Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 66: a sword


I saw that the body of Wanzhongshan and others did not change. Turning his head and looking at the blackbird beside him, it was just that, just

Qin double's heart jumped.

The eyes of Wuhuan have been somewhat distracted, which is a sign of loss of God.

"Urban elders!" Qin doubled.

Wuhuan did not react at all, but just walked mechanically forward.

"Eternal elders!" Qin double shouted to Wanzhongshan.

Wanzhongshan suddenly stopped, which made the piano double in the heart. It seems that the elders did not have an accident, and then he felt that it was wrong, because Wusong and others also stopped. The face of Qin double changed, and his body shape swept away. He rushed out from the middle and stood in front of Wanzhong Mountain, and his heart sank into the bottom of the valley. At this time, Wanzhong Mountain is also a look of disappointment.

"Million elders!"



The double voice of the piano shouted, and the voice quickly disappeared in this dark wood. The face of Wanzhong Mountain suddenly showed a very strange smile, as if it was a very enjoyable smile, just here. In this kind of environment, this kind of smile is exposed, which makes people feel hairy.

Qin double took a deep breath and forced his mind to stabilize. His eyes looked toward the six people, looking from head to toe.

Suddenly, her brows were picked and her face was stunned. She found a slender rhizome from the feet of the six elders. The roots entwined the feet of the six elders, and then the calves. Wherever they were entangled, they became dark trunks.

Qinqin quickly looked down at his feet and saw that his two feet had now become dark wood. Suddenly running the phoenix treasure book, the spiritual power of the body poured into the foot.


A black gas flew out of the piano, but more rhizomes entangled toward the piano's feet. The piano double evades quickly, and the roots of the fine hairs are like a small dragon, and they are chasing after the piano. On both sides of the piano, they avoided the dragon-like roots and looked toward the six elders. They saw that the roots had spread over the knees of the six elders and were spreading toward the thighs.

"How to do?"

The piano doubled while avoiding the pursuit of the rhizome, while thinking anxiously. She does not think that once she loses the six elders, she can walk out of this red sea alone.

"Long Fengming!"

Qin double suddenly remembered that Long Fengming seemed to have an engraving for the ghosts. He immediately took out the Cui Liuqin, and did not care about the slender roots and dragons. He sat on the floor and placed the Cui Liuqin on his knees. stand up.

As soon as Long Fengming’s movement rang, he saw the slender roots that had spread to her knees. With the expansion of the music, the slender roots burst like a circle, and soon spread. The area where the six elders are located.

At this time, the thighs of the six elders have been turned into dark trunks, but they were rushed by Long Fengming, and a trace of black gas rose from the legs of the six elders, and the six elders lost their eyes. Gradually recovered the Qingming. Then they found out their own situation and also saw the piano pair playing Long Fengming.

After all, they are all big monks, and they are deeply immersed in such situations, but there is no slight confusion. Six people immediately ran their own exercises, and a spiritual force perfused to the legs, expelling the slender roots, and gradually regaining their legs.

Six people quickly came to the front of the Qin double, and then looked around, and then Wu Hao and other five people looked at Wanzhongshan again. Wan Gushan’s gaze looked ahead, and he said:

"Looking at the younger brother, you will release it, let the endless play on it, and we will move on."

Juqing immediately released the cockroach and zoomed in the air. Then Wanshanshan reached out and grabbed it. He took the piano double volley and placed it in the raft. The five people surrounded Juqing and Qin double in the middle and walked toward the front.

The dragon and the phoenix with the double playing of the piano, the people have never been affected by that strange sound, and the dragon and phoenix's movement has been far out of the way, so that every dark tree is shaken, giving a kind of stern The sound of ghosts.


In front of the dark woods, suddenly a piece of Sen Han Jianman volleyed. Wan Lishan's five distracted monks looked like a sudden change, and the power of that sword gave them a fatal crisis. The five men almost sacrificed their own spirits at the same time, and together they greeted the sword light.


A huge impact sound, five spirits were bombarded by Jianguang and flew back. Wanzhongshan and other five people squirted a blood tidy up and slid out. Although the sword light has weakened a lot, it is still straight to the piano.

When the enemy slammed the finger, the squat under the piano doubled backwards and turned the bottom to the Jianguang.


With a single impact, the cockroach was blasted out, and across the raft, the piano was not spurted by the nose and mouth. There was a sword mark at the bottom of the scorpion, so that the **** of the real estate was wounded, and the nose and nose spurted blood.

The piano was double-bone, and turned over and sat on the ground. The hands quickly stroking the strings, and the sound of Longfengming quickly spread to the place where Jianmang came. At this time, the Qin double has no reservations. The soul of the sixth layer of Wu Sheng is completely infused in Long Fengming.


There was a cry in front, the first half was like a man shouting, and the second half was like a ghost.

Wanzhongshan fell again in front of the Qinshuang, and the other five people also instantly fell around the Qinshuang. Wanzhongshan condenses:

"You are waiting here, I am going to see what is going on in front?"

"Slow!" Qin double hurriedly opened.

At this time, Wanzhongshan did not regard Qinqin as a junior. On this road, Qinqin saved them more than once. Although he did not regard Qinqin as a peer, he also respected Qinqin. Therefore, when the piano double opened, he paused and looked at the piano pair.

"Eternal elders, it is too dangerous for you to go alone. Let's go together."

The look of the elders changed a bit, and eventually nodded, because he knew that in this forest, it was not their six elders who could play a decisive role, but the sound of Qin double.

Juqing once again put the money into the raft, Qinqin kept playing Longfengming, and the seven men went deep into the woods again.

This time they tightened their nerves, and the spirits circled around their bodies, carefully. The sound of people and ghosts whispered in front of me, as if a person and a ghost were competing for something. From the feeling, it seemed that the person gradually occupied the upper hand, and there was no sword light. Soon after they walked, they suddenly stopped.

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