between heaven and earth.

"Qibao soul fruit is ripe."

At this time, I don't know who screamed and shouted.

At this time, no matter whether the sixth prince, the nine prince, Nie Sheng, etc., or those warriors who were temporarily twisted into a rope by Chen Lei, one by one, like crazy, rushed into the valley, wanting to grab Before the crowd, they took Qibao soul fruit into their hands.

In this group of people, a figure is much faster than everyone else. It only shakes slightly, it turns into an electric light, and it rushes directly into the valley. Reaching for a roll, it will bring seven Qibao souls. All of them swept away, and then they turned into a feihong and disappeared.

This figure, not others, is Chen Lei. Chen Lei temporarily gathered the people together, and the ultimate goal was also for the seven Qibao soul fruits.

When Chen Lei convened everyone to fight against the nine and six princes, his mind was always on the seven Qibao soul fruits.

When these seven Qibao soulfruits matured, he had already started his body training and rushed towards the seven Qibao soulfruits.

At this time, the sixth prince and a few others were still in the midst of the Big Bang, and none of them had yet sobered up.

As for the thousands of warriors temporarily condensed by Chen Lei, they were also in a state of loss at this time, and they wanted to get follow-up orders from Chen Lei.

It was such an excellent opportunity that Chen Lei took the lead and rushed into the valley to pack away seven Qibao soul fruits.

After Chen Lei took away the Qibao soul fruit, all of them reacted and chased and killed Chen Lei in the past.

However, the slightest difference and the loss of thousands of miles are just such a momentary delay. Chen Lei has already fled. These people have not even caught Chen Lei's shadow.

For a time, countless people bared their chests, cursed and cursed Chen Lei to the bones. Everyone had been busy for a long time, but in the end, they made a wedding dress for Chen Lei.

The ninth and sixth princes, and others, hate Chen Lei, and they have exhausted the waters of the Three Rivers. If it weren't for Chen Lei's trouble, they would have at least two or three of these seven Qibao soul fruits.

In particular, the sixth prince, Chen Lei had previously snatched the soul stone of a king of souls and beasts. At this time, under his eyelids, all Qibao soul fruits were also taken away. The six princes hate Chen Lei. Know.

"Chen Lei, I won't kill you if I don't kill you." The six princes looked at Chen Lei's back, almost biting the steel teeth in his mouth.

The nine princes on the side exudes a dangerous breath. He has never suffered such a loss. This place must be found.

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