Supreme Rebirth

Chapter 886: Each hole card

Chapter 886 Each shows a hole card

In fact, the emperor of Baofu Kingdom and others never thought that Nie Sheng would have such a mighty power.

Although Nie Sheng claims to be the first young genius of Bao Fuguo, it is very low-key, and rarely shots on weekdays. Even if he does, no one can ever force out the true strength of Nie Sheng.

This time, Nie Sheng came to block Chen Lei, but did not expect, but was forced out by Chen Lei to the full strength, which also opened everyone's eyes.

At this time, many ministers set their eyes on Nie Wangfu's body, all showing envious eyes.

Lord Nie can naturally feel these gazes, and is slightly proud of him.

In the magical secret territory, many other warriors have finally realized how great the gap between themselves and the top masters is.

They saw the confrontation between Chen Lei and Nie Sheng, and everyone knew that if they faced any of them, they would not be an enemy.

The performance between Chen Lei and Nie Sheng also made these people completely extinguish the heart of victory in the trial contest.

Enemies with people like Chen Lei and Nie Sheng are too much psychological pressure on them.

At this time, Nie Sheng and Chen Lei had already fought together.

The giant halberd in Nie Sheng's hand is called the holy halberd. This is a supreme sacred soul tool that he obtained from the temple ruins.

At least, none of the people Nie Sheng currently meets can take over his prestige.

On the other hand, Chen Lei used Tianlei Sword Tires and cooperated with the Thunder God of Lotus to perform the sword technique in the Jedi Tian Jing Jing. The sword strength is also vertical and horizontal. The flying swordsman has unparalleled lethality. Jianmang can blow up a giant peak directly.

Chen Lei and Nie Sheng, the rabbit rises and falls, and they are like electricity. Between this world, they fought fiercely, and in the blink of an eye, they fought thousands of strokes. Within this area, the sword was full of qi and arrogant. The sky is empty, all the tangible qualities around it are shattered by the sword and the halberd, nothing exists, and it becomes a void. Even the void is broken by the two of them. Crevice.

If it were n’t for this fantasy world, there was a brand of mysterious rules that would repair the destroyed void at any time. This fantasy world could be broken by two people.

Once again, Chen Lei and Nie Feng sprinkled a string of blood beads, and then faced off.

At this time, Chen Lei's left arm showed a deep wound, but was rubbed by the halberd.

If it is an ordinary strong person, being struck by this halberd halberd will surely smash and die in the first time, but Chen Lei's spirit is extremely strong. Although rubbed by halberd, it is only affected by Just a few skin traumas.

And Nie Sheng, there is also a sword wound on the left chest, and the wound is turned outward, which is also very terrible. The wound is covered with layers of electric awns, preventing the wound from recovering.

These electric awns are not ordinary electric awns, but the power of the scourge.

Ordinary warriors are struck by the force of this calamity, and they will suddenly disappear, and it is impossible to persist, but Nie Sheng has survived the strongest calamity, and the spirit is already immune to the calamity. Force, at least not to collapse in the first place.

At this time, Chen Lei and Nie Sheng looked at each other deeply, and they felt the strength and difficulty of each other.

In particular, Nie Sheng knows how amazingly potential Chen Lei can fight to such an extent.

Nie Sheng can be sure that if it comes to talent, Chen Lei's talents must be far above him. If the two fight against each other in the same realm, it will be him, not Chen Lei.

"However, then, at least now, I have a superiority over the realm, then I must expand my advantage, kill Chen Lei, bury a seed of failure in his heart, and cut off Chen Lei's invincible path. . "

Nie Shengchang breathed a sigh of relief, and his heart was determined that Chen Lei would be defeated or even killed, and Chen Lei would be hit hard and he would lose his invincible faith. In this way, Chen Lei's future invincible will be cut off. road.

Nie Sheng thought of this, and the soul power in his body was surging wildly again, all entered into the holy king halberd at the same time, at the same time, a mysterious rune rushed out of Nie Sheng body, directly into the holy king halberd. With the blessing of mysterious runes, the power of the Saint King's Halberd has increased by more than ten times, and the shocking weather emitted by it has shattered the spirits of almost all the powerful watchers around.

Afterwards, Nie Sheng roared, and a halberd cut it out fiercely. In this attack, Chen Lei was completely killed.

With this halberd, Nie Shengshi exhibited his most proud hole card, which is a mystery obtained from the temple ruins. Once this mystery is exhibited, it can increase its own strength again by more than ten times. It can be said that once this mystery is performed, God blocks God and Buddha blocks Buddha.

With the splitting of Nie Sheng's halberd, in a moment, the void cracked, and a peerless edge suddenly came to the heart of Chen Lei's eyebrows.

Chen Lei naturally felt the power of this attack. It can be said that this attack condensed the full power of Nie Sheng, which was called invincible, which made Chen Lei feel a deep sense of crisis.

However, Chen Lei is not without his killer. At the moment when he felt the crisis, Chen Lei did not hesitate to use 25 times the critical rune.

Twenty-five times the critical strike rune, blessing on Tianlei Sword Tire, and for a time, Tianlei Sword Tire surged, and then Chen Lei swept out.

With Chen Lei's sword sweeping out, for a moment, the sword's gas was rushing forward, crushing everything.

Ruhai's sword gas collided fiercely with Nie Shengna's shocking halberd. For a moment, the shock of a horror was shattered by Chen Leiruhai's sword and turned into nothingness.

Afterwards, the sword qi of the sea was still turbulent, leaving Nie Sheng in a never-ending trend.

Nie Sheng's face suddenly became extremely pale and ugly.

The halberd he just said can be said to have used all his strength, that is, to contribute to the battle, and to kill Chen Lei in one fell swoop.

But who ever thought that he did not kill Chen Lei with a full blow, but was broken by Chen Lei's sword. Moreover, after the sword of Chen Lei was broken, his power was unabated and mighty. Come to him.

Nie Shengxin's sense of crisis rose like a tsunami. He knew that Chen Lei's sword had the power to open the sky, which he could not resist.

However, at this time, Nie Sheng's soul power was almost exhausted and he couldn't do anything to avoid it. His thoughts had just risen, and the sky-like tsunami-like swordsman had completely drowned him.

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