Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 1017: Spiritual phase

The first thousand and seventy-seven chapters of spiritual power


Qin double's power of knowing the sea, at this time has realized the introduction of Thunder, but also was awakened by the thunder, watching the five-ray array was shattered, so that her heart almost jumped out of the heart. Please search () to see the most complete! She knows that there are thirty-six thunders in the four-thousand thunder, but only three of them landed at this time. However, there were only two left in the five-ray array, and they took out a symbol and stared at the sky. Robbery clouds.


Within her dantian, the rich spiritual power gathered, gradually enveloping the ten golden dans in the middle, and gradually formed a human shape, but it was somewhat ambiguous, and there was something like a double between the vague. As the spiritual power poured into Dantian, the martial art gradually became clear.


The power in the sky became fierce. Qinqin knew that the fourth thunder had to land, and he raised a hand to symbolize the plaque. The plaque formed a mask to cover the piano. After the mask was formed, the bloodqin rushed to lay out three lanes of five thunder arrays.

After doing all this, Qin Double discovered that the Lingshi, which was set up with the Gathering Array, had been turned into powder, and he hurriedly took out the Lingshi, and once again set up a gathering of the spirits, and then swallowed Wen Wangdan a lot. Qin double is constantly consuming its own resources in this process of repetition.

When the robbery landed 12 thunders, the black inflammation around the piano was only less than a third. The martial art in the Qin Shuang Dantian is finally fully formed, and the piano is exactly the same. Qin Shuang’s soul force looked at the position of the last three Jindan’s, and found that the golden dan, which was falling below, was in the Dantian position of Wu’s phase, while the golden dan in the middle was in the heart’s position. The above-mentioned Jin Dan is the position of the military.

The Qinqin of the previous life once broke through to the realm of Wushen. At that time, she had only one Jindan, and Jindan was only broken into seven pieces, forming a seven-inch arrangement. Later, the seven golden shards produced a bonfire, and the fire of the seven scorpions condensed the soul, and the position of the soul in the martial arts was the position of the heart. After that, Qin double did not know how to cultivate, but now I see the two golden dragons in the martial arts Dantian and the sea, and my heart will be lost.

Before the enemies helped her to form a body, the soul was cultivated into a corresponding god. At this time, Qinshuang had already understood that if he wanted to break through to Wusheng, he would form a soul and soul in this military phase. The soul of the heavens is the position of the acquaintance of the sea, and the soul of the earth is the position within the martial arts Dantian.

In this way, Qin Qin also understands why he could not sense the soul of the heavens and the soul of the earth in his previous life. Because of the reasons for practicing the practice, she was only able to cultivate a golden dan. When she broke through the martial arts, Jin Dan was broken into seven pieces. This is the lack of heaven and earth. How can I sense the soul of the heavens and the soul of the earth?

Don't want to break into the realm of Wu Sheng in your whole life.

It is inferred that it is necessary to be able to sense the soul of the heavens and the soul of the earth, and finally break through to the realm of Wusheng. At the very least, the military martial arts can not be disabled, that is to say, it is necessary to cultivate seven golden martial arts fighters before they can break through. Wu Sheng realm. The seven warriors of the moment will stop the realm of Wushen.

However, it is easier to break through the ten golden dragon warriors, because when they broke through the king of Wu, although they did not form the three souls of the heavens and the earth, they had the soil that gave birth to the three souls of the heavens and the earth, and that was the extra one. Three golden dragons. The nine golden dragons will lack the soil of the soul of the heavens. The eight golden dragons will lose the soil of the heavens and the earth. The seven golden dragons will be the soil of the three souls of the heavens and the earth, so they also need to sense the heavens and the earth. Three souls, then can condense the three souls.

Even so, their future strength in Wusheng will be greatly different from that of the martial arts of ten golden dragons, because they do not have the soil of the three souls of the heavens and the earth, and the three souls of the heavens and the earth will be rootless. Soul, it should be called the virtual soul. And the ten golden dragons of the warriors have the soil of the three souls of the heavens and the earth, that is, three golden dragons, so the three souls they condense should be called the real soul.

At this time, she couldn't help but be curious about the monks in the mainland and the antlers of the mainland, and did not know if their Yuan Ying and their military were the same?

"The three souls and seven scorpions in the body condense into a yin god. I don't know if the three souls and seven scorpions will be formed in the future. Will it also condense a yin god?"

In the heart of the piano, he speculated that he would look at his own Dantian again.

Standing in the middle of her Dantian, the body is in the same phase, standing on the side of the body that is in the same phase, facing the body of the body, the two military phases are obviously different.

At that moment, the physical body of the body has given the piano a feeling of flesh and blood, like a real person, and the spiritual force is a virtual image, which can clearly see the ten. Golden Dan.


In the past and present, Qin double has not seen this situation. I don't know what to do with these two. For a while, I feel overwhelmed.


After a burst of humming in Dantian, he saw that the spiritual force began to expand, and expanded from the body of the piano to the outside of the body, forming a huge virtual image appearing behind the piano.


The thunder in the sky has come down again. At this time, it is already the twentieth thunder. At that time, the black inflammation has only a fist-sized group, and it has been refused to attack the piano doubles. Screaming screaming, but it was tightly locked by the thunder and bombarded on it.


The black smear was bombarded by the Thunder and turned into a black air to dissipate in the space, but only a black light left, madly rushing toward the distance, the piano looked up and looked at the corner of the mouth. The robbery cloud in the air was divided into two, and half of the robbery clouds quickly drifted away in the distance.

Qinqin also presented a symbol, forming a mask, and then the blood piano was set up three lines of five thunder arrays, the piano double stood up from the ground, while running the thunder, while sitting on the forged jade 18 Actions.


The thunder network formed by the five thunder arrays, the power of a trace of thunder was attracted by the Thunder, and fell on the body of the piano. With the eighteen movements of the double forged jade, the body of the piano was tempered. I feel that my body strength is improving. This clear feeling has not been felt for a long time.


One after another, the Thunder descended, and the excitement emerged between the eyes of the piano pair. Her body strength finally broke through to the middle of the ninth layer of Wuwang, and it was still climbing towards the later stage.

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