Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 33: Little fat man's choice


Qin double found a place to sit down, she knows that she should stabilize her sea to the extreme. As soon as I read the book, 1kanshu, I closed my eyes and began to check how much I started to absorb. Looking at the piece of the symbol that revolves around the merits, her face is full of joy, one by one, there are ninety-six characters, she knows that one of the characters is sealed with ten drops of solid solution, so With 960 drops of Gushi, together with nine drops of Gushi, which has been incorporated into her knowledge of the sea, she received a total of 969 drops of Gushi.

She knows that she can understand the sea firmly. If she puts the starter liquid out of the symbol, she will automatically integrate into the sea to stabilize the sea. When the sea is unable to withstand the integration of the solid solution, it is the ultimate endurance. . If this time, continue to integrate with the solid solution, the sea will collapse and die.

Therefore, although the integration of the Gushi liquid will have great benefits, it also has great danger. If one cannot control it, it will recognize the sea collapse and die.

Qin Double feels that the nine drops of Gushi liquid that is integrated into the sea of ​​knowledge are firmly in the sea. If you want to completely consume the nine drops of Gushi, it may take a short time. Nine drops of the starter solution were completely within her tolerance, so she was a bit boring at this time. After thinking about it, I put my hand on my mouth, as if I had wiped my mouth, but I sent a British magic flower from the storage ring, because she knew that there was a light curtain projection, and someone outside the quenching tower could see it. Inside, she doesn't want to let people know that she has a magic flower.

She did not understand the truth, so she started from the first layer of the British magic flower, is to use this method, did not reveal a trace of the magic flower. A reading book, 1kanshu·

The ninth floor restored the silence, and the silence was restored outside the tower. At this time, no one even went to the front to check, and they were all attracted by the three figures on the ninth floor of the tower.

After half an hour, Qin double wiped his mouth again, and a magic flower came into his mouth again, then her brow wrinkled slightly, because she felt that the nine drops of the starter liquid that had been integrated into the sea had been completely consumed. Clean, so I used the power of knowing the sea to touch the seal, the communication symbol, let it release a drop of solid solution.


Before she could touch the force of the sea, she saw a drop of Gushi liquid automatically dripping from a character and blending into the sea.


In the heart of the piano, I no longer want to control the solid solution, and begin to concentrate on quenching the mist.

"Xiao Zixia wants to quench the body!" Someone exclaimed outside the tower.

The ninth floor.

Xiao Zixia stood up and walked toward the circular table in the center. Then she sat there with her knees. The white jade gourd in the air hangs down again and falls on the top of the Baihui hole on Xiao Zixia's head. It is only a matter of two moments. The white gas, it seems that Xiao Zixia's body strength is no different from Sun Xiaoming. Her body was moved to the side by gasified white lotus, and it was only half an hour later, it was transmitted.

Just as soon as it fell to the ground, Xiaofei Xiaofei ran up and down, showing the way:

"Sister, sister, I have the closeness of the top grade, is it amazing?"

Xiao Zixia's cold face showed a smile, touched the head of the little fat man: "Yes, the spiritual root of the top grade, the closeness of the top grade, join the sister of Huanglu Island, do you like the road?" Huanglu Island is famous for its trails."

The elders of Huanglu Island over there listened and looked very happy. They immediately came over and said: "Zi Xia, you join Huanglu Island and enjoy the treatment of the core disciples directly, so that the younger brother can directly enjoy the treatment of the inner disciples."

The elders of Yiye Island and Snow Island were a bit savoury, but they didn’t say anything, just congratulated. Xiao Zixia also directly nodded, but did not expect that Xiaofei Xiaofei shook his head like a rattle:

"I don't go to Huanglu Island!"


Everyone could not help but look at Xiao Fei, Xiao Zixia even said his face: "Why?"

"No reason, just don't go."

"You don't say a reason today, see how I can clean you up." Xiao Zixia looks more icy.

Xiao Fei was forced by Xiao Zixia and could not help but blurt out: "I just don't want to be with you, you always force me to practice. I don't want to be with you."

"What do you say?" Xiao Zixia glared at Xiao Fei, scared Xiao Fei to shrink his head. It is the Xiao family who can’t help but laugh:

"Zi Xia, forget it. Feier has grown up. He has his way to go. He likes which island to join and which island to join."

The elders of Yiye Island and Snowless Island listened and smiled and sent an invitation to Xiao Fei. With Xiao Fei’s qualifications, it is indeed worthy of your recruitment. But the little fat man's eyes turned, making Xiao Zixia unable to help:

"Do you have a choice? If you don't have an idea, join me in Huanglu Island."

"Yes, there!" The little fat man said immediately, but the eyes were still screaming there, and it was obvious that he did not decide which force to join. Suddenly, he looked at the piano in the ninth layer of light curtains, his eyes brightened:

"Which island does the black **** join, I will join which island!"


The square caused an uproar, and all of them looked at Xiaofeizi Xiaofei eccentrically.

"This little fat man won't be watching the black girl?"

"That's really dark enough!"

“Xiao Fei’s taste is very unique!”

"Don't say that if it is not so dark, it is really a beauty."

"Yes, it is indeed a black beauty."


Seeing that his father and sister also looked at him with strange eyes, Xiao Fei’s forehead shed sweat and hurriedly waved:

"No, no! I don't mean that."

"Bad boy, what do you mean?" Xiao family's "squeaky" sound, and took a slap on Xiao Fei's head.

"I... I... I just think she is very good, can absorb so much of the initial solution, so the vision must be good."

The more the little fat man said, the more he felt that his reasons were sufficient, he did not stutter, and he said with confidence:

"So, I think it should be true to look at her choices. Yes, that's right."

The Xiao family looked at the piano doubles in the ninth layer of light curtains, and calculated the qualifications of the piano pair. It feels that the piano pair will definitely choose one of the three islands. It doesn't matter if Xiao Fei joins which island. Moreover, he is also very fond of this son, otherwise he will not let Xiao Fei not practice, and go all day to encourage the circuit, so he nodded:


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