Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 1015: breakthrough


"do not know!"

"do not know?"

"I have never seen your cultivation practice. If it is the cultivation method of the military mainland, even if you do not break through, there is no possibility of purification. If it is the orthodox cultivation practice, now your realm is called the knot period. The next realm is to break the Dan into a baby, that is to say, if you want to break through to the next realm, you must break Jindan and form Yuan Ying, which is called Yuan Ying. Once you break the Dan into a baby, you will even have Jin Dan. No, why come to purify?"

The piano is silent, her heart is full of unwillingness. There is no doubt that once she loses the opportunity to purify Jindan, she will forever lose the opportunity to cultivate to the peak of the martial arts. For Qinshuang, there is no such thing. It hurts the pain of the bone marrow.

"Shantou, you have no choice. As long as you live, there is no chance in the future."

"Can't I use the skills of Confucianism and Taoism?"

"Not enough, can you cast a few Thunder?"

"Let's break it!"

Qin double looked back at the black inflammation, and now she is less than 50 meters away from her, but her voice is full of unwillingness.


The piano doubleed and suppressed, and the breath of the body suddenly soared. Only in an instant, the piano double feels that it is locked, and the clouds in the sky gather together. In the twinkling of an eye, the sky is dark as ink, and the golden clouds in the clouds are screaming.

The black inflammation behind her suddenly stopped, then turned around and fled. The robbery cloud in the air immediately split into two, chasing the past toward black inflammation.

"Black inflammation is too close to you, it has been locked by the robbery cloud." The voice of the bloodqin once again revealed tension.

The heart of Qin double is also tense, and the robbery cloud locks the black inflammation, which is not a good thing for Qin. Thunder robbery is a test of the Taoist warriors. When a warrior crosses the thunder, if there are other people or creatures close to the robbers, they will be regarded as helping the warriors or monks to rob, the thunder of the robbers. The ability will be immediately enhanced, and the degree of enhancement depends on the strength of the creatures who are close to the martyrdom.

"Go ahead and prepare!" The bloodqin calms the piano and doubles: "You have also seen Duan Hong's robbery, but it is a thunderstorm. Every time there will be a thunder. If you add that black inflammation, most It is also a thunderstorm. Two bombs will be dropped in each hour. You have a lot of medicinal herbs and spirits. There is really no master class and you should be able to top it."

At this time, Qin double only believes in the blood, and swoops down to the bottom. Falling to the ground, first took a Wen Wang Dan, Yang looked at the clouds in the sky.


There was a humming sound in the sky, and the piano doubled and looked around. He saw a black spot on the horizon, and then the blackening quickly amplified, which was the black inflammation of escape.

"Taro, quickly release a symbol, black inflammation has been locked by the thunder, it knows that he can not escape, and will kill you to death."

Qin Qin was shocked and hurriedly released a master-level symbol, such as a bowl of light mask to double the piano inside.


The black inflammation swooped down toward the piano, and it suddenly spread into a black inflammation, like a black cloud shrouded the banyan mask of the piano double, and the sound of the burning sound of the double ear of the piano doubled, looking up Going, I saw that the shield is gradually melting. In the view of Qin Double, at this speed of ablation, the mask will last less than half an hour.

"It's amazing!" Qin Qin was shocked: "Predecessors, can a thunderstorm kill these black inflammations?"

The bloodqin hesitated and said: "It's hard, but after the thunder, this black inflammation should be weak. At that time, maybe you can eliminate these black inflammations. After all, you are a fire-fighting body, and you two are commensurate with each other."

Qinqin couldn’t help but smile: "After the thunder, I am afraid I am weak."

"Do your best to listen to the fate!" The blood piano is silent.

Nearly a quarter of an hour passed, the face of the piano double changed, because she could clearly perceive that the thunder in the sky would fall.

"How could it be a thunder and a thunder?" Qin Qin’s **** screaming in the sea.

The heart of Qin double is a tight one. The thunder and nine thunders are only one Thunder in one hour. There are nine thunders in total, and it takes nine hours to pass. Although the four-ninth thunder robbery also needs nine hours, it is to drop four thunders in each hour.

A time, a thunder, will give the warrior or monk a more abundant recovery time, but there are nine thunders in one hour, which greatly reduces the time for the recovery of the warrior. Moreover, the power of the four-ninth thunder and the nine-thunder robbery are completely different. The power of each of the thunderstorms in the forty-nine thunders was four times that of each of the nineteen thunders.

Wisdom has quadrupled and the speed has increased fourfold. This is a nightmare for Qin double who just broke through the realm of Wu Wang.

The robbery clouds in the sky are getting thicker and thicker. The thunder and lightning in the robbery cloud are getting bigger and bigger, the power is getting more and more fierce, and the piano is a little bit blind. I can’t help but ask the bloodqin:

"Why? Why am I going to be a thunder?"

The bloodqin silenced the two interest rates and speculated: "Maybe it is because the practice of your cultivation is to transcend the orthodox exercises, for the avoidance of heaven, the thunderbolt will increase, and you will condense the gods in advance, form a phase, let the thunder Increase again, and finally add the knowledge of black inflammation, if this is just a black inflammation without a god, but this **** will eventually come to you, this black inflammation will have the characteristics of life, these three aspects overlap each other, then Caused you four or nine thunders."


The robbery cloud in the sky dropped a thunder of an adult thigh, and it was immediately bombarded on the black inflammation. Then it fell on the guru guard. The piano screamed with a scream of screams, the thick black. The inflammation was immediately wiped out, and then there were numerous lightning spreads on the entire shield, and the sound of "squeaking and rubbing" sounded in the ear, and the cracks of the symbolic cover released by the piano double appeared.

Around the shields, black inflammation danced like a thousand butterflies, hovering around the shields, but did not dare to fall on the shield, because the shields spread lightning.


The muscles of the piano pair began to dry again, and the heart of the piano doubled out of tension. At this time, the Yinshen still absorbed the spiritual power of the piano body on time, which made her feel weak and hurriedly took a warm king. Dan.

The thunder and lightning in the sky began to condense again. The piano looked at the layers of black inflammation outside the defensive shield. The heart was filled with anxiety. Once the defensive shield was broken, the interval between the thunder and the thunder did not fall. Black inflammation will fall down, how does this make the piano double?

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