Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 68: Transmit



In the dark woods, the man was still screaming, but the voice was getting lower and lower, gradually becoming inaudible, and eventually there was no sound.


Wanzhongshan and the back of the piano double spurted out a blood at the same time. The illusion of Wanshan’s consciousness disappeared, his face became extremely pale, and his eyes became sad and depressed because he found his purple house. The sea lotus that he worked so hard to cultivate has begun to wither, and even another lotus flower has cracked. His heart is very clear, not only is it difficult to get in the future, but it will not be able to work with people in the next few decades or even in a hundred years. In other words, perhaps in a hundred years, he is like a waste.

"Working hard!"

Suddenly there was a voice coming from the head, and Wanzhongshan looked up and saw a pair of clear-eyed elders looking down at him.

"Before...predecessors..." Wanzhongshan saw the power of the people in his consciousness. He saw him talking to himself at this time, how can he not be nervous.

Not only was he nervous, but Qin and so on also almost jumped up from the ground and looked at the man with caution.

“A long time?” The man’s eyes swept over him, and his eyes showed a sad color: “Hundred Flowers Island has become a ghost prison?”

The heart of the piano is a move. The original big island is called Baihua Island. Since it is called Baihua Island, you can imagine the beauty of the ancient times.

But now, it has become a ghost prison.

The man looked at Qin Shuang and others, then took back his eyes and looked at Wanzhongshan Road:

“How long has it been like this?”

Wanzhongshan shook his head in a difficult way: "I don't know, but according to legend, the war between the Terran and the Yaozu in ancient times has passed hundreds of thousands of years."

"Hundreds of thousands of years?" The grief in the eyes of the people became more and more intense.


"Don't worry!" The man whispered: "The original and the four big slayers killed, although they killed two big demons in the same realm, and hit two, but my **** also completely collapsed, but there was a residue. I don’t know what Baihua Island has experienced in the end. My body has not only not decayed, but has been attacked by ghosts and turned into a ghost. I have been refining the ghosts and being refined. I will become a real ghost. If you say it, you will have to pay for it. If you don’t come, it will take another year for me to be refining."

Having said that, her eyes looked at Qin Shuangdao: "The sound of this little girl is very powerful, thanks to you, thank you."

Qin double hurriedly prayed: "The younger generation does not dare, can give a little strength to the predecessors, is the honor of the younger generation. I do not know the predecessors in the ancient times is the honor?"

The color of the person’s eyes appeared in the eyes, and then he shook his head gently: “Forget it, you don’t know if you say it. Don’t say it. What is your name?”

"The younger generation is endless!"

When Qinqin just fell, he saw that the man’s eyes were shining like two small suns. At that moment, the piano had a feeling of being completely seen by that person, as if there was no trace in front of that person. secret.

"Not bad!" The man nodded with a smile: "Your qualification is very good, have you cultivated the iron body forging?"

“Iron body forging?” Qin double shook his head and said: “No, the younger generation is forging jade.”

"Forging jade?" The man slightly frowned and said: "Isn't it a body forging?"


"No, this is clearly a piece of iron body forging! You can practice it again."


Qinqin knew that he had encountered the opportunity, and he collected the Cui Liuqin and practiced the thirty-six movements of the two layers of forged jade from the beginning to the end. When the piano doubled, the man nodded:

"Yes, this is the iron body forging, I did not expect the descendants to give the name of a forged jade."

"Iron forging body is forging jade?" Qin double looked at the man with surprise.

“Yeah!” The man nodded. “This set of forged body is my own. It is divided into four layers. The first layer is the iron body forging body, the second layer is the copper body forging body, the third. The layer is silver forged body 诀, the fourth layer is eternal gold body. However, I just created the first three layers, the fourth layer of eternal gold body is just a kind of deduction of me, and it is only a derivative. In my imagination, if the fourth layer is cultivated successfully, the flesh will be immortal, so I will be called the eternal golden body. I only cultivated the third layer to the peak before my birth, but the flesh also has the realm of immortality. Otherwise, I will not dare to fight the four big demons in the same realm as me by one person alone."

Having said that, the man looked at Qin Double Road: "Your voice has helped me suppress the ghost, you and I are also a good relationship, today I will pass this forging practice to you."

When the words fell, his eyes shot a light, which was transmitted through the eyebrows of the piano. A message appeared in the mind of Qin Shuang, and the piano was immersed in the comprehension of the practice.

The six people in Wanzhongshan looked at Qinshuang’s eyes full of envy, but there was no embarrassment in my heart. Because they are not interested in forging, they don't have the time and energy to cultivate the body. Therefore, the forging exercises are like chicken ribs for them, and they are tasteless and a pity.

The man’s gaze fell to Wanzhongshan, and the color of appreciation appeared in his eyes: “You can have the mind to help me to suppress the ghosts. You and I are also a good friend. Now I have only this sacred knowledge. It is impossible to regenerate, and I have no intention of staying in time, I will give you a chance. You should not resist."

When the words fall, the eyebrows of that person will transmit a golden light, which is continuously poured into the eyebrows of Wanzhongshan.

"This is... knowing the sea!"

In the heart of Juqing and others, this method of transmission is a source of consumption, forcing another person to cultivate. This has a very big harm to the party that passes the power.

Wanzhongshan felt the power of a sly **** to enter his own sea of ​​knowledge, began to repair his own sea lotus, withered and cracked sea lotus quickly repaired, when the sea lotus was completely repaired, then The power of the gods continues to infuse his literary lotus, making his sea lotus more and more solid, and his cultivation is constantly improving...

About half an hour later.

The man disconnected his knowledge of the sea and looked at Wanshan’s grateful eyes: “Now your cultivation has been forcibly promoted to the peak of the distraction period, but it is not stable enough. The next month, you will stay. Here, you are in a good position."

Seeking a monthly ticket! Ask for a ticket!

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