Supreme Rebirth

Chapter 883: Nie Sheng

Chapter 882 Nie Sheng

This bandit, with a very ferocious breath, is obviously a generation of murderers, and I don't know how many people have been killed.

Chen Lei was able to feel the intense and extreme suffocation from the robber, but the robber could not threaten him if he wanted to.

"Qibao soul fruit, has been eaten by me, completely refined."

Chen Lei looked at the bandit and said lightly.

"Is this really the case? In this case, grab you, throw it into the soul-refining furnace, and refining for nine hundred and eighty-one days, you can also extract the essence of Qibao soul fruit, Chen Lei, you die. "

The robber heard that Chen Lei had taken Qibao Soul Fruit and had not given up after he had fully refined it. He would arrest Chen Lei as a material for alchemy.

Subsequently, the bandit waved his hand, and several powerful black skeleton thieves shot together and attacked Chen Lei.

Each of these black skeleton thieves has the strength of Wu Zu's peak. Obviously, they are the absolute elites of the black skeleton thieves. Moreover, they are decisive in their killings, they are fierce in their shots, and they cooperate better with each other than in general More difficult.

These black skeleton thieves are all veterans of killing and overstocking. Between shots, the power is amazing.

Chen Lei destroyed the soul of the thief, and suddenly, a giant **** lotus that stood up to the ground emerged from behind Chen Lei. The lotus stem was huge, like a giant mountain peak, and the lotus leaves spread out and turned into a blue color. The ocean is average. As for the purple lotus petals, they are intertwined with the power of thunder robbing, turning into giant thunder dragons, and walking back and forth between the lotus petals, the vision is amazing.

Now that Chen Lei has taken the Qibao soul fruit, the power of the soul has broken through to the fifth-tier realm of Wu Zu, and his strength has multiplied several times compared to before.

At this time, Chen Lei's combat power has reached a very terrifying realm.

At this time, the thunder **** Shenlian evolved into a huge lotus terrace, spreading out hundreds of acres, and guarding Chen Lei firmly in the center.

The attacks launched by these black skeleton thieves' powerful men all exploded on the lotus shadow, blooming innumerable splendor.

However, although the light effect is gorgeous and unparalleled, it is the illusion that Chen Lei robs Lei Shenlian.

Chen Lei raised his hand, and suddenly, several huge silver dragons transformed by thunderstorms rushed directly out of the thief of the lotus soul of thunderstorms and rushed to the strong men of the black skeletons.

The black skeleton thieves suddenly felt scalp tingling for a while, and a deep sense of crisis appeared in their hearts.

These black skeleton thieves are all extremely experienced, knowing that they have encountered the biggest crisis. One by one, they have destroyed the secrets and magical artifacts of the bottom of the tank. They want to resist these silver dragons. .


With a loud noise, several silver dragons slammed into these black skeleton thieves, the silver light spread like a tide, flooding several black skeleton thieves.

In the tide of light, these black skeleton thieves had no time to make a scream, they were transformed into blue smoke, dissipated in the void, and killed by Chen Lei in one fell swoop.

At this moment, the little head of the black skeleton thief, that is, the young thief, looked aggressive.

He never thought that Chen Lei's strength had reached such a point that he actually raised his hands and raised his feet, and then beheaded all his men.

At this moment, the young gangster of the black skull thief turned away and fled.

This young bandit is crazy, but not stupid. Chen Lei's combat effectiveness showed him that he would never be Chen Lei's opponent.

The young bandit unfolded, and if they flowed, the speed was fast.

However, Chen Lei was willing to let go of this thoughtful and cruel bandit, and lifted his fingers, an electric light flew out, catching up with the young bandit in a blink of an eye.

After being hit by the electric light, the young robber flew a black skull on his body, made a funny laugh, and actually opened his mouth to swallow the electric light from Chen Lei.


When Chen Lei saw this, he showed a hint of surprise, but he did not expect that this young bandit still had such a wonderful magic weapon.

Chen Lei once again destroyed the soul of the thunderbolt **** lotus. Suddenly, countless silver electric lights bloomed on the thunderbolt **** lotus. Intertwined into a huge silver dragon with thousands of feet, smooth lines, and strong body.

This huge silver dragon almost embodies the strength of the Qilian Thunder Soul Wuhun nearly 70%.

At this time, this huge silver dragon made a sound of dragon groan, and it shook thousands of miles. Then, it suddenly broke through the void and appeared directly behind the young bandit. The huge dragon body instantly trapped the young bandit. Then, , The outbreak of imminent thunderstorm lightning.

When the thunderbolt and lightning disappeared, the young bandit had long since vanished into nothingness.

Countless light rains rose directly into the soul card on Chen Lei's waist.

This young bandit actually had thousands of kills, but in the end, all were cheaper than Chen Lei.

The other bandits killed by Chen Lei, each with nearly a thousand kills, entered the soul card on Chen Lei's waist.

At this time, Chen Lei's total kills of the waist soul card reached nearly 20,000.

In fact, in the fantasy world at this time, the powerful who had not been killed was less than 20,000, and maybe even less than 10,000.

Some of the weak ones were eliminated in the first place, and the rest were also competing for treasures or falling off in case of any accident, and were forced to leave the fantasy world.

At this point, some of the remaining people already knew that they would never be able to break into the top ten, and they were all disheartened and no longer eager to get the kills. Instead, they focused on finding treasures and strengthening themselves. In terms of strength, some people, because they hope to break into the top ten, are still exhausting their means to kill the martial arts they meet and increase their final score.

After killing the young robber of the Black Skeleton, Chen Lei shook his body and searched for it again. He is now on the soul card. Although he has nearly 20,000 kills, he is not afraid. To ensure that he can get the first name, he has to kill a few more people, so that his results can be shaken by no one.

On the way, Chen Lei encountered several roadblockers, all killed by Chen Lei one by one. At this time, Chen Lei, not to mention invincible, but the general strong, but also difficult to be Chen Lei's opponent.

"Chen Lei, you make this boy easy to find!"

On this day, a sound suddenly sounded, and then, a streamer flashed like electricity, and in a blink of an eye, appeared in front of Chen Lei, blocking Chen Lei's way.

Chen Lei looked at the comer and found that the roadblocker was not someone else but Nie Sheng.

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