Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 56: Shocked by Qin double


Wanzhongshan saw the piano double eyes open, could not help but breathe a sigh of relief, immediately shortened the distance of the imperial spirit. The other five people also breathed a sigh of relief, and the black scorpion wiped the sweat of his forehead:

"Endless, you are finally awake, or you will be exhausted by my old bones."

"Thank you!" Qin said with a touch of emotion.

"Nothing!" Wuhua said awkwardly: "The strength of these monsters is not strong, but the remote spirits consume too much. Right, endless, what do you realize?"

In the heart of the piano, he was hesitant to tell the truth, and he heard that Wanshanshan replied:

"Urban brother, don't ask if you don't ask, what is the endless comprehension is his chance."

"I..." Ugly’s face showed a sigh of color: "I just asked, but I don’t want to endlessly. If I say it, I can’t use what she understands."

The mouth of the piano is not to be smoked. Wusong is talking about it. The things that the piano double comprehends are really useless to him. It is only useful to the monks in the refining period. The mood of the excitement just disappeared, and I didn’t think it was precious. After thinking a little, I was ready to say half, and said the first nine layers of the first stage of the exercises. As for the second stage, the nine layers of exercises were waiting. I went to Luo Fuzong to see the situation. So, his face showed a smile:

"The practice I have learned is really useless to the elders of Uzbekistan. It is not useful to elders. It is useless to monks above the base period. It is only useful to monks in the refining period. It is no big deal."

There is nothing unexpected about the Qin double's statement. After all, Qin double is only a monk in the refining period. If you comprehend the practice of building the base period or above, it is a hell. Seeing that Qin double did not care about his own comprehension, Wanshan’s face was slow:

"Endless, what do you comprehend? If you can say it, let us know."

"Nothing can't be said!" Qin said with a smile: "Understanding a skill that is equivalent to quenching the tower, it can quench the mist of the monk during the refining period to the first layer."


Qin did not think that Wanzhongshan was a shocked appearance, and several other people were also the same.

Qin double was shocked by their shocked appearance, and nodded:


"Can you give it to Zongmen? Zongmen will not want your practice, and will definitely exchange it with you." Wanzhongshan looked forward to Qinqin.

The piano nodded twice. Since it was said, Qin double did not think of concealing it again, even if the first stage of the practice was spoken out. After listening to the mouth of the piano, the six people have their own moments of ecstasy, immersed in the deduction and trial, even the driving of the shogun is no exception, and the five people in Wanzhongshan are even more excessive, and they have forgotten to kill the Red Sea. Wicked beasts, their spirits are floating in the air, letting those monsters come closer to you.

The piano double looks like a glimpse. At this time, there is already a red monster that rushes to the place where they are less than ten meters away from the piano. There is a lizard head, a python body, and the piano does not know what it is.


Qin double took out the long sword from the storage ring, and a sword stabbed out toward the monster, and a fire shadow emerged from her sword tip, and then turned into a fire lotus, and fell to the head of the monster. . It is the sword skill that Qin Double has just cultivated soon.

Fire lotus: a lotus.

The fire lotus roots are cultivated to the extreme, and they can make nine lotuses in one sword. Only Qinqin has just cultivated and can only pierce a lotus.


That lotus swiftly landed on the head of the monster, the head of the monster was broken and the body sank into the sea, accompanied by the shouting of the piano pair:

"You don't care anymore! If you are an elder, you have to go into the whirlpool."

While shouting, the double side of the piano continually stabbed a sword and another sword. One after another, the fire lotus fell on the head of a monster, and the roar of the earthquake broke out. The waves were shaken and the red waves lined up. air.

Six people in Wanzhongshan were awakened by the stern scorpion of Qinshuang, and they saw the savage beasts around them. The old face could not help but red, and the sorcerer began to kill the monsters, and the squad was even shy. Going to see the piano pair, hurriedly rushed away from the whirlpool and headed for the front.

At this time, because Qinqin has already awakened from the epiphany, it is not necessary for the five people in Wanzhongshan to attack the spirits remotely, but to put the monsters in front of them. However, even so, because the previous five people consumed too much, it was a little difficult at this time.

Qin Double quickly discovered the pale look of five of them in Wanzhong Mountain. They spit in a sputum and said with anger:

"If it weren't for this strange gravity, I would kill all these monsters in one stroke."

Wanzhongshan’s face showed a bitter smile. How could he not know this truth? Under this gravity, their weaknesses are exposed thoroughly, and the weaker body is subjected to this gravity, which gives them great pressure. Not to mention fighting, just sitting there and not moving, will continue to consume physical strength.

The piano double shook his head, even if they realized the law to the extreme, but is such a fragile body really an authentic avenue?

At this moment, Qin Shuang’s heart is more determined to be a martial art.

However, at this time, she did not have the energy to think about it. She saw that the faces of the six people became pale, and the piano doubles no longer stood by, dancing the sword, piercing a blossoming lotus, sharing the Wanshan and others. pressure. At the same time, the heart of the fire lotus roots flowing in the heart, comprehend the second layer of the fire lotus root, two lotus.


I don't know how long it took, and the shout of joy from Juqing made the piano pair immersed in the fire lotus sorrow awake, and looked up. As soon as I saw it, there was an island. Although six people in Wanzhongshan were extremely exhausted, they still insisted on fighting to the edge of the island. Everyone struggling to jump and landed on the island. Juqing also took up the shackles. The eyes looked around and there was no monster. It’s around, but there’s still a beast from the depths of the island.

"Elder elders, you will adjust your interest rate. I will protect the law for you."

Everyone saw that the piano double did not have much consumption, and could not help but sigh the body of the warrior, but let the piano double be responsible for the warning. Wanzhongshan and others were not too worried. However, Wanzhong Mountain is still a pair of lyrics. If you find a monster, don't act arbitrarily. Just wake them up. Qinqin naturally nodded. Six people in Wanzhongshan swallowed the drug and immediately began to adjust the interest rate.

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