Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 1045: a little bit of pain


"The blood on your body!"

"The blood in my body? Is my blood so?"

"You have activated the blood power, and it has been integrated into the endless blood of the moon, so the blood in your body is already impure, but the blood is mixed with a lot of blood. But these blood has been integrated with your body blood, becoming Your special blood.

However, if you strip the blood away now, it will be against the sky and will lead to a fine. ”

Qinqin slammed for a while, suddenly said: "No, ah, when the first month is endless, I said that once I started the blood power, I will lose the possibility of stripping other blood, so even if I want to strip the blood now, it is impossible. ""

"Hey! It’s just like his practice of stripping the blood. It’s just like you. You really stripped the blood according to his method. It’s the best result.”


"Ah for what?"

"For those of you who have such a low-level interface, they are also looking at the secrets. It is really dead."

"That... do you have a way?"

"Crap, what is my master? It is a Gorefiend! It is the ancestor of the blood. The blood is not known how many veins are swallowed and refining, and the study of the blood, if my successor says it is the second, there is no such creature. Dare to say first. I will teach you a practice of stripping blood, ensuring that you smoothly strip the blood and greet the punishment."

Hearing the **** sentence before the sentence "smoothly stripping the blood", the spirit of Qin double is still alive, and then hear the next sentence "Welcome to the day penalty", the piano double can not help but a face, lost his face.

"Predecessors, how much will my punishment be achieved?"

"Yeah!" The **** piano sank and said: "When you break through the king of Wu, you will be greeted for four or nine days, so your punishment will double on this basis, that is, the appearance of the eight-nine-day robbery."

"Eight and nine days of robbery?" Qin double's voice plucked high and pulled up a vibrato: "Is the tyrannical robbery that my weak man can resist? A thunder will make me gray. You are this What a bad idea?"

"Are you stupid?" said the **** contempt.

"I am stupid? If I listened to you, then it was really stupid. Now I don't even have a symbol. I can't stop it in the normal four or nine days. You let me go to block the robbery." ?"

"Say you are stupid, it is all exalting you." The bloodqin continues to despise: "Let you block the day?"

"Don't you... the seniors want to block the punishment for me?" Qin was excited for a moment, his face was grateful: "Predecessors, you are worthy of the predecessor's style, would rather sacrifice you, but also to protect me, this big Endade..."

"Shut up! You are a fool to shut up!" The **** harps are like thunder: "Why can I block you for punishment, why should I sacrifice, and why should I protect you?"

The piano doubled his mouth and stuttered and said: "You just didn't..."

"I said that I am obeying you for it?"

Qin double carefully recalled and shook his head: "No, but..."

"No, but I let you strip the blood, what is the purpose of ushers in the punishment?" The **** tickle looks like a tooth.

The double look of the piano suddenly slammed, and then suddenly said: "You mean... let these magic soldiers..."

"Not bad!" The sound of the bloodqin is full of a fool who finally swears: "Is there any fear of these magic soldiers in front of you? And with the power of these magic soldiers, I am afraid that you have shed a **** welcoming Heavenly punishment may not be able to destroy these magic soldiers. Even I suspect that even if you strip all the blood and greet countless punishments, you may not be able to destroy these magic soldiers. We just hope that these magic weapons will be destroyed. It is not bad to become weak."

When the piano doubles, the eyes are bright, and I look around at more and more magical voices:

"What are you waiting for? Hurry and give me the practice of stripping the blood."

A message is sent to the consciousness of the piano pair, and then the blood piano is very indifferent:

"When you strip the blood, there will be a little bit of pain."

"What a little bit of pain!" Qin Shuangyi said: "I am a human being, and death is a ghost. How can I turn myself into a demon?"

At the moment, the method of peeling off the blood vessels is quickly read, and then the blood vessels are removed in the order of the exercises.

A trace of blood began to be stripped from the blood of the piano, and a cold feeling floated in the heart of the piano.

"What blood is this? Is it so cold?"

Qin double thinking, suddenly felt a severe pain hit the body, it is a pain she has never experienced, painful into the bone marrow, pain into the soul...

This pain is soaked in any corner of the body...

Skin, meat, tendons, bones, marrow, blood, soul, know the sea...

There was no pain in one place, and it was a headache, and the feeling of fainting of the piano was coming. However, Qin double knows that he can't faint. Once he is fainting, he stops taking blood. This kind of blood that is easily stripped out will re-integrate into his own blood, and the pain will be painful. Still to be magicalized by magic.


This is too painful...

Is this a little pain?

Still a little bit of pain...

"Hello, you are so bad!"

The piano double smashed, and even the predecessors did not call. But the blood piano seems to have disappeared, silent.

The piano is twitching and pale, like a piece of paper, but her right index finger is gradually red, gradually expanding, and finally like a carrot.


In the end, the finger that swelled like a carrot broke open a hole, and a blood spurted out of the finger. The severe pain disappeared instantly, and the pain seemed to disappear from the mountain on the back of the piano. It made the whole person feel very relaxed, as if it was going to fly like a sky, and could not help but Snorted.

At this moment, the piano double feels that his body seems to have lost a shackle, which is very easy. Just an extreme weakness has followed.

Taikoo space.

Suddenly, the situation has changed dramatically, as if the end of the day is coming. The hurricane swelled and ravaged the earth, and the clouds in the sky gathered together as if to enter the night.

"咔 wipe..."

In the air of the night, countless thunder and lightning, like countless golden dragon dances, an angry atmosphere and pressure from the air.

At this moment, the entire Taikoo space became quiet, and the monsters were hiding in their nests with trepidation. Even those who do not have the wisdom of the worm do not dare to scream.


The black dragon that spreads in the sky and spreads for 10,000 meters, the whole body swayed up, and the magic soldiers who formed the black dragons slammed each other because of the shock and made a "squeaky" sound.

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