Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 64: Fast sword


Seeing this smile, Wanzhongshan’s heart instinctively felt a little uneasy.

Huo Ran turned to look at the piano and saw that there was a ghost behind the piano double. A ghost claw was inserted into the top of the piano.


Wuhuan and others heard the screaming of Wanzhongshan, but they did not turn to Huoran, and the face showed a stunned color.


Just as the six elders were ready to put aside the ghosts and rescued them, they saw that the dark space shone brightly, like a lightning bolt piercing the dark sky.


The piano did not turn around, nor did it change the sitting position. The left hand still moved the strings, but the right hand held the long sword and the ghost behind him would go.

It stands to reason that in the sitting position of the piano double, the backhand waving the sword to the back will be very difficult. However, she has cultivated the second layer of exercises of the forged jade, not only the muscles and the tendons, but also the bones have become full of resilience, and even can be distorted, completely without any hindrance, as if facing the ghost will wave the sword general. Moreover, the speed of the sword is extremely fast, and the sword shadow can not be seen at all. Only a group of light can be seen, and the ghost will be smashed into pieces by the piano.


Just for a moment, the piano doubles the sword into the sheath, and both hands move the strings at the same time. The eyes of six people in Wanzhongshan are full of shock. They have a feeling that if they are brought close to the piano, they may not be able to stop the piano.

"Don't let the juniors see our jokes and kill the ghosts."

Wanzhongshan snorted and saw the Wusong and other people of the Qinshuang type of fast sword. At this time, there were some hangs on their faces, and they broke out the final potential of their own people, and they bombarded the ghosts.

The ghost behind the piano double will once again condense the body, but this time the body has become a lot of illusion, no longer the original solid appearance.


The ghost that just condensed will have a ray of light again, and the light will disappear instantly. It’s just that the ghost’s body has turned into pieces.


There was a roar of noise in front, and the ghost master was finally wiped out. There was a fist-sized ghost in the air. Wanzhongshan reached out and took the ghost and grabbed it in his hand, then looked at the piano and looked at it.

When Qin Qin saw that the ghost master had been eliminated, he took a long sigh of relief and put away the Cui Liuqin. He stood up and looked at the ghost that was slowly condensing behind him. At this time, the ghost will be strangled several times by the piano, the damage is too large, and now only the strength of the ghost.

Qin double squint looked at the ghost who had not completely condensed, and thought about it for a moment. I remembered the power of the six elders of the elders, and the figure retreated backwards, and the mind was moving, the semicircle The blade comes out of the storage ring and circling around the body of the piano.

At the same time, the ghost will finally condense out of the body again.

"go with!"

The piano double sticks out the food and the ghost will lighten it, and the semi-circular blade will roar away. The ghost that has just formed a cohesive will not respond at all, and it will be cut on the head by the semi-circular blade.


A golden sound, the semi-circular blade was bounced back, and the ghost's figure swayed, and did not step back. Then the ghost will turn around and run, flickering, and disappear into the dark space.

Qin double stupidly stared at the direction in which the ghost would disappear.

"Hello hahaha"

Seeing the dumb look of the piano, the six elders could not help but laugh. A refining monk, holding a ritual, wants to kill a ghost that is reduced to a ghost

Are you sure you are joking?

The piano double reached out and grabbed the semi-circular blade, looked down and grabbed his head.

Wu Yuqiang endured the smile and came to the front of the Qin double, and stretched out his hand and vigorously took a look at the shoulders of the piano pair:

"You only have the refining period, and this month's fine wheel is just a weapon. But your martial arts are very strong."

Qin’s face is not red, she knows that she is looking at herself, and she will put the semi-circular blade in her head:

"This instrument is called the moon wheel?"

“Yeah!” Wuhua nodded. “When you wait for the Zongmen, you can choose a tool that suits you. The Moon Wheel may not be suitable for you.”

"Yeah!" Qin nodded and said: "I still like to use the sword."

At this time, the five elders of Wanzhongshan also came to the front of the Qinshuang, Wanshanshan sighed at the Qin Double Road:

"Your martial arts plus your voice, no wonder you will kill the Yuan Ying period monks. However, after coming to the Zongmen, you still have to concentrate on practicing the Fa."

"Yes! The disciple understands."

"Well, let's hurry and adjust. In a short time, it should be calm."

Seven people immediately sat down on their knees, and they took out the medicinal herbs and swallowed them.

This time the rate adjustment is very long, and the piano is no exception. When the moon rose to the sky, seven people opened their eyes. Wusong looked at Wanzhongshan Road:

"Master, do we have to wait until dawn?"

Wanzhongshan slightly indulged: "Or act now, this island is really weird, stay a little longer, maybe you will encounter unexpected things happening."

Six people stood up and still protected the piano in the middle, but after seeing the strength of the martial arts of the piano, the mentality of the six elders relaxed a lot. After all, Qin double is no longer a person who has no ability to protect himself.

The people did not walk fast, and they continued to move forward at the speed of the previous ones, watching the surroundings with caution. The black scorpion glanced around and suppressed the voice:

"Wan, brother, I don't think that I will be a pro-disciple directly. There is no problem with her strength."

Wanzhongshan shook his head: "Our side is the land of law. After all, the strength of the martial arts is the realm of the pro-disciplinary disciples, but the realm of the martial arts at that time, and the realm of the illegal Tao. Can not convince the pro-disciples. And to become a pro-disciple, there is a sect of the sect. This rule can not be destroyed, the rules are the roots of the sect. So, we can only give the treatment of endless pro-disciples, she still has to start from the outer door."

Having said that, Wanzhongshan smiled easily: "With endless qualifications, you must become an inner disciple within two years. You should be a core disciple within ten years. You may become a true pro-disciple in a hundred years. An excellent The disciple still has to rise from tempering. The environment is not necessarily good for her. Endless, after you go to the sect, the most important thing is to quench the fog to the second level. Before the fog is quenched to the second layer, you must not build a matrix and break through the foundation."

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