Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 47: Awkward position



Qinshuang’s right foot squats on the ground, and the ground under his feet sinks downwards and begins to crack around. The shape of the piano pair has already rushed toward the opposite side of Ji Tianming.

When Ji Tianming thought about it, he saw a shield spurting out of his storage bag and blocking it in front of her.


The piano double bombarded the shield with the force of the second layer of Emperor Wu. The shield only shook a little, and completely blocked the power of the piano.

The eyes of the piano are not confined, and the grade of this shield is not low.

At the same time, I saw Ji Tianming's hand reaching for a big tree in the courtyard. The leaves of the tree fell off and then gathered together to turn into a green sword. The piano doubled down.

The long sword held by the right hand of the piano still did not move, and the left hand clenched the fist and slammed it toward the long sword that had fallen.


The green long sword smashed and turned into leaves.


Qinqin once again slammed the earth, the figure has come to Ji Tianming's body, and the left fist bombarded the shield again. This Qin double has released the power of the ontology to the sixth floor of the Emperor Wu, which is the strength of the Emperor Wu.


A loud bang, the shield was bombarded by the piano and flew out, hitting Ji Tianming's chest. Ji Tianming, who did not react at all, only felt that his chest was boring, and his body’s armor had begun to crack. His face changed and his figure quickly retreated. At the same time, the shield was closed, and a flying sword came out of the body. No longer dared to retain a little strength. The flying sword towed the streamer and stabbed the piano.

At the same time, I was afraid after a while, if I didn’t release the defensive spell first, and built the Aoki armor, my body would be blown up by the endless punch of the moon.


Qin double will have a long sword in his hand, blocking the sharp thorn of the flying sword, but the flying sword is like a streamer, constantly changing the direction, facing the piano double thorn, smashing, cutting, smashing, picking...

Qin double-handed holding a long-sword long sword, blocking every attack of Ji Tianming outside, his eyes have been locked in Ji Tianming, his body shape constantly, and quickly pushed to Ji Tianming. In that season, Tianming did not dare to draw closer to the piano, and kept moving away from the piano. He used the flying sword to attack the piano double.

Both sides moved very fast, pulling out two afterimages in the space. Look at the scene is the piano double chase, Ji Tianming is at large, as if Ji Tianming fell in the wind. However, Ji Tianming’s flying sword is attacking the piano double at all times. The speed of the attack is already as fast as the streamer. In the eyes of the people around him, there are thousands of flying around the body of the piano that is being pursued. The sword attacked her in general, forming a light group made up of Jianguang, shrouded the body shape of the piano.

"This is the disadvantage of the warrior!" A monk said faintly: "Our law repairs can attack the warrior at will, but the warrior has no ability to counterattack. You see, the quarter brothers only have to open the distance with endless, endless only to fall in passive The situation of beatings."

"Yes! Yes!" The people around him are echoing: "Our law is like a voyage of nine days, and a warrior is like a trapped beast. There is simply no comparison between the two."

Qin double is still chasing Ji Tianming calmly, even she did not use all her strength. With her cultivation, if the full force is used, the speed of Ji Tianming is not the opponent of Qin double. Qin double wants to catch up with Ji Tianming, but it is an instant thing.

She was quietly observing Ji Tianming. The battle that took place in Yangyou City ended too fast, and she did not have a clear understanding of the law. Ji Tianming gave her a rare opportunity.

Ten minutes of time passed, Ji Tianming's figure floated around the venue in an elegant manner, and the sword pointed out constantly, and the piano was shrouded in a group of Jianguang.

However, the double look of the piano in Jianguang was extremely calm, and the dawn finally showed a trace. She finally had a relatively clear understanding of the law repair here.

The monks here are in a very awkward position, they are different from the monks of the mainland and the antlers. Monks on the mainland of the Cangwu and the antlers of the antlers can fight for themselves without constructing a defense to protect themselves. Instead, they use all the cultivations for attack, because their physical strength is the same as their own cultivation, and even some human beings. The intensity is still more than your own spiritual power.

But before the battle, the monks had to build a defense for themselves because their bodies were too weak. The result is that their power to know the sea is divided into two parts, one for attack and the other for defense. The result is a monk on the mainland of the celestial continent and the antlers. If you can maintain the peak state for two quarters of an hour, the monks here can only remain for a quarter of an hour or even less. And as time goes by, both the power of attack and defense will decline.

"It seems that this is also the reason why the law repairs here have been unable to return to the mainland of the warriors. They cannot fight for a long time."

Already have an understanding of the piano double, naturally do not want to continue. The sword in the hand was weak, and the flying sword of Ji Tianming was disintegrated. The sword group was blown out of a gap. The speed of the piano doubled up, doubled before, and it has already come. To Ji Tianming's front, a fist was quickly enlarged in his eyes.

At this time, whether he wants to recall the flying sword or the shield is too late. Only by mobilizing the power of knowing the sea, communicating the aura of heaven and earth, and injecting the heaven and earth aura into the Aoki armor that I built, at the same time, I will use my speed to the extreme and fly back toward the rear.


Qin double's left fist bombarded on Ji Tianming's front chest, Aoki armor was broken, Ji Tianming was bombarded and landed on the ground, and then stepped back three steps, to stabilize the body shape, but It is a change of face. Because he found that he was only crushed by the Aoki armor, the body did not suffer any damage.

What does this mean?

This shows that the strength of Qin double is far higher than him, and this can be so accurate. The heart can't help but see, is it true that the warriors on the mainland are so strong?

No wonder we have only been able to retreat overseas!

At this moment, there was a trace of frustration in his heart. To the double look of the piano, dazzlingly:

"Thanks to the endless teachers and sisters."

"The season is very polite!" Qin double politely returned.

At this time, the eyes of the monks around and looking at the piano double have become different. And there is also a hint of embarrassment in the eyes.

Will the military in the warrior continent be so strong?

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