Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 1071: Are you timid?


"Puff puff……"

Numerous people were shot into a sieve, and blood sprang from the body, and the body fell toward the earth.


The double-sword of the piano is sheathed, and the stars disappear. There are only 16 people on the opposite side of the piano pair, but these 16 people, the body is constantly flowing out of blood, one by one looking at the piano double.


A sword sings, the body shape of the piano double blasts open, and there are nine figures in the air. The nine swords smashed the sky, as if the space was cut into nine cracks. Everything was broken.


The bodies of the nine fire-fighting warriors were smashed and then smashed together to twist the tenth warrior into a powder. The nine swords gathered together and condensed into a small sun-like light group. The light group burst again, and the ten swords were in full swing, just like the sun shines on the earth.

"Puff puff……"

The rest of the six fire-fighting warriors have the same body as the sieve, and the blood spurts and falls toward the ground like a sack.


There was a huge continuous roar in the distance, and the earth was shaking, accompanied by a scream of screams.


The shape of the piano double disappeared above the clouds, and the next moment appeared on the battalion of Qinmeiyu. Looking into the bottom, I saw twenty firearms in the camp. In the past, a piece of warrior fell, a sword fell, the sword spread a few miles, where the sword was passed, The string moon warrior smashed.


A loud bang, a hurricane like a mushroom cloud, a huge power can make the world eclipse. The string month mercenary group and the five fire-fighting martial arts kings made a hard fight. The figure of more than 20 mercenaries broke down. The figure of the five fire-fighting martial arts kings also retreated. The piano slammed his eyes, and the long gun pointed at the fire king Wu Wang. He screamed:



The warriors of the Jiuyi Mercenary Corps are boiled in the body. Two red blood fingers condensed in the sky above their heads, and the eyes in the air were a hop.

"The killing hand has condensed two fingers!"


With the string month mercenary group striking a blow, the two blood red fingers in the air, full of killing atmosphere, point to the two fire family Wu Wang.

The two fire-fighting martial arts eyes showed the color of fear. Two people wanted to dodge, but they found themselves completely covered by the blood-red fingers. There was no angle of dodge, only a hard road.

"Give me broken!"

The two fire kings broke out all their potential, and the long sword in their hands broke out.


The two red blood fingers broke the swordsman and they were on the chest of two fire-fighting kings.


The bodies of the two fire-fighting kings blasted from the chest, and the **** remained untouched, hitting the ground, bursting into the air, blasting the earth into two deep pits, and two groundwaters were ejected from the ground in the sunlight. Under the illumination, it shines brightly.

"not good!"

After the look of the piano double changed, after the string month mercenary group burst out of the killing hand, the whole momentum dropped significantly, and everyone’s body was discolored and weak. At this time, the three fire-fighting kings saw their two companions being smashed into powder, and their eyes blush toward the piano and others.

Qin’s left hand suddenly showed a bow, and the right hand had already pulled the arrow and an arrow spurred out. Then there was the opinion, and then another arrow.


The three-pointed arrow seems to leave the bowstring, and it has already reached the front of the three fire-fighting martial arts kings, and the trajectory of the arrow cannot be seen at all.


The heads of the three martial arts were broken and the headless bodies were planted on the ground.


The piano double shot arrows, each arrow is like Changhong, which is equivalent to the spiritual power of the late Emperor Wu in the arrow, the sound of the bowstring has not arrived, the arrow has shot through the head of the fire king Wu.


The headless bodies of the fire-fighting martial arts kings fell to the ground, and there was silence in the big camp. Everyone looked at the double-sounding cymbal in the air, and the eyes showed infinite fear.

The eyes of Qin double swept over the big camp, and suddenly there was a sigh of relief in the eyes. The short-term ravages of the twenty fire-fighting kings not only killed the twenty-six warriors of the Jiuyi Mercenary, but also killed the soldiers of the tens of thousands of Jiuyue Kingdoms. In fact, it is too weak.

The heart of the piano double jumped, and she felt that she was locked by a gaze from the snowy mountain. Huo Ran looked back, the power of the soul rushed out, and the eyes suddenly slammed and blurted out.

"It's you!"


The clouds in the sky were blown away by a gust of wind, and a figure fluttered from the snowy mountains, and the imaginary stood 100 meters away from the piano. It is the compatriot sister of the string month.

"Mother?" Qin Meiyu said.


The snowy mountains are silent, and the incredible atmosphere is filled. Qin double took a deep breath. At this time, she already understood that her own tolerance is taught by the woman opposite. If she does not need to know, she must have turned into the appearance of Qin Meiyu and entered the palace. The strings are killed by the moon.

"Is it you... killing my mother?"

All the people are shocked, this person is not the Queen of the Crescent Moon? Did she kill the queen?

"Not bad!"

The woman slowly nodded in the stunned eyes of the crowd, faintly said: "Qin double, the string month has abandoned you, put you to death, do you still have to avenge her?"

"I understand!" Qin double condensed the channel: "You just want the piano to kill each other, the string moon kingdom smokes, and finally let the piano go up and down. I am not wrong?"

"Not bad!"

"Hello! The reason why you are abandoned by the piano, you do not know why, this is not a little bit related to my mother, if you want to take revenge, you can find those who made the decision to abandon your decision, why bother? For your fellow sister and her descendants?"

Qin Meiyu in the big camp and the piano in the snowy mountains are all shocked.

"This woman is... the mother of the mother of the mother?"

"Ha ha ha..." The woman suddenly laughed wildly: "Qin double, I don't care who I abandoned, from the moment the piano player wants to kill me, the whole piano is my enemy, the piano Everyone is going to die, otherwise how can I hate my heart?"

The piano double backhand slowly pulled out the long sword behind it, tilting the side of the body and hanging down the curtain:

"The piano has my guardian, come on."

"Your face is pale, the breath is weak, can you stop me?" The woman slowly pulled out the sword.

Qinqin raised his eyes and a smile on his lips: "Are you timid?"

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