Supreme Red Packet Emperor

Chapter 194: Enthroned Ceremony

Chapter One Hundred and Ninety Four

Time flies quickly, and it's the day of enthronement in a blink of an eye.

The entire palace was re-arranged again, very solemn, revealing a sense of solemn elegance of the royal family.

Officials and members of the Lu family gathered in the Lu family ancestral temple for a sacrifice ceremony.

This is part of the enthronement ceremony, which requires sacrifices to heaven and earth and ancestors, and then Lu Xuanba announces the abdication edict in front of the ancestral temple, and then Lu Li performs the enthronement ceremony before heading to the Taiji Hall.

While everyone was waiting, Lu Li appeared in a yellow prince's gown. He was majestic, vigorous and energetic, especially his bright eyes seemed to contain the sun and the moon.

Surrounded by golden armored guards, their manners are majestic and solemn.

Liu Yinyin in the crowd was a bit stunned. Because of the existence of another marriage contract with Lu Li, she was regarded as one of the candidates for the future queen and was placed in a conspicuous position.

She looked at Lu Li, biting the corners of her lips tightly, her face was not pretty, who would have thought that the once unbearable wanderer would become so energetic now.

Fortunately, she and Lu Li haven't broken their marriage contract yet, and there is still a chance to make it up.

But will Lu Li really make her a queen?

Thinking of this, Liu Yinyin's eyebrows were gloomy.

Then in front of the ancestral temple, Lu Xuanba and Lu Li led a group of subjects to sacrifice to heaven and earth and worship their ancestors, and then Lu Xuanba asked Grandpa Ling to announce the abdication edict.

"My Lu Xuanba, after succeeding to the throne, he has cultivated his own moral character, it is difficult to overcome the cut, hold the country for the people, but I am uneasy, have no intention of political affairs, lose morality to the people, and disagree with hundreds of officials. , I am ashamed of my subjects. Fortunately, I have a son, Lu Li, literary and military, resourceful and resourceful, deep in research, Enbi spring, prestigious summer, can be a great task, so starting today, I abdicated to the virtuous, will be the great treasure The position is handed over to my son Lu Li, and I hope that he will inherit the legacy of our ancestors and open up the foundation of my Dayan dynasty!"

After Grandpa Ling announced the abdication edict, many of his subjects knelt on the ground together, shouting three long live, Lu Li also knelt in front of Lu Xuanba, and took the abdication edict from Grandpa Ling's hand.

Lu Xuanba smiled comfortedly and said, "Emperor, you will be the 42nd emperor of my Dayan dynasty from today, and the Dayan dynasty will depend on you in the future!"

Lu Xuanba patted Lu Li on the shoulder, no different from an ordinary father.

Lu Li nodded, and said, "Father, I will definitely cast our Dayan Dynasty into a Wanshi Dynasty!"

Hearing this, Lu Xuanba smiled and said, "It's great to have such ambitions! Let's go to the throne."

Lu Xuanba removed the crown from his head, and seemed to put everything down, waved to Lu Li.

Holding the edict of abdication, Lu Li, surrounded by the golden armor guards, headed to the Taiji Hall, where the ascension hall was held.

The Tai Chi Hall is majestic and towering. There are many soldiers around, wearing dark armor, standing upright like a forest of spears, not moving like a mountain.

There are nine hundred and ninety-nine steps from the ground to the Tai Chi Hall. With the sound of heavy bells and drums, Lu Li stepped onto the high platform under the guard of the golden armor guard.

After a while, Lu Li boarded the Tai Chi Hall. It was Grandpa Ling leading a group of court ladies to put on the crowns for Lu Li, then put on a black gown embroidered with sun, moon and golden dragons, and took over the jade seal from the minister. Sabre and other things.

Later, Grandpa Ling read the edict to the throne, "Following the emperor, the emperor said: I inherit the order of the emperor, Hongxiu of the sage, and the persuasion of the civil and military officials and the old soldiers and civilians to advance. 。. Think deeply about the weight of the trust, earnestly and conscientiously, rejuvenate and bring about governance, reform and revitalize the past, rely on relatives and talents, and plan a new governance. It will be the first year of Daxing next year. Amnesty for the world, and the beginning of the people's reform. All joint matters are listed in the regulations. After this!"

At this time, Grandpa Ling let out the duck's voice and shouted: "Follow the emperor's throne! Success! Congratulations from all the subjects!"

Suddenly, a group of officials, subjects, and soldiers knelt to the ground, shouting long live, like a mountain whistling a tsunami, shaking the sky and the earth.

Lu Li looked at the dark crowd below, and suddenly felt proud. There were at least 20,000 to 30,000 below. In addition to his country’s subjects, there were also other small countries’ missions and business groups. They were all kneeling on the ground and worshiping. .

But in the crowd, Ling Hongshuang was still so conspicuous, wearing a pitch-black military uniform, holding a rapier, and staring at him obliquely, just refused to kneel down, and stared at Lu Li.

Lu Li smiled, I will eat your thorny rose sooner or later. Why are you arrogant? Wait for me.

Seeing Lu Li's delay in calling life, Grandpa Ling reminded him: "Your Majesty, it's time to call life!"

"Oh, yes, yes, it's time to call for life!" Lu Li suddenly remembered, cleared his throat, and said, "Zhongqing is flat!"

"Thanks your Majesty!" all the subjects shouted loudly.

Lu Li asked Grandpa Ling, "What should I do next?"

"You can go back to the palace, tomorrow morning you can canonize and appoint officials." Ling Gonggong reminded.

"Well then. It's been a busy day too, it's time to go back to the palace!" Lu Li nodded.

"The ceremony is complete! The ceremony is over! Get up and drive back to the palace!" Grandpa Ling shouted again.

"Long live! Long live! Long live!" The Tai Chi subjects burst into cheers again.

Liu Yinyin pouted, feeling extremely uncomfortable. Originally, the new emperor had succeeded to the throne and there was a post-closing ceremony. If that didn’t happen, she would become a queen, and she would stand with Lu Li here to accept Wanmin’s worship. .

At this time, a muffled beast roar resounded in the sky, and a terrifying scene appeared.

The spirit beasts rushed over like a flock of black and crushed birds, covering the sky and the sun, and the sky was overwhelming. The sky suddenly became pitch black.

There are probably five or six hundred spirit beasts here. There are too many, like a dark storm rolling over.

"Lu Li Xiaoer, your doomsday is here, today is your death date!"

Zhao Qing stood on the back of a flame dragon and roared towards Lu Li.

At the same time, Ma Huaiyi, Liu Yi and others were also there, as well as many Taiyizong disciples, and more coalition forces from the other four dynasties.

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