Supreme Rebirth

Chapter 890: Meet again

Chapter 890 Meet Again

This warrior was able to survive such a powerful attack from Chen Lei, and it can be seen that it is indeed of great strength.

However, at this time, the martial artist was just trying to support him and couldn't even escape.

At this time, Chen Lei's eyes fell on the warrior.

The warrior saw Chen Lei with a murderous gaze, and he couldn't help but be shocked, he said, "Chen Lei, I am a disciple of Shendaozong, you better let me go. This time, everyone will cancel it. , Otherwise, I will never let you go out of the mysterious world. "

Chen Lei took a look at this Divine Sect disciple, and when he reached such a point, he dared to threaten him. He couldn't help sneer and smiled, his face showed a certain determination.

When the disciple of Shendaozong saw Chen Lei's face, his face suddenly changed, and he threatened to speak again, but Chen Lei no longer gave him a chance.

When Chen Lei lifted his palm, a huge silver dragon transformed by a thunderbolt flew out, and flew to the disciple of Divine Sect in the blink of an eye, hitting it directly into fly ash.

Suddenly, countless spots of light flew out of this Divine Sect disciple, into the soul card of Chen Lei's waist.

The number of killers of this Sword Sect is actually more than 10,000. It can be said that if he is not killed by Chen Lei, this Sword Sect's disciples are expected to enter the top ten.

However, now that he is killed by Chen Lei, all previous efforts have become clouds.

Chen Lei looked at Xiongda after killing the disciple of the Divine Sect.

At this point, Xiong Da can be said to be extremely miserable, Wu Wu was defeated by more than half, and the entire soul is about to collapse.

Although it is said that even if he died in the magical secret territory, he can be resurrected outside, but Chen Lei still does not want to see Xiong Da die here.

Fortunately, although the situation of Xiong Da is dangerous at this time, in the right palm part of Xiong Da, the piece of bone that Xiong Da refines exudes a soft light, which hangs Xiong Da's life, making his spirits not As for the immediate collapse, and gradually stabilized.

Chen Lei knew that at this time, as long as he found some soul stones dropped by the King of Soul Beasts, or found anti-treasures such as the soul-cultivating flower, Xiongda could be restored as before.

Chen Lei took Xiong Da directly to his side, and then destroyed his body style, rushing and flying around in the entire fantasy realm, looking for the treasure that can repair the soul.

Now, after killing the disciple of Shendaozong, Chen Lei's number of killings today is far ahead, and there is no need to kill other warriors specifically. What he has to do now is to use the last one. For a period of time, find the treasures for the restoration of Xiongda.

On the way, Chen Lei killed several soul beasts in succession, got some soul stones, and gave them to Xiong Da to absorb and refine.

Although it is said that these soul stones did not substantially help Xiong Da's soul recovery, they also eased.

Time passed day by day, and in a short time, it was seven days. In these seven days, Xiongda ’s spirit has a tendency to worsen. Xiongda ’s injury on the day was too severe, even with soulstone and celestial bone. Nourish, but still difficult to stop the collapse of the soul.

Once Xiongda's spirit collapses, he will naturally disappear into the fantasy world and return to the real world.

Chen Lei felt that although the spirit of Xiongda disappeared in the fantasy world in this state and could be resurrected from the outside world, there should be sequelae without any harm.

In fact, Chen Lei's guess is completely correct. Although these killed strong men can be resurrected from the outside world, the spirits will be harmed to a certain extent, and at least one year of cultivation will be able to recover again.

In fact, this sequelae is not a secret in Baofu Kingdom, but Chen Lei and Xiong Da, who are new to Baofu Kingdom, do not understand the sequelae of the magical secret realm.

However, based on Chen Lei's experience and experience, he naturally knew that being killed in such a mysterious area would never be harmless, which is why he was determined to help the bear recover in the magical secret territory.

However, in the magical secret realm, natural treasures such as the Seven Treasure Soul Fruits and Yang Yang Hua are also things that can be encountered but not sought. If you want to encounter them, all depends on chance. reward.

Even if it is the King of Soul Beasts, Chen Lei has not encountered one. You must know that the King of Soul Beasts is also extremely scarce in this magical mystery territory. Although there may be more than soul raising flowers, but, It is not so easy to encounter, Xiong Da can get a soul stone dropped by the king of fantasy beasts, it can be said that it is really Xiong Da's fate.

But now, it is more difficult to find another soul beast king.

However, before the last minute, Chen Lei will never give up, and is still searching patiently.

On this day, Chen Lei suddenly felt that there was a fierce surge of soul power ahead, and it was clear that someone was fighting.

Not only that, Chen Lei was able to hear a continuous roar of trembling sky, and the roar came with great anger and majesty.

"King of Soul Beasts!"

Hearing this roar with imposing majesty that can almost deter all beasts, Chen Lei was able to judge immediately. This is the roar of the soul beast king.

Suddenly, Chen Lei was rejoicing for a while, and finally found another king of soul beasts.

As long as you can get the soul stone dropped by the King of Spirit Beasts, then the spirit of Xiongda's impending collapse will definitely be restored, and the strength may be further enhanced.

Thinking of this, Chen Lei no longer hesitated, leading Xiong Da, and rushed directly in the direction of the King of Soul Beasts.

Soon, Chen Lei approached this area and found a king of soul beasts.

However, at this time, there are several strong men who are working together to attack the king of soul beasts.

And these few strong men, Chen Lei is no stranger, not others, it is the six princes, the ice demon, the demon sword and the dragon respect, etc. In addition, the nine princes are also, following the next few princes People are not weak, but in the scene, Nie Sheng was not seen.

Chen Lei could not help but sighed. It was really a narrow road for the enemies. He actually encountered the sixth prince and others again.

This time, Chen Lei is a little embarrassed. He can say that he has snatched a soul stone from the King of Soul Beasts and others, and has snatched the Qibao soul fruit. It can be said that the chance that the Six Princes and others have encountered He was basically snatched by him.

Now, the sixth prince and others meet another king of soul beasts, and for the sake of the bear, Chen Lei has to play the black hand again, which makes Chen Lei have the feeling that the wool is only aimed at one cormorant, which is really embarrassing. .

However, although feeling a little embarrassed, Chen Lei was still not in the slightest. He placed Xiong Da in a relatively safe place, and then returned to the area where the King of Spirits and Beasts was located. He concentrated on it and decided to go again to catch the mantis. The play of the oriole in the back.

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