Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 1084: Old family



The shape of the fire-breaking sky was like a projectile, and it was smashed into the air by a sword. It crashed into the ground and crashed the earth out of a deep pit. The figure disappeared.

"Shantou, there is not much time left for your fire phoenix body. Let's go." The voice of the tortoise sounded in the heart of Haoran.

Qin Shuang’s heart is a glimpse, and he quickly checked it. His own phoenix body can only support the time of the 20-year-old. She quickly dissipated the fire phoenix body and directly collected the dragon sword into the town demon tower. She was afraid that the dragon sword would break the storage ring. Then I quickly took out the pen and paper, and while walking the dragon snake, I said to the turtle in my heart:

"Wait a minute, I will give the fire home some trouble, otherwise we may not be able to escape the chasing of those fire martial arts."

At this time, the hundreds of martial arts of the fire family looked at the deep hole on the ground, and they could not imagine this result. The spiritual pillars and soul figures of their own homes were defeated!


Qin double wrote five Thunder Wraths in a row and picked them into the air. The figure flew away from the fire family. Calling in the heart:

"Xuanwu adults!"

"Give it to me!"

From the heart of the piano double, there was a wave of fluctuations. The wave formed a pattern and merged into the fire-fighting family. The mask cracked a gap.

"Kill her! Revenge for my ancestors!"

At this time, the ground came up with a screaming cry, hundreds of firehouse Wushen looked up, looked into the air, saw the piano double that had come to the mask.

Qinqin once again opened the fire phoenix body, cast a flying phoenix dance, and formed a slender fire line, passed through the crack, and disappeared instantly under the night sky.


The wrath of the five thunders crashed from the sky, almost covering all corners of the fire family. The whole family of fires mourned, not to mention those who were low-educated, but many of the hundreds of martial arts. The body that just flew up was also blasted back to the ground. Although there was no injury, it was only able to watch the piano double disappear in their field of vision. Only a few martial arts flew up to the thunder and screamed toward the piano. Double pursued the past.



On the fire-fighting family, the crack that was broken by the tortoise quickly closed after the piano passed, and these dozens of angry and mad gods hit the guardian array without accident, one by one. Was bounced back, bombarded on the ground like a projectile.

Moon home.

The family of the month whispers to an old man: "The ancestors..."

The ancestors of the month slightly frowned. Before he had heard the hatred of the moon and the piano, he also knew that the family had helped the fire home against the piano. However, this is not the reason why he wants to shoot. His heart is very clear. As long as the family is no longer involved in the matter between the fire house and the piano, the piano will not target the moon.


The sword in the hands of the piano...

"Let the family stand still, let me see!"

"Old ancestors, that Qin double..."

"There are more people going to let others know. I go alone and see the machine."

The words of the ancestors of the moon family faded like a shadow, disappeared silently, and did not even cause a slight fluctuation in space.

The family of the month has a long heart, and he knows what his ancestors said in his words. If the ancestors of the month can kill the piano pair, not only can they win the dragon sword, but they can also give the body of the piano pair to the fire home, so that the fire family owes a big man. If you can't kill the piano pair, and no one knows that it is the ancestor's shot, the piano pair will not naturally target the moon. However, if, as I originally imagined, the martial **** who lived in the retreat of the moon and went out to kill the piano, if the piano double escaped, the current situation of the fire home is the future ending of the moon.

Thinking of this, the family of the month could not help but shudder.

Duan Jia.

The section family is long and soft: "Old ancestors..."

The ancestors of the Duan family faintly glanced at the direction in which the doubles disappeared: "Let's cultivate macros."

When the words fall, the figure of the ancestors of Duanjia disappears. The face of the section family is a stiff face. From the words of his ancestors, he can clearly perceive that his ancestors are very dissatisfied with him, but he is very satisfied with his son Duan Hong.

“Don't I really do something wrong?”

Turning to look at the son standing next to him: "Honger..."

“Mo’s bully is poor, and his father ignores the potential of his children.”

"But..." The section family looked at the firefighting martial arts that had opened the guardian squad at this time, hundreds of swarming out, and chasing in the direction of the piano doubles:

"Can the piano double survive?"

When the piano flies away, it spreads the power of its own soul completely, pays attention to its surroundings, whether there is any interception in front, and whether there is any chasing after it.

Her phoenix body only has a time of 20 interest, just a time of three interest, a figure appeared in the power of her soul, the heart of the piano is a glimpse, it is an old man, running straight in her direction Chasing, the floating atmosphere on the body is clearly the peak of the ninth layer of Valkyrie.

"The fire home also has a late peak of the ninth layer of Valkyrie?"

Qinqin couldn't help but be shocked. At this time, the soul of the old man's soul seemed to capture the trace of the Qinshuang. The speed suddenly increased and quickly narrowed the distance between the two.


Qin Shuang's soul power also perceives several soul fluctuations. From those fluctuations, she knows that the masters of those soul fluctuations are the ninth-level peak of Wushen. The heart of Qin double is a move. These are certainly not fire homes. The fire home cannot have so many peaks of the ninth layer of Valkyrie. If there is, it will never give her a chance to escape from the fire family.

They are the ancestors of other families and may even have royal ancestors. And those soul fluctuations are only paying attention to this place far away, but they are not like the ancestors behind them, completely posing a look that wants to chase themselves. Qinqin quickly became clear. The ancestors of each family are only waiting to see the state. It does not mean that they will not shoot themselves. The old man who is close to himself is determined to kill himself, but he does not know that he is Which ancestor.


At this time, Qin Double has spent two more time, and only 15 interest is left in the fire. She decisively dispersed the fire phoenix body, stopped, raised her hand and swallowed two of the best Wen Wang Dan, looking to the opposite.


A white line crossed the night sky, and a figure gradually became clear. There was a sneer in the mouth of Qin double. She knew that if she wanted to get rid of the ancestors of the families who were worried about it, she would have to kill the opposite person and deter the ancestors.

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