Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 1010: Fu is also a kind of strength



The long sword came out of the body, Xu Kaiyun grabbed the hilt, and the figure had already rushed toward the piano, and shouted:


"Oh..." The monks of the mainland of the Canggu have also set foot up and rushed to the warriors of the mainland.

"Double children!" Tianci and Qin Lie and others also slammed the past with the warriors of the mainland.

At the same time, the warriors of the Antlers continent also screamed and rushed to the warriors of the Wanxing mainland. The Quartet War will be ignited in an instant.

The shape of the piano pair is still flying backwards, and the people behind him are quickly approaching. Opposite her, it was the shyness of Xu Kaiyun who led the monks of the vast continent to cover the clouds.

An ant who didn't care about himself even dared to attack himself. Xu Kaiyun couldn't stand this humiliation, and his heart was filled with murder.


When Qin’s left hand was raised, there was a symbol that floated toward the opposite side. Opposite Xu Kaiyun's gaze is a shrinking, revealing the color of horror, the big sleeves are going forward, the figure does not go backwards, and the mouth screams:


From his big sleeves, he flew a symbol, and at this time, the plaque that the piano double sacrificed turned into a sword, and spurred toward the monks of the mainland.

"Wan Jian Fu!" The monks of the vast mainland have become pale.


The Zhang Fuyun sacrificed by Xu Kaiyun made a water curtain, which was blocked in front of everyone.

"Water curtain years!"

The monks of the vast mainland have a loose look.


Wan Jian bombarded the water curtain, and it was a piece of film, but it did not break the water curtain.

The dazzling light, the huge roar, the action that stopped everyone, the monk who smashed to the staghorn continent of the Wanxing mainland also stopped, staring blankly at the sword that crossed the sky, and screaming Water curtain.

Qin Shuang’s heart is a sinking, and the other side also has a master-level symbol. This made her the biggest reliance disappear. She has seen the tears between Tianci and Xu Kaiyun, and does not think that she will be able to overcome Xu Kaiyun, and the number of opponents is slightly more than her own. Once fully developed, there are probably few who can escape on their own. .

The brilliance and roar of the air dissipated, and the distance between the eyes was hundreds of meters. Xu Kaiyun’s face was blue and green, and a long sword hung over the top of his head. His eyes were cold and solid, and he calmly said:

"Wasting me a sign, you will die!"

Qin double thoughts, and took out a master-level symbol in his hand, looking to the opposite Xu Kaiyun:

"You can try."

Xu Kaiyun's gaze is a shrink. Although he is the Xujia Lotus Peak, his status is far from Xu Kaitian and Xu Kaishan. The master's Fuxi only has three, and the Grand Master is not one. However, at this time, it was absolutely impossible to lose the pride of Xu’s family. Immediately, it was cold-sounding, and the eyes were disdainful. The backhand took out a symbol, scorned the piano, and said faintly:

"Compared with our Xu family? I don't care!"

"is it?"

In the heart of the piano, there was a stack of master-level characters in the hands, and the eyes were filled with murder.

"Then we will compare!"

Xu Kaiyun’s face showed a trace of fear, and he could not help but blurt out and shouted: “How is this possible?”


A stack of characters in the hands of the piano floated in front of the double body of the piano, and the eyes looked coldly at Xu Kaiyun. Xu Kaiyun's face changes constantly, his eyes, fear, doubt, embarrassment, greed, humiliation, various color changes, but ultimately turned into taboos.

Fu is also a kind of strength! Sighing in my heart, looking at the piano double:

"How about stopping?"

Qin double looked at the monk in the mainland of the antlers, the monk headed by the antlers of the mainland, with a smile on his face:

"Our goal is the Wanxing continent."

Qin Shuang's eyes swept through the warriors of the Wanxing mainland. At this time, the martial artists looked at the eyes of Qin double, and they no longer had the fierceness and greed before they wanted to intercept the piano. They were all a praying color. Qin Shuang’s gaze was removed from the warriors of the Wanxing mainland and looked at the monks of the Antlers’ continent. He said faintly:

"I want to divide the enchanted flowers on them."

"We have to divide one part of the mainland," Xu Kaiyun said.

The stag empire's monk's face is a stagnation, but they quickly distinguish the form. Now there is a pair of pianos in the mainland, and the number of symbols in the hands of the piano is enough to pose a threat to them, let alone play the piano and so on. The idea is that it is difficult to reject the proposal that the piano is to be divided. As for the strength of the mainland, it is better than the antler continent. It is also impossible to refuse. Although it is ugly, it is only a head.

No matter in that world, strength is the only factor that determines everything.

The faces of the warriors of the dozens of thousands of mainland continents changed. The one who was headed by the warrior flew into the air and fled to the distance. The remaining dozens of warriors also flew and fled in all directions. .


They just flew into the air and were intercepted by a series of attacks. Tianci and Qin Lie and others are moving very fast. For these people, they have to kill themselves, rob their own magical flowers, and then they have to cooperate with their own capricious people. They are not soft in their hands.

At the moment when the first warrior of the Wanxing mainland had just flown into the air, the double left hand of the piano had a bow, and an arrow of the right hand was placed on the bowstring, and the spiritual power rushed into the arrow.


The arrow gave off a blazing light.


The fingers of the piano double on the bowstring were lightly loose, and the strings trembled. The arrow turned into a blazing light, and spurred toward the leader of the Wanxing continent who was fleeing.

Through the day!


The back of the warrior was consistently followed by the arrow. The whole heart was crushed and shattered. A large hole was exposed in the body and the body fell toward the ground.


The body of the piano doubled past, and the storage ring on that person was collected, and then rushed to other warriors in the Wanxing mainland.

The whole battle ended very quickly. In less than a quarter of an hour, the warriors of the Wanxing mainland were slaughtered, and no one escaped. Qin Lie is also very excited, everyone has a harvest, but only to see more of the vast mainland and the antlers of the mainland, the heart is inevitably raised a little frustration.

This is also a contest!

The three forces simultaneously strangled the warriors of the Wanxing mainland, but the people of the mainland were obviously less likely to harvest than the other two continents. This also intuitively shows that the strength of the mainland is indeed much weaker than that of the mainland and the staghorn continent.

The monks of the mainland and the staghorn continent were also watching the warriors on the mainland of the warriors. They had disdain and eagerness in their eyes, but when their eyes swept over the strings, there was a hint of jealousy in their eyes.

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