Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 1: New journey

The new volume begins, the demon door is now, the magic road is open.

"First of all, you don't have to go through the stages of quenching, qi, qi into the body, Tongmai and Kaidantian, because you have already had these foundations. You are starting from the cyclone period, it should not take long, there are beautiful tears. Help, maybe it will take only a few months to reach that level."

"A few months?"

"Those who are extremely aura will be hidden in your body. In the next few months, let you slowly absorb cultivation. Anyway, you will not have a fight now. It is better to take 17teen beautiful women's tears, maybe wait. When you take the boat to the other side of the sea, it will be successful, and there will be no fighting on the ship."

"That is also true!"

Qin double is a courageous person. Since he has a decision in his heart, he will not hesitate. Grabbing the tears of the beauty, swallowed one by one. As the beauty of one by one swallowed, she felt a kind of grievances filled with the body, and there was a superb water aura flowing in the body.


Her fire and phoenix body sprouted, and Qin double immediately suppressed her own fire and phoenix body. At the moment of her suppression, those venomous gas spread in the body, and the phoenix body of the piano pair was sealed 90%. For a moment, if there are a few more beautiful people tears, under the conditions of their own suppression of the fire and phoenix body, they will be able to completely seal their own fire and phoenix body.

At the same time, Qin double felt the pain in the body, it was the gas of grievances that began to corrode her body. Qin Double immediately took out a dragon grass and put it in his mouth to chew and swallow. The gas of venom in the body was immediately suppressed, so that its corrosive ability was suppressed, and it was impossible to corrode the body of the piano. Qin double estimated that a dragon grass can maintain this state for seven days.

Immediately sitting cross-legged, began to run the Xuanwu Collection, extracting a trace of water to the polar aura, condensing cyclone in Dantian. It was only at the beginning that the piano was a happy heart. After the fire and phoenix body was suppressed, it could not stop her from absorbing water aura. It’s just that she feels very bad, her body feels heavy and she is no longer as light as before.

August 10th.

Qin double stood in front of the door of Zhang Ji pawnshop, when her skin color was darker than before, it was because of the toxins in her body. It’s just that this kind of grievance is not a toxin in the true sense, but it is not visible to people. It just feels that this person is a bit black.

However, there is a hint of joy in the eyes of Qin double, she has successfully built a cyclone in Dantian. With a smile, he walked into the door of Zhang Jidian's pawn.

When I saw the piano double coming in, Xiao Wumou’s face showed a smile: “Go to the backyard to rest, after an hour, we set off.”

"Thank you for your seniors!"

The piano doubled and punched, and then walked to the backyard. At this time, there were already more than twenty young boys and girls in the backyard. When they saw the piano, they came in and they all came over. However, no one came forward to say hello, the piano double just nodded and then came to a corner and hung down. Only the heart of her eyes was very uncomfortable, because she actually saw an acquaintance here.


It was the time when the Daqin Imperial Spirit was bigger than the Qin, and Qin Jiaoyue entered the top three Merlin. After that, they joined the spiritual pattern of the warrior continent, but after that, Qin double lost the news of Merlin, but did not expect to see him here today.

Someone came in and out. When the total number reached 32, Xiao Wumou came in and took everyone away from Zhang Jidian and went to the dock.

The dock is very lively and there are many boats parked there. Some of these ships are cargo ships, both for ships that are unloading in Zichao City and those that are loaded in Zichao City. There are also passenger ships, and there are many ships dedicated to those who go out to sea to kill the sea monsters. At this time, some ships are preparing to go out to sea, and some ships are killing the ships that the sea monsters are coming back. The warriors who came down from the boat were filled with murderousness and laughed loudly.

Under the leadership of Xiao Wumou, Qin Shuang and others walked along a cobblestone path toward the beach. The waves beat the pier and made a loud noise.

At this time, the sky is almost noon, and the sunshine in August is very sinister. A lot of big sweat on the face of the force on the dock, but still carrying goods.

After walking for about a quarter of an hour on the pier, they came to a sea boat, which was painted black and black like a castle.

"Children, go up." Xiao Wumou whispered.

Qin double and others were excitedly looking at the big ship, then nodded gently toward Xiao Wumou, jumped on the rocker one by one, and walked quickly toward the ship.

Qin double did not preempt, followed by facing the rocker, walked onto the deck and looked into the distance. The heart is open and wide.

Blue sky, blue sea.

Heaven, can't see the end.

Harm, can not see the end.

The salty sea breeze rushed to the surface and blew the clothes of the piano pair.

"Hula La"

Flocks of seabirds flew over the sky.

After thirty-two people walked on the ship, the strangeness of the new environment allowed them to get together. The piano double shook his head, which was too conspicuous. Then I moved the lotus step and walked to the side. I looked at the side of the boat and looked at the distance. I thought about the dozens of boys and girls.

These people are no more than twenty years old, and the smallest one is probably only eleven or two years old. And these people are not the Qinshuang who saw the monks, everyone dressed very well, showing that their origins are good. The piano double leaned against the ship's side and looked towards the group of boys and girls.

Among the group of people, there is a young man who is the most conspicuous, because he is the tallest, more than one meter eight, and looks very handsome. At this time, he is also looking around.

At this time, a teenager in a blue dress walked out of the crowd and came to the other side of the ship. She was very beautiful. At the very least, she was more white than the piano. Her face was unconcealed. The clothes worn on the body are also very gorgeous.

There is also a teenager, about fifteen years old, wearing a yellow dress, with a kind of extravagant body, a sword behind him, and a dozen people gathered around him, centered on him. At first glance, the boy used the short time to conquer the dozen boys and girls and became the leader of the dozen boys and girls.

There is also a girl who is surrounded by more than a dozen people, but there are some young men around her. The woman is wearing a red dress, wrapping her body in a bumpy shape with a scimitar hanging around her waist. Giving a hot feeling, the boys around her are sneaking their bodies from time to time.

Merlin had a look that was not gregarious, but looked at the piano pair from time to time. The piano doubles in the heart, does she recognize me?


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