Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 10: Stuck for money


"What if there is not so much gold and silver?"

"There is only to make money first in Yangyou City, waiting to earn enough to go to Dengxiancheng."

“Can you join the forces at all times?”

"No! It only takes a year. In this year, you can go at any time. After this year, you will have to wait another ten years."

The faces of Qin and other people became even more ugly, and several people in Merlin even had a fluster. Working here to make money, there is no inheritance, the time of cultivation that is delayed, with the increase of age, I am afraid that the future will be spent.

"Of course, you can also choose to join the family in Yangyou City." The warrior continued: "Otherwise, it will only be temporarily dispersed."

"Is there any other method?"

"Yes!" The warrior nodded. "You can go to the pawnshop to **** things."

The piano doubled his eyes and looked at Merlin several people: "Let's go to the central square first."

Several people nodded, and the piano pair said to the warrior: "Take us to the central square."

The groom nodded and shouted a carriage, and the doubles and four people went to the central square. About three quarters of an hour, everyone came to the central square, inquired about a downswing, it is indeed a person of ten spiritual coins. Everyone looked at the piano pair, and the double face of the piano is also a bitter. Since everyone is from the mainland of the warrior, it can be regarded as a fellow. No matter what happens to each other in the future, it is impossible for Qinqin to leave everyone and go to Dengxian alone. City, road:

"We will first find a home inn and then discuss it."

Everyone nodded, and there was a touch of color on his face. With a person who is the master, the heart is not so heavy.

Several people found an inn, one inquired about the price, the price of a room for a day would need two hundred and two silver, and the guy told them bluntly, that is, the price is so expensive this year, as long as this year, one day The price is half a pair of silver.

Qin and other people will be black when they hear their faces. This is clearly the person who slaughtered them from the mainland. In other words, they are slaughtered every 10 years, and you still want to live and live, not to pull down.

Although the money can be taken out by everyone, but considering the amount of money used in the future, eight people have negotiated, and finally only two rooms, three girls, one five men, anyway, they are Just meditate.

Eight people finished the room and prepared to eat something on the first floor, but when they saw the price of various dishes, they could not help but grin.

It is too expensive!

Undoubtedly, this is another price increase, specifically for those of them to raise prices.

Among these people, only the repair of Qinshuang has reached the realm of Wuwang. When it comes to this realm, even if it does not eat for ten days, it will not happen by absorbing the aura of heaven and earth. However, for Meilin and others, it will not work. Their martial arts training is not high enough. Some talents are also in the Tongmai period. Tossing this morning is already hungry. Even when he left the mainland of the warriors, he took a few of them, and he had already eaten up when he was retreating on the ship.


Several people’s stomachs were ringing, and they were all flushed. The guys standing next to them looked at them with a smile, waiting for them to be slaughtered. However, everyone did not speak. They were really lacking in strength and did not dare to have one or two more silver.

"We... go to the room first!" Qin double sighed, and the other seven people all nodded in disgrace.

The guy still smiles, and he has seen more in this situation. But how long can you endure hunger?

It doesn't take long, isn't it time to eat?

Let us kill!

Therefore, the guy still smiled and took the piano and other people to the door of the second floor room, then turned and left. The teenagers didn't go to their own rooms, but they all gathered in the room of the three women in the piano. There weren't so many chairs in the room, but at this time eight people didn't pay much attention to them. They pushed the tables and chairs to one side, then eight. The individual sits in a circle. Looking at each other, everyone’s eyes are stunned and helpless.

Qin double took out eight Gu Dan from the storage ring, and each one was divided. Merlin and other seven people were all bright, and they swallowed and swallowed. The hunger in the body disappeared without a trace. Yang Ying said with joy:

"Mr. Sister, you have such good things."

Qinqin looked around and smiled on his face: "I didn't think that the first day we came here was a few people huddled in one room. This was the first time for us to experience it."

"Oh..." everyone laughed bitterly.

"We still have to discuss how to go to Xiancheng." Qin double looks very serious: "Everyone put together the silver to see if you can get enough. I have about two thousand two gold and two thousand two silver here. ”

"Wow, you have so much!"

Everyone was excited to look at the piano. Then one by one, they reported their own gold and silver, and finally integrated them. They were only enough to barely reach four people, and they still had four gold and silver.

In fact, Qin double has a spiritual stone, and is still the top grade and the middle quality stone. As for the next product Lingshi has long been consumed by her. However, through conversations with the driver, she now knows that the Chinese and Shangpin Lingshi are precious here. If I rush out, I am afraid that it will attract attention. For the unfamiliar Qin double, it is likely that Leading to a fatal danger. Not to mention that the Chinese product is a stone, even if it is the next product, it is not free to show it.

After all, in the eyes of people on the mainland of Bihai, these people who have just come from the mainland of the military are a group of weak chickens, a group of rookies, who can be arbitrarily robbed and slaughtered. Because their repair is too low.

Qin double is a special case, the martial arts repair is very high. The people who come here from the mainland of the warrior usually use most of their energy in the cultivation of the law, and the qualifications for practicing martial arts are not high, so their martial arts are very low, and the law is repaired. Naturally it will not be high. On the mainland of Bihai, it is definitely the bottom of the bottom. Such a group of weak chickens, if you take out the Lingshi, isn't a child holding gold on the street?

Therefore, the piano double wrinkled his brow and sat down to see what could be pawned on his body. At this time, Qi Qi said weakly:

"I... I have a fallen stone..."


The eyes of everyone gathered on her body, and Qi Qi’s neck could not be shrunk. The eyes of Qin double swept over others, and found that the dawn of others had beaten. This kind of beating is not greed, but a hesitation, and there is a surprise.

Seeking a monthly ticket! Ask for a ticket!

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