Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 1061: Piano double oath



Qin Lie, Lan Mingyue, Zhao Zirou and others stood up.


Suddenly, Qin Zheng shouted and his face was blue. Looking to the piano double track: "Piano master..."

"You don't have to say it, my idea has been fixed." Qin looked at the family of the fire, and said coldly: "The fire chief, my uncle's life will let your fire home thousands of lives to repay."

"You also have!" The fire family sneered disdainfully.

Qin Shuang looked at the family of the moon, and flashed the face of the moon in front of her eyes. She looked at the face of the family of the moon and looked at the family.

"The patriarch, do you really want to marry this drowning?"

The length of the section chief smiled, and there was endless contempt in the smile.

"I just ask for a fairness for the fire home. As for killing you, we don't need our family to shoot."

"Good!" Qin nodded and said: "I hope that the section chief remembers today's words, don't intervene in the grudges of me and the firehouse, otherwise it will be difficult for me and Duan Hong to do it."

"Fire chief!" Qin Zheng's face is very ugly.

"His Majesty!"

The face of the fire chief immediately showed a humble color. Since the goal was achieved, he had to lower his posture and give Qin Zheng a face and eliminate the anger of Qin Zheng.

"The hatred between you and the piano master can be ignored, but there are two conditions."

"Please tell me!" The fire chief bowed and gave a gift to Qin Zheng.

"First, it is not allowed to do it within the Imperial Capital."

"This is what it should be." The fire chief immediately said: "The emperor originally had this ban, even if the piano doubled in the emperor's life, then my fire home would not be a lifetime."

"I will not hide in the emperor for a lifetime." Qin said in a faint voice: "When the string mercenary group arrives at the Imperial Capital, I will leave."

Qin Zheng’s heart sighed, and the heart was dark, how could Qin double be so stupid?

"The second condition, your fire home can only be used for the piano double, but it can't be aimed at the family and friends of Qin double, and it can't be aimed at the kingdom of the string."

"No need!"

Have not waited for the fire family to speak, the piano will categorically refuse. Her eyes looked coldly at the fire family:

"I hope that the fire family did not move my family members and friends of the Qin Dynasty. I have vowed here, as long as my friends and relatives of the Qin Dynasty and the people of the Yuexian Kingdom, as long as one person died in the hands of the fire house, I Then he killed ten people in the fire to pay for his life."

When she fell, her eyes swept across the face of the family head and the family head: "This vow is for all families."

"Hey!" The patriarch and the patriarch of the month also slammed their sleeves and snorted.

"Oh..." The fire family did not speak, but they laughed.

Qin Double’s look is extremely serious: “I know that you don’t care now, but you will remember this sentence. At that time, you will know that as long as I don’t die, you will never dare to move my Qin and Yuexian Kingdom. one person."

When the words fall, they are going to Qin Zheng’s courtesy: "Your Majesty, Qin doubles."

Looking at the piano double turned away, Qin Zheng stood up, his face was sturdy and his sleeves left, and the people inside the hall also left.

"Fire home, Duanjia, Yuejia!" At this moment, a cold voice sounded, and everyone could not help but lived in the footsteps. Looking at the sound, they saw the blue moon and the face cold.

"You three will later think about letting my father forge a sword for you."

The three families have a long look, and they are all gone.

Royal study.

Qin Lie just walked to the door and heard the sound of Qin Zheng’s things inside.


"The family!"


"The family!"


"I have killed you in these families sooner or later."


Qin Lie took a deep breath and walked into the royal study. Looking at the father and the emperor there, he dropped a fine light on the contents of the royal book case, and waited for Qin Zhengyi’s **** to sit in the chair before he stepped forward:

"Father, give the Prince the second place."

"Why?" Qin Zheng looked up.

Qin Lie said calmly: "I know that this time is not the time when our royal family and the family break, then I will help the piano as an individual."


Qin Lie slowly squatted: "The child's mind has been decided, and the father is fulfilled."

"Come on!" Qin Zheng's chest violently undulating, a figure suddenly appeared in the hall.

"Turn Qin Lie up, you are guarding yourself."

Qin double left the palace and returned to his Earl's Mansion all the way. When he looked up, he saw that the plaque on the door had been replaced by Changsheng Houfu. Withdrew his gaze and walked towards the gate.

"Seeing Hou Ye!" The guard in front of the door gave a gift to Qin.

The piano nodded twice and walked straight into the Fuzhong. The steward looked calmly behind him. This housekeeper was Qin Qin’s gift to Qin. As the land snake of the emperor, it is natural to understand the strength of the fire home. Looking at the piano double into the house, arranged to prepare the bath water, as if not completely put the fire home in my heart, the heart is even more anxious. The piano pair sat in the chair, took a sip of the tea from the cockroach and looked at the housekeeper:

"The housekeeper, the string month mercenary group can still reach the emperor in a few days."

"Three days!"

“How many people are they now?”

"Two thousand three hundred and twenty-eight."

"Yeah!" Qin nodded and meditated. "You go on."

"Qin Hou."


"Fire home..."

"You don't have to worry." The piano doubled and waved: "They won't do it for you. After all, you are the one sent by your majesty. And here is the emperor."

"Qinhou, the old slave is not that meaning." The housekeeper hurriedly said: "From the day the old slave entered the Qinfu, it was the man of the Qinfu. Even if he died for Qinhou, he was willing. Qinqin is still short in the capital. I still don't understand the strength of the fire house. You are thinking that when the string mercenary group arrives, will you lead the string mercenary group to leave the imperial capital and go to the moon kingdom?"

Qin Shuang’s eyes are a bit strange. To be honest, she has never trusted the people Qin Zheng gave to her, even though these people have told her that since they entered the Qin Shuangfu, they no longer It is the person of Qin Zheng, but the person of Qin Shuang. All my life is only loyal to the Qin double, unless the piano doubles them, give them to others. So, today I saw the steward’s urgency, and I was a little surprised. I looked at the butler in a hurry and nodded:

"Not bad!"

"No!" The housekeeper's face showed a terrifying color: "Qin Hou, you don't understand the fire family, a family that has been inherited for tens of thousands of years. Their foundation is definitely not apparent on the surface."

"Oh?" The color of interest appeared on the face of Qin Double: "Do you understand?"

"The old slaves are not very well understood." The housekeeper's face showed a sly color: "But the previous generation of the fire family, the upper generation patriarch, the upper and upper generation patriarchs, up and up..."

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