Supreme Rebirth

Chapter 888: Bear University visit

Chapter 888 Xiong Dalai Aid


The soul-locking chain traverses the void and entangles directly towards Chen Lei, to lock Chen Lei firmly.

Chen Lei's figure moved horizontally, avoiding this attack, the attack of the soul-locking chain failed.

However, the lost soul-locking chain turned abruptly in the mid-air, like a snake, and once again ate towards Chen Lei.

Chen Lei's body changes, and he keeps avoiding.

At this time, the others around him couldn't hold back and shot at Chen Lei, and even a few people directly used the extinct soul-chasing needle to pierce Chen Lei.

At this point in Chen Lei, the power of the soul is too severe. Even the thief of the soul of Lei Shenlian is difficult to destroy. He can only use the remaining soul power to destroy the way to avoid.

However, although Chen Lei was besieged by everyone and was in dire straits, he still remained calm and did not lose his position and was too flustered.

You know, he has encountered more dangerous things before, and the immediate crisis is nothing but a pediatrics for him.

While avoiding the siege of the crowd, Chen Lei was thinking about how to get out of trouble, and he was very careful about the soul-locking chain and the extinct soul-chasing needle in the attack.


When Chen Lei was besieged by the crowd, suddenly, a roar, and the sound shook wildly, and passed it clearly.

Later, I saw a huge bear demon, driving in a demon wind, rushing from a distance, thousands of miles away, and slammed into the volley, attacking the crowd who besieged Chen Lei.

"Who dares to bully my master, Xiong Dalai also!"

With this giant palm, there is the roar of Xiong Dazheng.

This time into the magical secret world, Xiong Da also got a place with the help of Chen Lei.

However, as soon as they entered the fantasy world, everyone would be randomly scattered and appeared in different positions. When Xiong freshman entered the fantasy world, he was separated from Chen Lei.

In the secret world of Xiongda, Xiong Da also has a lot of adventures and great strength. Until recently, he began to look for Chen Lei's whereabouts.

Nowadays, Chen Lei's traces are still easy to detect, not to mention, the movement between Chen Lei and Nie Sheng is really too big, giving Xiong Da some clues and rushing in this direction.

In the end, Xiong Da found Chen Lei's trace, but when he came over, he found that Chen Lei was actually besieged by everyone.

With Xiongda's temper, where this kind of thing can be tolerated, he simply rushed over regardless of the other people's strengths.

Xiongda ’s metacarpal bone, after merging one of Tianxiongling's teeth bones, increased its power. At this time, a palm shot was taken, and the palm wind was extremely vigorous. Shoot at a group of enemies who besieged Chen Lei.

Among these people, there were several weak people, who were directly photographed by Xiongda as flying ash, and numerous light rains flew up, falling into the soul card hanging on Xiongda.

At this time, Xiong Da was driving a group of demon clouds, quickly flying to Chen Lei's side, and then, falling down and guarding Chen Lei firmly.

Seeing Xiongda coming, the general manager Chen Lei was relieved and did not use the kind of soul-burning mystery.

Originally, Chen Lei was besieged by everyone, in a dangerous situation, which forced him to take risks and use a secret technique.

Once this mystery is used, it is very powerful. Although it may not be possible to kill all those who besieged him, it is no problem to escape from the siege of these people.

However, once this secret technique is used, the sequelae are also very serious, and the power of the soul will be greatly reduced, and it is difficult to repair it.

Even if it was Chen Lei, he would not use this secret technique until the moment of life and death.

At that time, Chen Lei had decided to use this secret technique. Who would have thought that Xiong Da actually rushed over in time.

In this case, Chen Lei was finally relieved.

Xiong Da came to Chen Lei, shook his hands, and threw a thing to Chen Lei.

"Master, this is a soul stone dropped by the King of Spirit Beasts, please master to absorb and refine as soon as possible."

After Chen Lei took the thing thrown by Xiong Da, he found that it was a soul stone of the king of souls and beasts.

The soul stone of the king of souls and beasts can be said to be extremely rare. I did not expect that there was such a piece in the hands of Xiong Da.

However, at this time, it was not the time to ask questions, and Chen Lei was not indifferent, and immediately absorbed the soul power of the soul stone dropped by the soul king.

The soul power in the soul stone of this king of souls and beasts is extremely large and pure. The soul power lost by Chen Lei is rapidly recovering.

"Stop him, kill this stupid bear!"

The strong men who besieged around Chen Lei suddenly changed color one by one. They knew that Chen Lei could not be recovered, otherwise they would be dead.

For a time, all the warriors were all full of strength and attacked the bear fiercely.

The bear roared loudly, and a huge giant bear phantom suddenly appeared behind him. This is Xiongda's martial spirit.

This giant bear bears a ghostly shadow, possessing the supreme might, like an ancient **** and beast, screaming with anger, and suddenly the layers of air waves surge like the tide of the angry sea.

The layers of air waves, layer upon layer, are infinitely powerful, and in a short time, they shatter every inch of the void.

Countless air waves, as heavy as billions of dollars, slammed into the dozens of warriors who came under siege, directly knocked them out and tens of thousands of miles away, and smashed against the mountains.

At this time, the giant bear behind Xiong Da opened his eyes, seeming to have endless majesty, especially the right bear's paw, wrapped around the endless rules of imprint, like a chain of gods, intertwined and emitting the light of God .

The right palm of this giant bear Wuhun was suddenly pressed out, and suddenly collapsed into the void, appeared in front of a warrior, volleyed, and pressed toward the warrior.

The warrior's heart throbbed for a while, and a gigantic sacred shield appeared on the surface, densely engraved with runes exuding the avenue, and the denseness was like the stars in the sky. Obviously, it was also an extremely rare magical weapon.

This Aegis quickly zoomed in to protect the warrior firmly. Then, the palm pressed by the giant bear of Wuhun behind Xiongda was pressed firmly on this Aegis.


After a loud noise, countless rays of light burst into the sky. The magic shield that was very different became fragmented at the first time. Then, a huge magical power that could not be beaten was pressed against the warrior's chest. Suddenly, the warrior screamed, split into pieces, turned into a bit of light rain, and left from the fantasy world.


Suddenly, a horror rainbow flew from the crowd, with a dazzling spirit, and cut to Xiongda. This horror rainbow was infinitely powerful, and it instantly chopped the giant bear behind Xiongda On Wu Wu, a long scar was left.

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