Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 5: Royal sword


More than ten days passed, the ship was moored at a dock, and some new monks were picked up. On the third floor of the piano, there were some boys and girls, but all of them, Qinshuang I don't know, she is completely immersed in cultivation.

Mei Lin and Yang Ying and others, on the first day of their stay, also wanted to take everyone to the boat to go shopping, at least to the deck to see, but when they saw the piano double closed, these people have chosen Go back to the room and start practicing. Everyone has a thought in mind:

"No wonder the endless repairs will reach the ninth floor of the refining period!"

A month's time spent quietly in the practice of Qin double. In the narrow room, the piano opened his eyes and spit out a sigh of relief. His face showed a joy. In her Dantian, there are already nine cyclones. Each cyclone emits a blue light. In the middle of the nine cyclones, there is a tiny, but blue-deep light spot, which is a basaltic look.

The awe-inspiring spirit still reached the ninety-five regiment, and it was closer to the ten masters. In the sea of ​​knowledge, the fog has reached ten feet long, and Qin Double has finally entered the peak of the ninth layer of the refining period.

The piano double came down from the bed, stretched out a lazy waist, and made a series of bursts of "嘎嘣嘎嘣" like a fried bean. Qin double decided to go out to relax for a day, and then began to quench the mist inside the sea.

Pushing open the door, walking down the aisle to the first floor, more than a month is to use the valley to spend the day, although the body function is no problem, but some want delicious meals.

At this time, it is already time for lunch. When I came to the first floor and entered the restaurant, I saw a lot of people sitting there eating. When the piano went to the window, he saw that most of the fish were fish. Then he ordered a plate of fish and a bowl of rice. He sat at a table and looked over. He saw Lu Tiande and Ye Piaoping sitting. Eat together. Qin double did not say hello, and ate it silently.

At this time, a teenager went straight to Ye Piaoping's front, and looked at Ye Piaoping up and down with impunity. At this time, Ye Piaoping is still wearing a flaming tights, wrapped his body in a bumpy shape, and a machete hung around his waist. A beautiful and beautiful beauty hits people's vision.

Ye Piaoping felt that someone was standing in front of her, looked up at the man, and greeted the naked look of the man, frowning slightly, and sinking his face:


This sound attracted the attention of everyone in the restaurant, and the piano was not overlooked. The young man she didn't know, not the person who boarded the ship at the Zichao City Pier, but at this time she heard the argument that the voice was low.

"Andao Law has begun to look for new targets."

"The girl was unlucky. Anyone who was targeted by An Dao Law did not escape."

"It is said that the repair of Andao Law has reached the peak of the eighth layer of the refining period. Who is his opponent here?"

The look on the face of Andao Fa is unchanged, still looking at Ye Piaoping with a smile: "Piao Ping, come to my room tonight."

Although his look is still a smile, but the tone can not be rejected, as if he said, is the rule, everyone should follow.


Ye Piaoping’s little hand was shot on the table. Just wanted to say something, but Lu Tiande, who was sitting opposite, reached out and stopped. Then he slowly stood up and looked at Andao Law. His eyes showed a trace of disdain, then turned to face. Going outside, leaving a faint voice:


The extravagance of the Qing dynasty, the faint tone, makes An Dao’s smile look stiff, and then the eyes burst into anger. For more than a month, no one dared to speak to him on this ship. He naturally understood the meaning of Lu Tiande's "deck", which was to let him go to the deck to fight.

"court death!"

Andafa turned and walked toward the deck. Ye Piaoping also stood up, followed closely.


In the restaurant, all the people rushed to the deck, and the piano was no exception.

Soon, the deck was full of people, leaving a space in the middle, standing in the middle of the Lulu Tiande and An Daofa, 100 meters apart.

Andao Law stared at Lu Tiande on the opposite side, and there was a hint of killing in his tone:

"Kid, are you sure you want to manage this?"

Lu Tiande looked at An Daoran faintly, and slowly spit out two words in his mouth: "Hey!"

When An Dao Fa Deng was in charge of his face, his hands quickly formed a French seal in front of him, and then turned to Lu Tiande on the opposite side. A black cockroach condensed out, emitting a stinking smell and slamming the past toward Lu Tiande.


A sword suddenly appeared in front of Lu Tiande, and he saw Lu Tiande inciting his finger and then facing the opposite. The long sword went to the black spurt.

"Yu Jianshu!" Qin double is a jump in the heart.

The long sword came to the front of the black scorpion in an instant, and the black scorpion was smashed in half, and the black scorpion was scattered into black air, and a black smoldering gas entered Lu Tiande’s body. Lu Tiande’s sword tip was on the throat of Andao Fa, and a drop of blood flowed down. The face of Andao Fa became extremely pale, and the voice trembled and said:

"You... there are instruments."

Wherein Igao's eye is very cold.

"I admit defeat, that girl is yours."

The long sword at the top of Lu Tiande’s throat commonly came back, and Lu Tiande took it into the storage pocket at the waist and turned and walked toward Ye Piaoping, whispering:

"Let's go!"

Ye Piaoping stared at Andao Law, and her eyes were unwilling to look back. She took her eyes back and looked at Lu Tiande. One hand held the curved knife at the waist:

"Next time, I will come by myself."

Lu Tiande touched his nose and said, "Okay!"

Ye Piaoping just smiled and said: "Let's go."

With the departure of Lu Tiande and Ye Piaoping, everyone also dispersed, and the piano walked slowly toward the ship's side, trying to relax. Andao's gaze searched the crowd for a girl. When his eyes swept over the black piano, there was a bit of disgust in his eyes and he immediately turned his head. This makes the piano double touched his nose and laughed at himself:

"It seems that after I have been mad at the gas, this skin color is even more unacceptable."

Then I left a bit of a bad mood. The whole person was bathed in the sun, the sea breeze blew, the clothes hunted, the mood of the piano doubled into the sea, and gradually became intoxicated.

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