Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 1003: condition

Chapter 1 of the conditions


"Humble human, you dare to let the deity be your slave, I will kill you."


The Gongde monument suspended in the center was moved again, and the tortoise hurriedly converged his own killing intentions. He looked at the meritorious monument with fear and saw the merits of the merits, and then he looked at Qinshuangdao:

"No! Only sign an equal contract, otherwise I would die!" Speaking of this, I am afraid that Qin double refused, and hurriedly said:

"Shantou, as long as you sign an equality contract with me, I am very helpful to you. Now I just haven't resumed repairs. As long as I restore a layer of cultivation, I can sweep your world and make you a hegemon." ”

Qin double felt the determination of the turtle, and he hesitated. This turtle is very powerful. As long as he sees that he has not recovered his original cultivation with so many big devils, he can speculate that he is strong at the peak. Having such a helper is undoubtedly a guarantee for yourself. However, he can kill as many big demon, get the blood of his heart, and can also speculate on his evil. Signing an equal contract with such an evil turtle, is it a blessing or a blessing?

"Shantou, in your knowledge of the sea, the deity can't help you. But the deity is desperate to die, before being swallowed by the **** piano, but you can completely control your body for a moment, there is a moment, but you can completely destroy your body, will You kill."

"it is good!"

Qin double no longer hesitate, she believes the turtle's words. Her strength is too weak compared to this turtle. And for so long, the blood piano has not swallowed the turtle's god, it proves that this turtle has absolutely spared to kill itself. As the turtle said, in his own knowledge of the sea, his gods have no way to take the piano, but outside can easily make the body of the piano double powder.

"I can sign an equal contract with you, but I have a condition."

"Say!" The turtle's voice was a little urgent.

"In addition to the equality contract, you are unconditionally obeying my ten orders. Of course, there are ten orders that will not endanger your life."

"No!" The turtle categorically refused.

"forget about it!"

"Shantou, are you not afraid of death?"

"There is a behemoth with you, and it’s worth it. Not to mention, you may not be able to kill me."

Qin double gambling, because the conditions proposed by Qin double are more acceptable than the contract of the master servant proposed before. Since the turtle is willing to sign an equal contract, Qin double believes that the turtle can finally agree to its own conditions.


The body of the tortoise began to flicker, and it was weak and strong. The heart of the piano was a joy, which indicates that he was almost dying under the attack of the blood piano. Sure enough, the turtle once again said:

"Once, I can do one thing for you unconditionally."

"Nine times!"


"Eight times!"




"Three times, not to pull down, I will not give in again!" Qin bilingualism became extremely firm.

"Good!" The tortoise hesitated a little. "I do three things for you, not three things that endanger my life."

"You are not right. It is an unconditional obedience to me three times that does not endanger your life."

"it is good!"

The tortoise was extremely clean and neat at the moment, and the tortoise in the sea disappeared and became an extremely versatile pattern floating in the sea of ​​knowledge. Qinqin’s power of knowing the sea shrouded the past, and a message entered her consciousness. Soon she understood the content of the contract and the way she signed the contract. Then the fog is controlled to float toward the pattern, and the pattern is turned into a white light on the fog.


The bloodqin rushed out of the tortoise's body, and the piano doubled the sea.

"Shantou, the turtle, the **** said that you signed an equal contract with him?"



The **** piano is tumbling up and down in the sea.


The merits of the central part of the sea were shaken, and the bloodqin calmed down in an instant, hiding in the corner, but the breath that came out showed its great anger.

"Okay!" Qin double said warmly: "Don't be angry, I will find more treasures to restore you later."

"Oh..." For a long time, the **** sighed a sigh: "Shantou, you remember your words."

"Remember, remember."

"Actually..." The blood piano was silent for a while: "If I can follow a Gorefiend, even if there is no treasure, I will recover very quickly. Shantou, if there is a chance in the future, you become a Gorefiend." What?"

Qin double simply quit the sea, and the voice of the blood piano came from consciousness: "Don't let the turtle **** stay in the sea."


The huge tortoise shape opposite the piano doubles, and then it turns into a white light. The Qinsong knows the sea, and in the sea of ​​knowledge, he hears the roar of the bloodqin:


The white light rushed out of the sea and rushed toward Dantian. When the heart was approached, the white light was smashed, and then the "call" rushed into the vastness of the piano.


There was a tremor in the heart of Haoran, and Qinqin rushed to sink the consciousness into the heart of Haoran. He saw a huge tortoise inside Haoran, like a huge mountain range, with ten golden buckets on the turtle's back. The golden glory of the ten golden buckets entered the tortoise.

"Don't move my awesome!" Qin doubled anxiously.

The tortoise raised his head: "This ability will allow me to recover."

"That can't move! It's mine."

"But it can make me recover."

"I will give you the medicine to recover."

"What medicine?"

"Wen Wang Dan!"

The turtle was very humanized and snorted: "The grade is too low."

"Do you still think that the grade is low?" Qin double airway: "We signed the equality contract, I gave you the place to live, and gave you Wen Wangdan to restore it. What benefits did you give me? You eat, you are a beast, no dignity?"

The tortoise lowered its head and no longer absorbed the golden glory. Then he looked up again:

"That... Wen Wang Dan!"

"No benefit, no Wen Wang Dan." Qin said with a sigh of relief.

"The deity gives you this humble human good, and waits for the deity to rehabilitate, allowing you to be the servant of the deity."

"Do you believe that I am wounded and let the blood piano swallow you?" Qin was angry.

The tortoise still said with pride: "When you want to be my servant, you need to be qualified. If you are so weak, the deity will teach you a practice."

When you kissed you, you felt that there was more information in your consciousness.

That is a message of practice.

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