Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 1023: Heaven



As your master can comprehend, I can't understand it? ”

The contempt of the turtle's face is more intense: "I repeat, it is my companion. And I tell you, your understanding is really not good. You think that we can understand our physical mystery, who can? He must It is the most outstanding top arrogance on the mainland. You..."

The tortoise looked up and down the piano, licked his mouth, and turned his head to the side, scorning naked.

Qin double is mad!

Qin double is confident in his own self-confidence. Not to mention her two worlds, she said that she still has the fruit of December. Who else in this world will have more understanding than her?

It’s not the ancients who are already dead!

"Well, I will go see the fire phoenix and let you see my understanding."

Before the piano double heart, there was taboo on black inflammation, but now that I heard this big chance, the piano pair will not hesitate, even if it will consume the rest of the characters, it will not hesitate.


The shape of the piano pair pulled out a smoldering shadow of the fire and the phoenix in the air. The sinuous phoenix phoenix gradually dissipated, and the double string appeared on the cloud and looked down. I saw that there were hundreds of monks around the lonely peak at this time. Some people she had seen, it was with her first monks who arrived here on the mainland and the antlers of the antlers, but there was no warrior continent and million stars. The military of the mainland. There are still some things she doesn't know, and she must have come here after she left.

At this time, no black inflammation was seen around this lonely peak. Qin Qin could not help but scratch his head.

"Don't those black inflammations chase me before? Isn't it cheaper for these monks?


If there is no black inflammation, why don't they go in? Looking around here? ”


At this time, I saw a group of light rushing out from the cracks of the Lonely Peak. Before I fell on the ground, I saw that the light group was broken and revealed the figure of Wanzihao.

"Masters!" Several monks from the antlers of the mainland surrounded the past.

"how about it?"

"Hey!" Wan Zihao spit a spit, and looked unwillingly: "There is too much black inflammation inside. I have no signs, so I have to retreat."

"What's there?"

"There is a huge black ice. I can't see what's inside. I just keep getting black inflammation from that black ice. Let's go, the things there are not our chance, and... I suspect that huge black ice. What is dangerous inside the seal, once it is broken, it may be our end."

When the words fell, Wan Zihao flew away, and the monks who were waiting outside the antlers of the mainland immediately left, and some people hesitated for a while and also left. Only the monks of the mainland of the Cangwu are left.

Qin double is hidden in the clouds, watching silently below.

After half a day, someone gradually escaped from the crack, and then glanced at the crack and flew away. Among these people, there was Xu Kaiyun. After Xu Kaiyun left, there were a large number of people from the mainland, but there were still a few monks who had not left the mainland. There is no movement in the heart of the piano. Is there a more powerful monk in the crack that has not left?

Qinqin hid for three days on the cloud. When the last young man with a sharp eyebrows swept away from the crack, there was no more around this lonely peak.

Qin double waited for half a day and never saw a person again. The figure fell from the cloud and landed in the crack near the hole of the five-meter hole. Looking toward the hole, a black passage stretched down, not knowing the end, but she did not see a black inflammation.

Slightly wrinkled a brow, but did not dare to have the slightest care, took out a character, opened a shield, there is a spherical mask to cover the piano inside, the light curtain flow. The piano stepped into the black hole. Inside it was a steep slope. Hey, and even some places were spirals. The piano flew down the channel toward the bottom.

Qin double feels that he should have been under the ground five hundred meters at this time, but the road still does not end, and he did not see a black inflammation. After about a quarter of an hour, I heard the sound of "silk" in my ear. The heart of the piano was immediately vigilant. After turning a corner, I saw that the front of the passage was covered with black inflammation. I have not seen the road ahead.


When the piano double saw the black inflammation moment, those black inflammation seemed to perceive the existence of the piano double, just like the black locusts, they rushed toward the piano double, but in an instant, they were covered with the double shield of the piano.

Qin double spread the power of the soul, and instantly felt that the power of the soul that had spread out of it was actually burned. Less than a hundred percent of the time, Qin double felt that the power of the soul that had spread out was burned a trace. She won her rush to take back the power of the soul.

"Awesome black inflammation."

At this time, the double shield released by the piano was completely submerged by black inflammation, and the shield was burned down by the black inflammation, and the heart was anxious. However, just because the shield is completely covered by black inflammation, she can't see the road at all. Want to see the road, move forward, only spread the power of the soul.

At this time, the Qin double has some understanding, why Xu Kaiyun and Wan Zihao and others will be pale when they go out. When they go in and escape from the inside, they only spread the power of the soul to explore the road. The power of the soul that has spread out is constantly being burned down by black inflammation. Those people are all degraded because of the excessive consumption of the soul. They no longer dare to stay here and leave immediately.

The situation of Qin double is more special. Once the power of the soul is used, the Yin God will swallow the spiritual power in the double body. Therefore, since entering the Taikoo space, the piano double rarely uses the power of the soul. It’s just that it’s not here today.

The piano double took out a Wenwang Dan swallow, and then spread the power of the soul. In the perception, the power of his own soul was quickly burned, and the 90% of Wen Wangdan was transformed into the power of the soul by the military. Absorbed by the Yin God, some of them could not keep up with the speed of being burned.

Qin double explores the road with the power of the soul, and his body flies down the passage to the ground. Suddenly, she felt that the waves of the opposite force had spread, and the power of the soul spread quickly, and she saw a mask coming from her face to her.

"There are people!" Qin doubles in the heart: "Monk!"

At the same time, the opposite person also perceives the power of the piano. Because the power of the soul and the force of the sea are different, so both sides also instantly discovered the other side, and the other person in the heart glimpsed.

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