Supreme Soaring Immortal

Chapter 1089: I will come back again.


Qin double face appeared happy, immediately opened the fire phoenix body, although she still did not recover from the injury at this time, even if the opening of the fire phoenix body can not reach the seventh floor of the Valkyrie, but it can barely reach the early days of the Valkyrie. When the mind was moved, the brother Li disappeared from the town demon tower. Before he reacted, he felt that his body had been ordered a few times, and the air machine was completely sealed. Then I saw the piano double standing in front of him.

Qin double immediately dissipated the fire phoenix body, then smashed the storage ring on his finger, and the power of the soul swept away. Sure enough, many things inside were gone, but Wen Wangdan still had it. Immediately take out a few Wen Wang Dan swallowed, the body that has begun to dry up began to recover. His eyes swept to the hands of the Emperor Wu, and he couldn't help but lick his mouth. A Wudi had no storage ring, but he thought that he was a **** of war in his previous life, and there was no storage ring. Looking towards the waist of the Emperor Wu, I saw a storage bag at the waist, and then the storage bag was smashed down, first into the storage ring, and then asked:

"Is Wu Chulie sent you?"

"Not bad!" The Emperor Wu nodded: "Hurry up and let me go, otherwise you will be chased by Wu Zongdian, not dead."

"First tell me, Wu Chuanlie wants you to deal with me?"

"Wu Tangzhu let us take your secret back. Qin double, Wu Tang master is not malicious, just want to see you secretly, you let me go, follow me to see Wu Tangzhu."


Qinqin snorted and held out his finger to the other's throat. He screamed, and the Emperor Wu was so unbelievable that he fell to his face. Subsequently, in accordance with the previous method, Qin double killed the other three Emperors, and collected their storage bags, and finally threw their four bodies far away in the woods, not long after, Will be eaten by the monsters there.

This was sitting next to the campfire, began to check those people's storage bags, re-collected the things that belonged to them, and then looked at the four things of the Emperor Wu, could not help but grin, there is really no piano to see Eyes. But there are some medicinal herbs and herbs, as well as some ore and some gold and silver.

After packing everything, the storage bag was also collected. After checking my body, her body has recovered 50%, and Qinqin knows that the recovery of the body does not need to be done deliberately. Taking two Vikings will automatically repair his body. All he needs is time. It’s gone. Estimated, about two more days, I will recover.

Looking through the monsters on the shelf, it took some time to roast, and then spread the power of the soul, then flew up and flew toward a river.

After about two quarters of an hour, the piano changed to a dry clothes and returned to the campfire. When the monster was cooked, he took out a short shackle, cut off a piece of meat and ate it, thinking about himself while eating. Future plans.

"Now it’s a bit of a problem in the mainland of the warriors!"

The piano double locks the brow, and the fire and the family have completely turned their faces. Don't look at the piano doubles and make the fire house look gray, but the foundation of the fire house absolutely makes the piano double. Hundreds of martial arts, once formed a siege on the Qin double, Qin double feels that in addition to death, there is really no way out. And the piano is very clear in the heart, although she defeated the fire, but the fire is absolutely not dead, and the ancestors who later chased themselves did not die, but the peak of the ninth layer of these two gods, It is enough to make the piano double headache.

Whether it is the phoenix body of the piano pair or the magical power of the tortoise, there are time limits. It takes only half a quarter of an hour to open the fire phoenix body, and the mysterious water of the turtle is integrated...

I am afraid that in the current state of the tortoise's weakness, it is impossible to integrate it.

"Xuanwu adults, can we combine the two spiritual powers now?"

"Infused with a fart!" The tortoise said with anger: "Now I have less than half of the mysterious spiritual power left, so you don't think about it."

"How come you get back?"

"One way is that I slowly recover myself. Of course, this is a waste of time. The other is to take the heavenly treasure that suits me. This is waiting to be met, you have to give it to me. The third is to take the water property. The beast of Inner Mongolia."

"Well, I will try my best!"

Qin double knows that he can't count on the tortoise, but there is no fusion of the turtle's Xuan Shui and her phoenix fire. Even if she turns on the fire phoenix body, she only has the seventh floor of the Valkyrie. Now she has thoroughly and the fire home. Right, and there is also Wu Chuanlie of Wu Zongdian, Qin double is in absolute weakness.

"It's time to go to the other side of the sea!"

Qin double backhand took out the jade card that Zheng Dieer gave her, and then she showed a bitter smile on her face. The time of meeting with Zheng Dieer has passed more than five months. I don’t know if I went there, can I still find it? The way to leave the mainland of the warriors.

"Always try!"

In the eyes of Qin double, there is a longing for color. However, Qin double can not immediately go to the other side of the sea, she is still not assured about the fire home. Although the fire home had already vowed to stop playing the moon, but now the fire home has been hit hard, and I don’t know if it will go crazy.

"Let's go back to the emperor first!"

Ten days later.

Qin double changed the appearance, changed a light yellow dress, the dragon sword was placed in the town demon tower, the mysterious sword was placed in the storage ring, appeared in the streets of the Imperial Capital.

The piano walked down the street in a low-key way. She knew that she had changed her appearance, but if she started her hand, she would be recognized immediately. After all, his martial arts are presented in front of everyone, which is one of the reasons why she decided to go to the other side of the sea.

Qinshuang stayed in the Imperial City for ten days. He learned that the firehouse was still trustworthy in the teahouse, and did not target the string month. He only sprinkled a large number of disciples to investigate his own traces, and he rewarded his head with high rewards.


No stars, no moon!


A figure appeared quietly on the ridge opposite the fire family, and the soul of the piano double spread out, and a sneer appeared in the corner of his mouth. In the power of her soul, eight people were watching the fire home. These eight people had three families from the fire family. This should be the fire family's fear of returning to the piano and returning to stay up all night. There are still five people who don’t know where they are from.

The piano doubles the mind, and Cui Liuqin appears on both knees. The soul of the sixth layer of Wusheng focuses on the extinction, and spreads silently around.

After half an hour's clock, the piano doubled up the Tsui liuqin, and the figure fell in front of the fire house, took out the pen, and quickly wrote a line on the door:

"I will come back again, Qin double!"

The figure quickly disappeared in the night sky.

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