Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 1040: Breakout


Where the Gorefiend is controlled by the soul, all the monsters are killing each other, but it is the fifth-order monster, or the sixth-order, seventh-order monster, and no one can get rid of the control of the Gorefiend.

This is the advantage of the Qin double condensing the Yin God in advance. Although Xu Lianyu's cultivation is higher than the Qin, her power of understanding the sea is the same as that of the repair. However, the piano is different. Her cultivation is the second peak of Wuwang, but the soul has reached the sixth level of Wusheng. The lethality of sound power is naturally more than a few times higher than Xu Lianyu.

Everyone looked blankly at everything around them, and they wanted to suspect that they were in a dream.

"Oh oh..."

In space, Xu Lianjie’s flag fell into his hands and looked at everything around him in a daze. The eyes of Xu Kaitian and Bing Lingfeng instantly gathered on the body of Qin. There was a hint of surprise in the eyes for the undetectable.

"Unfortunately!" Bing Lingfeng sighed in his heart: "If such a person is born in the antlers' continent, he will definitely become my sharpening stone and let my cultivation go further."

"Unfortunately!" Xu Kaitian also sighed in his heart: "A person like this, if born in the mainland of the sky, can certainly become a good opponent. It is a regret in my life that there is no you in the mainland."

Xu Lianjie looked at the piano pair, and there was only one voice in her heart: "Her is her voice better than Lianyu?"

on the ground.

Xu Kaiyun helped Xu Lianyu to surprise: "She will speak the sound? Lotus jade, what will be eight virtual shadows behind her?"

"I don't know." Xu Lianyu is also a confused face.

"She doesn't play like a destructive!"


"That's fine, scared me." Xu Kaiyun held Xu Lianyu in one hand and patted his chest in one hand: "I thought she was playing the soul-killing guide."

Speaking of this, Xu Kaiyun’s face has a color of pride: “Sounds can be learned by everyone, but if you want to play the evil spirits, you need a five-line spirit. I will say, How can she be a five-spirited warrior from a garbage continent?"

"But..." Xu Lianyu said: "The sound she plays is not weaker than the soul!"

"What?" Xu Kaiyun's face changed, full of incredible: "How come?"

"Xu brother!" In the sky, Bing Lingfeng's gaze was recovered from the body of Qin Double, and he looked at Xu Kaitian: "Do we continue to lay down the five-line array?"

“No need!” Xu Kaitian shook his head and said: “As long as the Qindao friends can persist for a quarter of an hour, the animal wave must be chaotic. We can rush out with the beastly tide. The Yaozu’s layout is so simple that it’s not simply intended to monopolize. "Xuanwu Collection", it is estimated that the previous or earlier, the Yaozu must have discovered what was in Wuzongdian. It was only after this preparation that the preparations were completed that the plan was launched. Therefore, we must rush to the Xuanwu Temple as soon as possible. What treasure is born, there should always be one of us."

Ice Lingfeng’s eyes are bright, and nodded hard: “Not bad!”

"Ha ha ha ha..."

On the ground, there was a blue laughter in the blue moon, and I was proud of my face. Since entering the Wan Yao Dafa, they have been under the protection of the vast mainland. Although they have obtained security guarantees, the cynicism of the mainland monks in the sky, especially Xu Kaiyun’s mouth, let Lan Mingyue and others wait for him to block him. It's just that the strength is not as good as people, and only the ones. At this time, Qinqin saved everyone. At the moment, Lan Mingyue only felt that the suffocation that had been suffered for more than a month had been vented, and the whole heart was brightened, and the body was lightly floating.

In fact, at this time, not only the blue moon, but also the golden dragon and the cold, and the faces of all the people on the mainland of the living warriors are full of pride.

"Ha ha……"

Xu Kaitian in the air, Xu Lianjie and Bing Lianfeng smiled and smiled, Xu Kaitian smiled calmly, Xu Lianyu smiled and smiled, and Bing Lingfeng smiled dumbly, but the three people looked at the eyes of the blue moon, all have a look at the pen look.

The three people's bodies fell to the ground and each fell back into their own team. Xu Kaitian condenses the channel:

"Recover to repair, after a quarter of an hour, kill the beast."

The crowd immediately woke up from the shock of Qin Double, and Blue Moon Moon naturally woke up from pride. Immediately swallow the medicinal herbs and begin to recover.

They only need a quarter of an hour.

The piano double looked up and gratefully looked at Xu Kaitian. The highest order of the beast here is only the seventh order, but can the monsters of the warrior continent compare with this?

The concentration of aura here is ten times that of the mainland of the warrior. The monsters that grow up in this environment are not ten times more powerful than the same-level monsters in the mainland of the warriors, but I am sure that they are more than several times.

Although the soul power of Qin double has reached the sixth floor of Wu Sheng, playing the blood music control soul is not only the power of the soul, but also the spiritual power. In order to eliminate the monsters to the utmost extent, Qin Double has already brought his abilities to the extreme.


Undoubtedly, her spiritual power has limited her power of sound, and it has limited the time she can persist. Although it does not consume the spiritual power in a quarter of an hour, in this state of extreme explosion, Can consume the four-in-one power of the piano.

If you let the piano play for two quarters of an hour, the piano will almost become unable to fight again. In this environment, losing the ability to fight, he placed himself in a situation to be slaughtered. Xu Kaitian was able to think about the piano, which made the piano a certain heart.

At the very least, this means that Xu has not pursued his own thoughts.

"This should be the relationship I have not played to kill the soul!"

A quarter of an hour passed quickly, and Xu Kaitian stood up and stretched out with one hand toward the side. A long sword came out of the sun and was grasped by Xu Tiantian. He shouted:



All the people rushed out in the direction of the Xuanwu Temple. Qin Double also took up Cui Liuqin, holding a long sword, and together with the monks of the warriors in the mainland, such as the same sharp knife stabbed the animal tide.

Unimaginable is easy, those monsters have not recovered from the fratricidal killings, everyone has already rushed out of the animal tide, has been able to see the magnificent Xuanwu Temple.

"Predecessors, where are you?"

The piano pair is linked to the **** piano on the tower of the town, and the blood piano has never returned since it became a dust to collect the body of the monster. After the Qin double sent a question through the branding, a message was sent.

"You go to the Xuanwu Hall first. There are a lot of monsters dead here. I will accept the town demon tower."

Qin double thought, no reason to give up the bodies of those monsters. If the current animal tide has not disappeared, the four continents of warriors and monks will not let go of the opportunity to collect the bodies of those monsters.

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