Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 1047: White as jade, red as blood



The punishment is constant, and Qin double is constantly stripping the blood. She can't remember how long it has been, but she remembers that she is now stripping the seventh blood.

"I didn't think that there would be so many blood in my blood, it was really complicated. But stripping these blood veins has made me tough."


Qin’s fingers shot another blood, and the seventh bloodline was stripped.


The punishment was angry, and a day of punishment came down from the sky. The black dragon flew lower and lower, and it was already less than 500 meters from the ground. The body that was originally black and inky has become gray.

God-given soul deep.

The two faces are hard to understand, but Godsend suddenly feels that it is not so painful. Steady of his own soul, looking inside, but found that both faces began to become weak, a look at it will be awkward, the original crack in the seal has been closed, and the seal has also stabilized. Both faces have lost their root connection, and they fight each other, and the more they fight, the weaker they are.


The two faces were a violent collision. They were all broken and shattered. Godsend had just breathed a sigh of relief, and they saw that the two faces of the gas were integrated into his soul.


His soul shook and spurred that the squad that was repairing his body suddenly burst open, flowing rapidly in his body, like a sea tide, running a big Sunday, and it sounded like a tide.

His breath is climbing, and the Yuan Ying in the Dantian opened his mouth and swallowed the spiritual power that flowed into Dantian after a large Sunday operation.

Under the influence of the seal, Godsend is not the practice of the mainland of the military, but the true orthodox method. It is not only a sacred monk but also a sacred land. It’s just that he doesn’t know how to use the sea of ​​knowledge, and he still uses the martial arts of the mainland.

At this time, not only is the Yuan Ying in his dantian constantly growing, he is constantly consolidating, and his knowledge of the sea is constantly expanding.

The eighth layer of Yuan Ying is the peak.

Yuan Ying ninth floor.

The ninth layer of Yuan Ying is the peak.



Yuan Ying is twice as tall, and Tianci breaks through to the gods.


There was a vortex above the head of Yuan Ying. A trace of white gas and blood gas was drawn from the gods of the gods. It was attracted by the vortex and entered into the god-given Yuan Ying. I saw the face of Tianci Yuanying constantly changing, white for a while, red for a while...


Once again, the black dragon was bombarded on the black dragon. The black dragon was struck as an ice dragon and began to crack, and the crack spread toward the dragon head and the dragon tail.


A stalk of the demon smashed and fell from the air, and the entire black dragon that spread 10,000 meters collapsed completely.


The sky suddenly burst into glaring light.


At this time, Qin’s body was helplessly falling down, and saw a thick bucket of thunder bombarding himself. I don’t want to think about it now, throwing out the spirits that I once got from the intensive cracks and the spirits that I exchanged in the Great Wilderness City.

If they add up, even if there is not a 10,000-handle, there are more than eight thousand handles, and they will ascend to the top as a dragon, and go toward the sky.

At this time, all the warriors and monks fell from the broken black dragon body and were falling towards the ground. Then they saw a lightning bolt that was as thick as a bucket and bombarded the piano. At this moment, all thoughts came to mind.

"This constant Thunder is led by the piano double? Is the black dragon broken? Did she save us?"

However, they then saw that more than eight thousand stalks formed a dragon to land in the air and thundered.

"My grass..."

Someone could not help but swear.

"She, she, she... she has so many spirits? Do you want to be so rich?"


The punishment of the heavens and the impact of the sword, a handle of the handle was smashed into pieces, and the piano double shouted in the heart:


"Don't worry, I will give you count, this is the last day of punishment."

"The last one I can't stand!"


The spirits in the sky are constantly shattering, and the Thunder quickly approaches the doubles. The piano pair now only prays, praying that the Thunder will disappear when the last weapon is smashed. At the very least, it has to be consumed to become weak.


There was a humming in the body of the piano, and two huge virtual images were expanded from the body of the piano. The two huge virtual images looked at each other like a hundred flowers, then took a step forward and merged into a virtual image. There are layers of lotus blossoms around.

"This is... what is the practice?" Xu Kaitian was stunned.

"Two children are in the same phase!" Qin Lie was shocked.


The last stalk of the smashed smashed, and the squandered Yu Wei bombarded the virtual image, and was imaginary and went to the 80%. The virtual image collapsed and dissipated. The remaining annihilation of the annihilation of the dynasty bombarded the body of the piano pair. The ground was bombarded on the ground, and the ground was pulled out of a large pit.

The body of Qin double lies in the big pit, convulsively twitching, and the thunder that enters the double body of the piano is immediately divided into five parts. One is absorbed by the Yinshen and one is tempered by ten Jindan. The part was absorbed by the heart of Haoran, and it was transformed into a sigh of anger. The arrogance of the heavenly punishment was too rich. As soon as it entered the heart of Haoran, it almost became a liquid. The turtle sneaked a sneak look. He felt that the piano did not monitor it, and he suddenly opened his mouth. The rich awe-inspiring spirit was like a genius, and it was absorbed by 80%. After thinking about it, I still left 20% of the piano double, and my head fell to the ground and fell into a deep sleep. One is absorbed by the sea, quenching the mist, and one is left in the body of the piano to flow and quench her body.

At the end of the day, the thunderclouds in the air dissipated, and everyone’s eyes converge in that big pit, and everyone’s eyes are different. Some are grateful, some are caring, but more are greed.

They saw that both sides of the piano had thrown out more than eight thousand handles, and there must be more treasures on the body of your piano.


Goddess, Qin Lie, Lan Mingyue and other people's body shape swept into the big pit in an instant, but they saw that Qinqin had passed out.

Qinqin really fainted in the past, but it was not stunned by the Thunder. The main reason is that she is too weak. This is not weakness, nor is it spiritual weakness, nor is it the weakness of the soul. It is the weakness of qi and blood. Although she stripped out the blood of the demon family, her blood was more pure, as if she had removed seven shackles, but she also lost the blood of the blood, which made her become both devastated and extremely weak. So I passed out.

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