Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 994: Next level


"Oh, big words!"

Xu Kaitian hesitated and said: "Piano double, let you go in, but you want to come back, but I may not be able to give you a gap."

"Thank you, Big Brother, I am here!"

"Hey..." Qin doubled behind Xu Kaitian: "I am ready!"


Xu Kaitian and the opposite side of the hard fight, then the body shape flashed to the side, the piano double foot on the ground step, "砰", the shape of the piano double flew out, that 傀儡 and Xu Kaitian After a hard fight, his body was shaken, and he had not waited for another attack. One of the two hands of the piano was pressed on its head, and the figure was turned over on the head of the skull. The figure was lightly directed toward the hall. The middle fell.

"Hey..." The piano is double-shaped.


The surrounding cockroaches rushed toward her, and the figure of the double piano flew up lightly and quickly, pulling out a blurry afterimage in the hall, like a phoenix flying in the air.


"Erasing and rubbing..."

The middle of each other's **** was exploding, and the pieces of the middle-quality stone were taken into the storage ring by the piano. The ice-winged phoenix looked at the fuzzy figure of the piano pair. She didn't pay much attention to the piano double before. Now she really sees the body of the piano and the one-style fast sword. The body is very curly, and her heart is very clear. Double deceive her body and make this sword, she can't resist it.

Xu Kaishan’s eyes are bright, and there is no doubt that Qin’s style is in line with this type of fast sword. It’s a perfect match. It’s wonderful to deal with these tricks. This made the pressure of both of them relieved, and at the same time, they saw that the Qinshuang was collecting the Chinese spirits there, which was ten times faster than the two of them. This made him feel depressed. It was impossible to burst out all the power, and the slamming of the opposite side and the opposite side rumbling.

The degree of double-clicking the smashing of the piano is much faster than the enthalpy from the nine passages, but in less than a quarter of an hour, the number of cockroaches in the hall is less than half. Xu Kaitian and Bing Lingfeng glanced at each other. Both of them were stunned, and after a blow to the opposite side, the figure rushed out. The two people’s body was also extremely fast and mysterious, not weak. The phoenix dance of Qin double, pulling out the blurred afterimage in the air, fell behind the sly, and the sword in his hand stabbed toward the ass.


It really was the most vulnerable place, and was crushed by two men's swords. They reached out and grabbed the Chinese stone, and then rushed toward the other.


There was a dense sword in the hall, and the shadows of the three people were interlaced in space. Both Xu Kaitian and Binglingfeng are the ninth-level peaks of the dynasty, which is the peak of the ninth layer of the Wuwang period. The two men repaired the two people’s body skills faster than the piano pair, but two The degree of personal swords is much slower than the piano. When the piano double runs the flying phoenix dance, it is repaired by the martial arts, but the sharp sword is pierced, but it relies entirely on the initial strength of the ninth layer of Wuwang. Therefore, Xu Kaitian and Bing Lingfeng were stunned. After they both found the trick to crush the cockroaches, the degree of smashing was still not as good as the double.

Xu Kaishan and Bing Lingfeng are both famous figures on the 6th. It can be said that Xu Kaitian and Bing Lingfeng are in the same ranks in the sky and the antlers. They can be challenged by the peaks. They have always looked down on a warrior on the Big Six, although this does not mean that Qin double can beat them, but it also makes them both uncomfortable.

Extremely uncomfortable.

The pride of these two people does not allow them to fall in the wind, even if it is only one aspect.


The warfare of the two men exploded completely. During the swaying of the body, Xu Kaitian attacked his buttocks with his right hand holding his sword. The left hand slammed his finger and appeared in the air with a golden gun that was condensed by the hand. Whistling and screaming at the ass.


In the middle of a sly buttocks, they were blasted by a golden gun, transmitting a radiant glow. When they opened their hands, they made a hand in the air and put away those middle-quality stones. On the other side, the ice phoenix phoenix released a pair of ice cones, bursting out a sly ass, and then turned out a hand of only Yu Jie Bing Qing, collected a piece of Chinese spirit stone, and finally smugly looked A pair of pianos.

Qin Shuang's gaze swept around, just the round attack of Xu Kaitian and Bingfengfeng, which made the appearance of the hall less than two-thirds, and the face could not help but smile.

She is not capable of Xu Kaitian and Bing Lingfeng. Although she also has the power to know the sea, there are very few Taoist techniques, namely, fireball, swamp, and even the golden doubles of the piano. Ice Lingfeng's ice cone surgery, her strength is not enough, it is impossible to break the ass. Her martial arts can not make the sword turn, Xu Kaitian and Bing Lingfeng two ways, she simply can not learn, only continue to display Feifeng dance and that type of fast sword.

Less than two quarters of an hour later, there were no more cockroaches coming out of the nine passages, and the shackles of this layer were emptied by them. Xu Kaitian and Bing Lingfeng's faces are full of smiles. The Chinese spirit stone they got here is ten times more than the Qin double. The piano double shook his head in a depressed mood.

"Qindaoyou, we want to continue, are you going?" Xu Kaitian asked with a smile.

"Go! Why not go?" Qin double should answer.

"The next layer of cockroaches should be the strength of the late Emperor Wudi's peak. Are you sure you want to go down?" Bing Lingfeng looked at the piano pair disdainfully.

"This is no need to worry about you!"

Qin Shuang’s heart was a little tired of Bing Lingfeng. Is the antler big 6 very great? A pair of high-profile appearance!

"you wanna die!"

The ice phoenix phoenix eyebrows were upside down, and the momentum of the body exploded, and it was crushed toward the piano. The power of the soul of the piano doubles in the surface, blocking the momentum of the other side, the right hand has touched the hilt, and the eyes transmit a sharp light.

"Okay!" Xu Kaitian took a step and stood in the middle of Qinshuang and Binglingfeng, separating the two people's momentum:

"Let's keep up with the next layer of cockroaches."

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